Made a 3D model of a specifically bent wire. Single Bezier curve with some thickness. Never touched it since (2019).
A community for users of the awesome, open source, free, animation, modeling, procedural generating, sculpting, texturing, compositing, and rendering software; Blender.
- Be nice
- Constructive Criticism only
- If a render is photo realistic, please provide a wireframe or clay render
Why mess with perfection
Dark Wall-E?
I thought this was a subtle joke - the letters under the monitor almost spell "blender" so it seemed like a clever subversion of your expectations.
However, I've never used Blender, so my new theory after reading the comments is that it's just hard.
I have a 3D printer and use blender for making or adapt models to print. While there is a bit of a learning threshold to overcome at the start, I've found blender really good to use.
I've been impressed with how powerful it is and the quality of YouTube tutorials. The vids from the 3d Printing Professor helped me to get over that initial hump with blender
yeah thats about right
You got this!
They are crying cuz of windows ;(