You missed "Climate change is real and caused by humans but it's the responsibility of individuals to fix it."
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"It's not the company's fault that you didn't recycle. Grow up!"
Why should our profits go down to save the world?
Or just "Climate change is real, but it is to late to do anything about it".
Doing God's work
Right now oil companies are at an inserted stage before oops which is "it's too hard and too late to do anything about it now, we're all doomed anyway"
“Hydrogen is the Future” - sponsored by Shell
After years of denialism and fucking up our planet these cunts want to sell us the solution to the problem they caused so that we stay dependent on their supply chain and pipelines.
The one case I have seen for hydrogen, that might be useful, is that when things like solar energy generation, create and overload of power, it can be used to create hydrogen, then the hydrogen can be stored, and used for a variety of ways to power things, in a largely eco-friendly, way. Otherwise... yeah.
Losses stack up for hydrogen. It's kinda of a bad battery and storage is dangerous. Fuel cells are bulky and fragile.
Right now, it's relatively viable because we get it as a petrolium byproduct. But that version doesn't burn very clean.
Once we're using solar at home, it's green, but you're chewing through freshwater which isn't ideal.
Something like sodium ion batteries would be better is most ways. (Other than refilling cars in a gas station)
Not only this, H₂ is also a green gas, and we can't afford the leaks of H₂ due to the used as an energy supply.
I have an idea that might work for solving climate change. It has no scientific basis but hear me out, I think it's worth at least trying. We should try sacrificing some oil execs in a volcano. Maybe tie them to a barrel of oil so that the earth understands we are trying to return what we took and make up for it a bit, so please chill out. Probably won't actually do anything but it wouldn't hurt to at least try it for a few decades, right?
Yea no harm no foul if it doesn't work out. But we should at least try.
There is the doomerism timeline. "Well, it's too late now, no reason to change anything now!".
Doomerism is just an evolution of binary thinking.
That's a strawman of doomerism. There's as many different opinions as there are "doomers", but most are probably in the realm of "do what we can to reduce the damage, but the science and math is saying we're way past any great solutions." I guess some would call that realism to separate it from the doomer label, but whatever it's called, that's where we are.
Veganism would be the biggest boycott to combat climate change while still allowing workers to still go to work.
Give up cheese... Or die...
Sometimes sacrifices must be made. It is a shame though, this planet is pretty.
I'd add an overlapping step sponsored by BP in 2004: "Climate Change is real, and here's a calculator to show you, that we have nothing to do with it."
For the uninitiated: The Carbon Footprint Calculator was introduced by BP in 2004 as what can only be described as a successful attempt to shift attention and blame to the general public.
Like...why would anyone believe a company whose interest is enmeshed with their claims?? A company isn't a person with morals. It's a Machiavellian machine with the sole purpose of maximizing profits. They will never ever intentionally make a claim that hurts their profits. It would make absolutely no sense for a company to reduce demand of its product. That would be soooooo counterintuitive. If you sold lemonade, would you publish a study that showed that lemonade harms people? If yes, then your company would stop selling lemonade and disband while every other lemonade seller would flood the market with the benefits of consuming lemonade.
no dispute there. The thing is, it wasn't advertised like that. It was advertised as: Here's this scientifically sound tool to measure your impact and judge what you can do. Which in and of itself wouldn't be a bad thing if it wasn't burying the lead.
Exxon knew since at least the 70s
Same for Shell, if I remember correctly.
You forgot the "yes it is real and it's the consumers fault" phase
Climate change deniers changed their tune. They re-branded themselves as "climate skeptic", and from outright denialism they shifted to "climate change is happening, but it happened before and this one will not be as bad."
A lot of O&G industry has pivoted to "Only we can fix climate change!" then started mopping up federal grants and subsidies to build quixotic hydrogen fuel cell, carbon capture, and "clean" carbon projects that consistently fail to pay dividends.
Their Republican enablers then point to these failures and announce "climate change is a hoax! We should go back to Drill Here, Drill Now!"
We go back into a debate, while O&G profits surge and temperatures continue to rise. Then everyone in the economy panics when a foreign power takes the lead on battery and nuclear technology.
There is one step in between. "Climate change is real and caused by humans, but it's already too late, might as well keep drilling"
The one from Total lately is more subtle: climate change is real and humans cause it, but there's still an increasing demand for fossil fuel, so we answer it (would rather buy more from the Russians?), by opening new wells we keep it affordable for the people (do you want yellow jackets again?).
It would be nice to at least have a plan to one day be immune to oil price chaos and geopolitical fights surrounding distant oil wells. And day now...
I think the only way is to reduce oil dependency. As long as it exists, people will exploit the dependency for economical and political advantage.
Let's all remember that jury nullification exists, even if being on jury duty kind of sucks.
we're approximately three inches right of fuck
I zoomed in the image as much as I could so 3 inches to the right is not that bad. I'm glad I could pull my weight to save the climate.
Progress 🙄
Before that: 80 years of "things are definitely going to heat up"
Even if someone isn't convinced climate change is caused by humans, pretty much all of the shit that causes climate change is some form of pollution.
Can we make an effort to pollute our environment a little less, at least?
Stop burning finite resources like coal and oil, just because?