Makes a whole lot more sense, honestly.
They don't even need the courts at this point, really. That's just a formality they're still playing along with. It'll change.
Vigorous head scratches (scalp) or deep massage in quads/back/neck.
During Covid, I had to sell a childhood treasure: my JVC X'EYE, still complete with original controller and power supply, fully functional.
But the shop owner did right by me, cleaned up my old discs, and we went through them one by one before I left, as he'd never seen one in person, either.
My favorite part is that it was the cheap, knock-off alternative when I was a kid, but now it's crazy valuable because it was so rare.
I like to imagine that every time they open the big test tube/canister thing, it's a totally different animal, but woolly.
This is precisely the conclusion I came to at the Mormon finance firm I worked at for awhile. They literally still sat at those long fold-out lunch tables with the circular seats attached. Everyone in their little cliques, but eating lunch "together." Events and activities clearly inspired by youth group. It was surreal, at times.
I was just thinking earlier today: I really, really hope someone is backing up the Library of Congress' stuff, particularly Chronicling America, which has almost every newspaper issue (searchable by text and much more) from 1756 - 1963. Like -- federal edition, sort of.
Anyway, given how fascists love to erase history, it's precisely the kind of thing I could see them targeting. Particularly if you wanted to erase the fact that, oh, I don't know, your father Fred Trump was arrested at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1927. That kinda thing.
She really does.
lol jealous much?
She's shy.
Who will enforce the constitution?