I'm on team making it colder
It's wild to me that you guys actually read this shit. Do you care at all where the "savings" are coming from, is there that little empathy here?
Definitely don't trust the US population, we're pretty much all stupid and selfish.
Well, plant based. Vegans care about animals.
I'd rather be lonely than married to a rapist, personally. I'd take single over a conservative any day.
Hope it's a good wine, that sounds lovely
It was a wolf penis in my fanfic
Alabama went to trump. Every person who voted for trump wants me and people like me gone, either passively or directly.
Anyone who is stuck there and not in favor of what's happening I feel bad for. Not the rest.
I adore the bit where they're talking about woody and tinny words. I still describe words as such, it's perfect.
These people want people like me dead or gone. They are not fellow citizens, they are clear and present threats.
Which words did his government ban again?
I do love a good snuggle 💜