I definitely misread that as "Batman" and was surprised he had an opinion on the matter ... For a few reasons.
Well, in fact, I just tolerate the ads and don't directly offer financial recompense. Indeed, if I were to go for a paid tier, you are correct that it would likely be one that didn't put ads where I want them least.
Is "verticals" marketing speak for "categories" or "genres" or does it mean something else?
I don't want ads in any of my videos, but if I have to have intrusive and distracting profit generating clips interrupt what I actually want to watch ... I think music videos are among the ones I'd prefer disrupted the least.
It's okay with me!
It's an old joke, likely much older than I am, but I first read it in a Garfield comic. A cursory search doesn't return that strip for me, but I did like this one:
I had a dream that I was eating a giant marshmallow and, when I woke up, my pillow was gone!
Just an interesting fact, one which you may already know: "Pussy" in this context is said to be short for "pussilanimous," a word meaning (among other things) "lacking courage." (I learned this part from a very classic episode of The Simpsons!) Supposedly it is not meant to refer to any part of anyone's anatomy. If accurate, it is a much more apt use of the word.
When I first saw this, it was Ryu doubting Ken's identity, followed by a closer examination, followed by "sure you're Ken!"
I appreciate the information and that you took the time to answer, but I hate that combination of words.
Still ... Thank you for the response.