Big rainbow capitalism in June, but worried about "Brands align their ads with content that reflects their brand values." dollars the rest of the year.
Sorry my existence does not align with brand values. That must be really rough for you Twitch.
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
Big rainbow capitalism in June, but worried about "Brands align their ads with content that reflects their brand values." dollars the rest of the year.
Sorry my existence does not align with brand values. That must be really rough for you Twitch.
I guess we have reached a social austerity phase of oligarchy.
The two genders, white cishet male and political.
I explained the concept of there being the two genders of "cis-male" and "political" to one of my professors at a religious university and he was actually interested to hear me out on it because he had never thought of it in that paradigm. I'm absolutely not saying that everyone can be convinced, but some people can be nudged in the right direction if you have a good rapport with them.
Most of the time, people change their minds when they see the source as coming from their in-group. If your professor respected you, they're more likely to listen to you. If they see you as some damn hippy out-group, it doesn't matter how many facts or studies or testimonies you have.
It's kind of a fundamental problem with humanity.
I looked at the rules and it says:
Labeling not required:
Streams containing informational or educational content that aim to share knowledge in a neutral, fact-based manner, rather than engaging in any kind of advocacy for an issue or candidate. For example, sharing the history of how votes in the US presidential election are counted to determine the next President, or merely encouraging individuals to vote or register to vote.
So saying for example Trump is a homophobic fascist should be allowed
Just because it's true doesn't mean it's not advocacy.
Propagandizing and "sharing knowledge in a neutral, fact-based manner" aren't mutually exclusive. The atomic unit of propaganda isn't lies, it's emphasis.
Propaganda and sharing knowledge in a neutral, fact-based manner are absolutely mutually exclusive.
Propaganda is biased by definition.
There is no unbiased "neutral", why particular facts are important and how they should be presented is determined by your biases.
To your point: "trump is a human" is a controversial statement.
Absolutely. Humanizing politicians is biased towards the status quo by distracting from the effects of their policies, which is literally the only relevance they have to our lives.
There's an implicit liberal, idealist bias in examining personal aspects of politicians instead of political economy and what factions in power selected that politician.
I’m a giant media conglomerate.
I have two facts that I intend to share in a neutral manner (and, for the case of this hypothetical, we will assume that “sharing knowledge in a 100% completely neutral, fact-based manner” is even possible).
I will call these Fact A and Fact B.
During the Super Bowl, I denote 30 seconds of airtime to Fact A, and denote only 5 seconds of airtime to Fact B.
Question: is this propaganda?
True neutrality, yes. But the average person sees neutrality as the appearance of neutrality, which is what propaganda revels in. It's why any both sides arguments are inherently propaganda on many topics, because just the very act of attempting to appear like there are two valid sides is in and of itself propaganda.
Climate change is a perfect example of this. Anthropogenic climate change is happening and even the oil companies are having to admit it publicly (after knowing about it for at least 60 years, but we've known this was an issue since 1890), but there are still tons of places who bring on denialists after yet another year of 'record breaking, once in a lifetime's storms.
Yeah, that's why the Fediverse is preferable to centralised social media. Use PeerTube for streaming, not YouTube or Twitch.
Is there a Fediverse option for livestreams?
There's also PeerTube which supports live streams and even supports distributing a sizable portion of the load via P2P. Clients can seed your stream and distribute it themselves, lightening the load on your server. I've used it a few times, it's very neat and it works well. Only con is the latency (it's around 2 minutes like old school twitch)
Bezos going all-in on the fascists
As someone who has watched less than an hour of anything on twitch, I guess I'm going to change my avoidance of the site from passive to active.
Let me be the first to say that it is amazing that Twitch is even still alive and honestly if they got kicked off of Amazon Web Services, they’d be done for.
Their moderation is historically the worst of almost any platform I’ve ever seen. It seems like every six months or so I hear about something heinous that their moderation teams have done.
Off the top of my head I remember the hot tub controversy, the female nipple thing, the tasteful or artistic nudity thing, the extremely inconsistent ban times for large vs small creators, the awful VOD mute controversies, the VOD deleting, forced ads being mishandled, covering for Dr Disrespect, and general sexism that isn’t even consistent.
Twitch is a dumpster fire on their mod team. All the dang time. One week someone will accidentally show porn on stream and get a 3 day ban, the next week my favorite streamer will show a glimpse of a bare ass from a mod in a game for 0.5 seconds and receive the same 3 day ban. That actually happened. How is it that you have soft core porn on your website and yet you’re banning people for showing too much cheek for a handful of frames?
if they got kicked off of Amazon Web Services, they’d be done for.
You know that Amazon bought Twitch many years ago, right? And they still own it.
Jeff Bezos must really think (and want) Trump is going to get his dictator for life wish. Preemptively caving to the right this often and visibly.
Is there anywhere left on the internet that's uncensored? I miss the golden age.
Yep, but most of them get filled with people who can't shut the fuck up about politics or conspiracy theories.
*may be up to your instance's admins
Ugh. Can someone make another video game streaming service that doesn't allow influencers? I don't even care if it was popular. I just want twitch of old back.
Edit: Sorry guys. I'm looking for something that is impossible to have. There will never again be an emerging esports scene. Unless it completely dies, I guess.
One lgbtq+ streamer I know dual streams to owncast
The directory is a list of live owncast streams.
Also, you should be able to chat on owncast streams with fediverse accounts, but the last time I tried, I wasn't able to log log in with my lemmy account.
What do you actually have in mind? Are you using the word "influencer" in some narrow way? Every streamer influences their viewers so my reading of your comment is that you are asking for a streaming service that doesn't allow streaming. Obviously you don't mean that, so I'm curious what do you mean.
Peertube is a federated option, and while it's primarily meant as a decentralized replacement for YouTube, many instances include the ability to stream live. is the instance I use, but you might benefit from using a larger instance or one that shares an administrative staff with any other ActivityPub-connected things you use (e.g.
you're telling me the website currently going through antisemitism allegations is not a very good website?
What an odd thing to happen.
TBF, that's not a very good litmus test since anyone protesting the Palestinian genocide has been accused of the same, which we all know is utter bullshit.
Didn't you know, criticism of the Israeli government is tantamount to advocating for a genocide of Jewish people. It's binary, no way anyone can have an opinion that exists between a spectrum of the two. I mean someone criticizing a government and not it's people is just absurd.
(/S, incase anyone doubts my sarcasm)
While I disagree with the bullet point, this is meant for streams that are exclusively that content, the actual guideline is this:
Can anyone verify that UserVoice is trustworthy?
Define trustworthy? It is a twitch affiliated website but you have to trust twitch to begin with.