
joined 5 months ago
[–] inb4_FoundTheVegan 14 points 4 hours ago (1 children)


You're not adding anything useful, insightful or relevant to the conversation. Just being pedantic so you can feel smug.

[–] inb4_FoundTheVegan 49 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (4 children)

This is pedantic and totally irrelevant to the topic of homeless having no place to simply exist.

Unless of course you are trying to highlight the billions of unhoused factory owners?

[–] inb4_FoundTheVegan 13 points 1 day ago (1 children)

On arrested development I skip the story arc of episodes related to Maeby tricking people in to thinking her mom is trans so they can be awful to her.

There is a lot of casual transphobia that was common at the time, but I just can't fucking stand those scenes.

[–] inb4_FoundTheVegan 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Well, I'm trans woman but I'm not sure the article is as cut and dry as that? There is good and bad being covered here.

one member wrote. β€œI need someone to explain to me how taking out the ages will help in the fight against the conservative anti-trans agenda.”

Because any recommendations will be taking as a rule and it depends a lot. Like literally at any age is blockers is blockers fine and HRT seems reasonable at the 11-12ish range when cis puberty would start. But when it comes to top and bottom, well it actually depends a lot. My GF ran in to issues getting BA's purely because of her smaller torso frame. Likewise I know Jazz had difficulties with bottom surgery because she started lockers early enough that her existing genitals didn't have much material to "work with". Work around with using leg tissue is great, but that really seems like a case by case basis. Defiantly pre puberty of course, but post some height growth. The level of dysphoria should also play a factor as well, especially if it currently a self harm risk.

There are some physic limb properational limitations for some surgeries that can't neatly fit in to an "age X" rubric. Saying that Y can't be done until X becomes a hard rule that causes harm.

As always, the true answer is not letting politicians decide bodily autonomy. These choices need to be made between patient and doctor, for all the same reasons only a doctor and patient should decide on reproductive rights.

Admiral Levine β€œwas very concerned that having ages (mainly for surgery) will affect access to care for trans youth and maybe adults, too. Apparently the situation in the U.S.A. is terrible and she and the Biden administration worried that having ages in the document will make matters worse. She asked us to remove them.”

And to the Biden admistrations credit, they are literally trying to exactly that. There is a lot of nuisance here that tragically bigots have no interest in actually engaging with.

[–] inb4_FoundTheVegan 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You can think that, but understand that it is a theory that the government is conspiring to keep knowledge tech the public.

Look, I can't and won't try to change your mind, seems like you have already decided it's happened. But you should understand that their is no evidence to believe in telepathy. That doesn't mean impossible, but if you choose to believe it is possible AND invented in the early 90s that is entirely a you choice. Much like choosing to believe in god.

So sure, believe whatever. Just know that without evidence it will be difficult to get serious people to take you serious.

[–] inb4_FoundTheVegan 6 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Yes, they were programs that were carried out.

No, they did not prove telepathy, mind control or anything of the sort.

[–] inb4_FoundTheVegan 4 points 2 days ago

It's honestly not that tricky, just a little time intensive. My secret, not-so-secret trick for all tofu is to freeze it immediately, then dethaw day of with warm water/microwave on low/leaving on the counter all day/night. The freezing proces changes the texture in to something super tender!

[–] inb4_FoundTheVegan 13 points 2 days ago (3 children)

Srsly? Wow. I've seen immposible go for around ten dollars, gardien for like 5, and then morning star and quorn for around 3. I don't buy any of them because baking my own tofu ones is easy and I enooy cooking.

This is on the west coast US

[–] inb4_FoundTheVegan 24 points 2 days ago (10 children)

The panel of 1,150 American omnivores liked nuggets from Impossible Foods, MorningStar Farms, Quorn, Rebellyous Foods and Simulate the best

It wasn't a single particular nugget, but an aggregate of vegan nuggets. And I can assure you, that Quorn and Morningstar are definitely cheaper than livestock chicken nuggets.

[–] inb4_FoundTheVegan 12 points 3 days ago

"it could pose a hazard... to our control"

[–] inb4_FoundTheVegan 3 points 3 days ago

Yesssss! It only goes with everything! I like soaking it in broth and then mixixng it in to a mac'n'cheese recipe.

[–] inb4_FoundTheVegan 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

they care that an inferior tasting

This is such a self report. Tofu tastes great, you just haven't been around people that know how to cook it. Of course people are allowed to have different preferences but to unilaterally dismiss tofu. When it can taste like literally anything, one of one of the most versatile ingredients known to humanity, just makes you sound sheltered. I have been regularly asked if I made a non-vegan dish for the potluck because they mistook tofu for meat. It's not commonly prepared in America or Europe, but to say "normal people don't like tofu" just makes the content of Asia laugh.

Like truly, I linked recipes for a reason.

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