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[–] InputZero 3 points 1 day ago

Lookup Folding @ Home or boinc. It's basically the same thing.

[–] InputZero 5 points 2 days ago

Yeah that movie would have been very different without Robbin Williams as Adult Alan. Imagine if the movie we're a drama and not a comedy. It'd be a harder gut punch than Requiem for a Dream.

[–] InputZero 1 points 3 days ago

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Liz Chaney is a staunch opponent of Donald Trump, she is a career politician, and the last of the Grand-Old-Party. In a desperate attempt to stop MAGA from replacing the GOP Liz Chaney aligned herself with Kamila Harris and that's why. I'd argue that makes her a Red Democrat more than a Blue Republican but really that's down to interpretation. I don't think anyone was in denial about why she was being paraded around like neat novelty. These are strange times my dudes.

[–] InputZero 7 points 3 days ago (1 children)

"Fire at the disco; fire at the, Gates of Hell!"

[–] InputZero 4 points 4 days ago

If anything this is a good picture to reinforce Lock-Out Tag-Out. Generally speaking yes, but just looking at this picture I can't tell if this is three phase or what type of power were dealing with. Additionally we don't know the state the contactors are in, if this is industrial equipment then without more context there's no way to know what each set does. Perhaps one of the contactors is hot while the other was shorted to ground when the mouse touched it. Maybe it's not wired right, there's a lot we can't know from a picture. Also I really hope that you LOTO whenever you are working on electrical equipment.

[–] InputZero -1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Kay this is just semantics at this point, so ultimately it's unimportant because delving this deep into it distracts from the overall conversation.

With that said, wouldn't the existence of a post office and other socialized services make the US (and basically every nation state in existence) by strict definitions, a mixed economy? Like if we had to keep to first year undergrad levels.

To be clear for the back row, being this pedantic about semantics not only distracts from the overall conversation but when made as a serious point is at best a sign of ignorance, and at worst it's an argument made in bad faith in order to move the goal post. This comment is meant as an aside. Ultimately like everything else an economy is a spectrum, and strict categories are more often than not caused by our desire to make things simple.

[–] InputZero 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Okay except that's not the situation we find ourselves in. Renting isn't a problem, and being a landlord is not intrinsically wrong or immoral but the system that governs land ownership has consolidated many properties under a small number of financial portfolios. Such a small number in fact that it makes a collusion of a duopoly extremely easy. These aren't a single family who subdivides their home to help cover some of the mortgage we're talking about. These are enormous capital investment firms which view housing as an asset that's garunteed to appreciate in value and renting as a benefit of the investment. Those capital investment firms don't see a house as a place for someone to live, it's an asset they can hold to plump up a spreadsheet. That's the problem, not landlords be evil but that the system rewards evil landlords.

[–] InputZero 7 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Only if you accept a single payer health care system and like it!

[–] InputZero 8 points 1 week ago

4'33" composed by John Cage, with the accompanying orchestra of course.

[–] InputZero 17 points 1 week ago

I read it as comparing the three exposures to each other.

The first evolution, Charmander was exposed to lead and the toxic effects of lead are pretty fast acting. Meaning they were weakened the quickest and couldn't evolve.

Charmeleon was exposed to asbestos which has latent toxic effects, they show up decades after exposure. So the Charmeleon lived quite a while before they showed any noticeable effects.

The final evolution was exposed to micro plastics and because, so far, micro plastics seem to be so unreactive they just chill doing nothing the Charazard had an opportunity to evolve.

[–] InputZero 15 points 1 week ago

That will only work if the atheist doesn't have any patients proficiencies, which comes with almost every athiest subclass. This gives the athiest advantage on charisma, intelligence, and wisdom saving throws from a character with the Christian class against the atheist. This is of course negated completely if the christian comes into the battle with the lawyered-up buff, but I didn't splurge on the LegalEagle's Book of Many Laws. So I'm not sure how that mechanic works.

[–] InputZero 4 points 1 week ago

It's the old adage "the laws that free me, bind thee". Although I'd argue that I should include the extreme left wing as well with the way I worded it. It's just that the extreme left is so few in number they're statistically insignificant. Perhaps I'm just being pedantic.

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