
joined 2 years ago
[–] toynbee 3 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

I appreciate the information and that you took the time to answer, but I hate that combination of words.

Still ... Thank you for the response.

[–] toynbee 1 points 3 hours ago

I definitely misread that as "Batman" and was surprised he had an opinion on the matter ... For a few reasons.

[–] toynbee 2 points 4 hours ago

Well, in fact, I just tolerate the ads and don't directly offer financial recompense. Indeed, if I were to go for a paid tier, you are correct that it would likely be one that didn't put ads where I want them least.

[–] toynbee 4 points 4 hours ago (4 children)

Is "verticals" marketing speak for "categories" or "genres" or does it mean something else?

[–] toynbee 8 points 4 hours ago (2 children)

I don't want ads in any of my videos, but if I have to have intrusive and distracting profit generating clips interrupt what I actually want to watch ... I think music videos are among the ones I'd prefer disrupted the least.

[–] toynbee 2 points 9 hours ago

It's okay with me!

[–] toynbee 4 points 12 hours ago

It's an old joke, likely much older than I am, but I first read it in a Garfield comic. A cursory search doesn't return that strip for me, but I did like this one:

Surprised Pikachu ate his pillow

[–] toynbee 9 points 13 hours ago (2 children)

I had a dream that I was eating a giant marshmallow and, when I woke up, my pillow was gone!

[–] toynbee 6 points 14 hours ago (3 children)

Just an interesting fact, one which you may already know: "Pussy" in this context is said to be short for "pussilanimous," a word meaning (among other things) "lacking courage." (I learned this part from a very classic episode of The Simpsons!) Supposedly it is not meant to refer to any part of anyone's anatomy. If accurate, it is a much more apt use of the word.

[–] toynbee 1 points 15 hours ago
[–] toynbee 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

When I first saw this, it was Ryu doubting Ken's identity, followed by a closer examination, followed by "sure you're Ken!"

[–] toynbee 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)
submitted 6 days ago by toynbee to c/asklemmy

Do you want to live in the city or country? Either way, why? Is there a specific place you'd like to live?


edit: It's not a great picture, but I was trying to remove anything that could be used to doxx.

The cat pictured is Ripley. Don't tell her I told you.

Maze hurt her ear! (
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by toynbee to c/cat

According to the vet, she probably scratched her ear and nicked a blood vessel, causing a hematoma. They drained her ear, but it seems to be (fortunately slowly) refilling. We're planning to schedule another appointment for Monday, when they said they could basically sew her ear together to prevent it from happening again. I would have guessed they would go for cauterization, but apparently not.

edit; She's also quite underweight (apparently she's six pounds). I thought that was because she's getting old (she's approaching fifteen years) but the vet says she just needs to eat more. We got her some wet food to entice her appetite.

Remi is needy (
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by toynbee to c/[email protected]

He's a good boy, though.


Either it was a local thing (I originally got the picture at Good Will) or my search skills are lacking. My wife loved it so I wish I could get her a reproduction.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by toynbee to c/dull_mens_club

Earlier today, I basically passed out. (I've had guests for most of the past week and have had very inadequate sleep.) Before I fell asleep, I texted a friend about a YouTube video that might interest them (Legal Eagle suing Honey). Then I fell asleep.

While I was sleeping, the friend responded with their insights about the case. I have no memory of it, but apparently the attached picture is how I responded to their comments on a video about a legal case. For some reason, that friend did not respond.

edit: Just refining the wording.


Like the title says, I accidentally blocked someone. I tapped the three dots under someone's post and then accidentally tapped again as "block user" fell under my thumb. This user doesn't seem like someone I want to block, so I would like to unblock them. I found the "blocklist" under my profile, which says it lists blocked instances, communities and users; but (while I haven't blocked any instances), I only see communities. That said, it's not allowing me to scroll through the blocked list, so possibly the blocked user is lower in the list. If I navigate to the user in question, I see how to block them again, but no option to unblock them.

How do I find a blocked user and how do I unblock them? Thanks in advance.


I'm not even sure how many chickens I can fit on my current hard drive, but it's probably more than the number of persons I can fit.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by toynbee to c/music

I've loved this song since I heard it on American Dad! It took me an embarrassing number of views to realize that the older and younger couple are supposed to be the same people, though. (Knowing Portuguese might have helped.)

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by toynbee to c/music

This song is very relatable.


I don't know why she cares. She's chill about everything else. She's never met a raccoon. She's never met any wild animal other than a praying mantis. Still, when my TV wasn't wall mounted, we had to make sure not to put on anything raccoon related or she'd try to jump into the TV, Super Mario style.

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