this post was submitted on 06 Nov 2024
19 points (91.3% liked)

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After the latest failure of the Democratic party I have no confidence that they'll turn it around any time soon. We need a party with some actual policy recommendations that people can get behind. Simple solutions that the average voter can understand.. Here's my suggestions, and I'd love to know your opinions on what would be good here.

  1. Tax the rich

    The top marginal tax rate during the golden age of american prosperity was 60-90%. It's currently 37%

    Fix the loopholes billionares and corporations are using to hide their money and gain those taxes back

    Given all the shenanigans the rich can do to hide their money, capital gains and alternative minimum taxes also need to increase

  2. Strengthen regulations on corporations

    It's time to bring back trust busting, our anti-trust regulations have gotten too lax and corporations are doing whatever they want.

    Protect unionization attempts. We have some strong union protections that are completely being ignored and companies need to be held accountable for closing branches that attempt to unionize.

    Take stronger stances to prevent regulatory capture of vital protective agencies

    Too big to fail means too big to exist. Corporate bailouts should come with buying out a stake in the company or controlling it outright.

  3. Housing and Cost of Living

    Everyday essentials are outpacing our income. Housing costs have skyrocketed to be unattainable for just about anyone. Corporate interests and investment groups should not be gobbling up our single family housing supply just to sit on them as assets and bleed people by continually raising the rent. Add an exception to this for new development especially for multitenant buildings to encourage the continued growth of the housing supply.

  4. Get money out of politics

    Ban government insider trading. Members of Congress should not be able to trade individual stocks. Broad market funds are fine but no more directly profiting off of legislative actions.

    Reverse Citizens United. Corporate bribery needs to be limited

  5. Simplify the Tax Code

    Other countries are way ahead of us here, they do the math and send the check. No need to keep things complicated just to keep the accountants busy and TurboTax happy.

  6. Legalize Marijuana

    For a single issue party this is a little outside the scope, but it's a broadly popular position that would also increase tax revenue and decrease expense of prosecuting such a minor crime

Things not to focus on:

Ignore the culture war stuff. It's the billionaire's way of scaring moderates and dividing leftists. Trans athletes are what, like a dozen people at most. I'm sorry for the people this directly affects but it's better to not move forward than to keep moving backwards. Ideally we take a libertarian stance of keeping the government from meddling in people's personal lives.

Global policy. Look we need to maintain our alliances and trade agreements, but it's time for america to look inward and fix itself before it starts playing world police again.

Environment. This one is difficult, but it just wasn't a key factor in recent elections. As with global policy we should continue what we can (ie the Paris Climate accord) but let other countries lead the way on solutions and technology for this and come in and benefit when we can.

Forming a new party is difficult and incredibly costly. It would take the hard work of thousands of people across the country, and odds are it will just steal some democratic votes and amount to nothing. So this is all merely hypothetical, but I wanted to get people's thoughts on it

all 14 comments
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[–] toomanypancakes 15 points 3 months ago (1 children)

American voters don't care about policy or political nuance. You can have good policies or literally objectively awful policies, it doesn't matter. You need to just say you're going to give people more money in their pocket and get rid of the people they don't like, then you can do whatever the fuck you want after you get elected. Americans as a group are uneducated, selfish, panicky animals.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

Biden did tons of things for people and nobody gave a shit. Half the stuff they attacked him for, he actually made dramatically better, and no one even knows it happened. Kamala didn’t have a chance to do anything, and they still attacked her for all the stuff Biden supposedly did, and it worked.

Also, the guy they elected did every single wrong they you can possibly do, on purpose, and plans to do 10 times worse now.

Claiming that the problem is what the politicians do is missing the point of what actually needs to get solved. You could have Bernie Sanders with Abraham Lincoln and FDR controlling him like Ratatouille and he would still lose to zombie Eichmann if Twitter told everybody that Bernie made the Mideast unstable and it’s totally all his fault, and Eichmann will finally bring down inflation (he won’t).

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I don't think the issue was failing to turn out enough voters, as per

What happened is that it seems the majority (the popular vote count still being tallied as I write this) voted for the exact opposite of the policies you outlined here. What I cannot fathom is why.

[–] headingtofall 9 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Independents and Republicans turned out, from what I heard Democratic turnout was lower that 2020, but perhaps that year was an anomaly. You're right though, the fact that the child molester rapist convicted felon dementia patient won the popular vote gives me no hope at all. Not sure how you come back from that.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

2020 probably was an anomaly due to the pandemic and such.

I think what happened is that former Dems ended up registering as independents or even switched sides, and that's what drove up the higher turnout numbers for those groups. (But...why?)

Well, there's still some hope if Dems re-take the House. We'll see, I guess.

[–] esc27 6 points 3 months ago

I had a long post typed up about how they need to focus first on branding and messaging, but i take that back, because I remembered this:,_stupid

"It’s the economy, stupid." Carville was a strategist in Bill Clinton's successful 1992 U.S. presidential election against incumbent George H. W. Bush. His phrase was directed at the campaign's workers and intended as one of three messages for them to focus on. The others were "Change vs. more of the same" and "Don't forget health care."

The Harris campaign failed at least two of those three. If they had successfully addressed them all, she'd be president.

[–] FlashMobOfOne 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

They just need to be able to afford to miss a day of work. That's it.

[–] ChilledPeppers 6 points 3 months ago

Make voting day a obligatory paid vacation day (that doesnt count to the yearly thing). Thats what we do here in Brazil ( voting here is mandatory)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

A 1 in 5 chance to win a new iphone.

[–] Tehdastehdas 2 points 3 months ago

Indeed bribery and vote buying are widely accepted. Get with the times or get left behind.

[–] Tehdastehdas 2 points 3 months ago

Good list. Install it to the Democratic party.

About environment "let other countries lead the way" - un-American. China leads envirotech and look at their economy.

[–] jordanlund 1 points 3 months ago

Universal Vote By Mail.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 3 months ago

Þıŋk v Geıb Nuėl'z feımu̇ſ qot. "Puırėſı z'n ė kriminėl prȯblėm, it'z æn ækſeſ prȯblėm."

spoilerThink of Gabe Newell's famous quote. "piracy isn't a criminal problem, it's an access problem."

Æt ðiſ poınt Uı bilıv vot slækıŋ z mu̇tc ð ſeım ſoṙt v prȯblėm. Ƿ nıd t impliment ė ſiſtėm ðæt z ſ ėgreſiv ėbaut getıŋ ð ȯpṙtunitı t Y, it kæn ıvin get t litcrėlı teıkıŋ ð bælėt bȯkſ t Y.

spoilerAt this point I believe vote slacking is much thr same sort of problem. We need to implement a system that is so aggressive about getting the opportunity to you, it can even get to literally taking the ballot box to you.

Mu̇nþ lȯŋ votıŋ pırıėd, yunivṙſėl meıl in bælėt ækſeſ, evrı fruıdeı v ð votıŋ pırıėd z ė næcėnėl hȯlideı, æ polz aṙ opin 8 AM t 8 PM, kėmplıt wið BBQ æ feıṙz. Aſ, elekcėnz aṙ a foṙſ haṙmėnuızd t ð 4þ yıṙ.

spoilerMonth long voting period, universal mail in ballot access, every friday of the voting period is a national holiday, and polls are lpen 8 AM to 8 PM, complete with BBQ and fairs. Also elections are all force harmonized to the 4th year.

Mækſimu̇m ȯpṙtunitı, mækſimu̇m ėtencėn.

spoilerMaximum opportunity, maximum attention.

Ðeıṙ z quıt ė lȯt moṙ, b ðæt'z wėt kæn bı dėn bifoṙ Ƿ ſtaṙt tȯkıŋ ėbaut implimentıŋ SÐȮR votıŋ.

spoilerThere is quite a lot more, but that's what can be done before we start talking about implementing STAR voting.