Pixel Dungeon
This community is a place to talk strategies, tell stories, or discuss anything related to Pixel Dungeon or its many versions.
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To add to other comments:
- This wand is much more useful when upgraded, since you get more powerful wards/sentries.
- The first three zaps produce wards, which shoot a specific number of times.
- The next three zaps produce sentries, which will zap once every two turns until killed.
- You can place wards anywhere you have vision, even across walls.
I've tried playing with a staff of warding once or twice, but I don't think I've managed to win yet. It's a fun wand but it requires planning and careful management of charges. One thing I enjoyed doing was placing a couple of sentries in a spot that mob patrols would frequent. No more random mobs to worry about!
Also don't use it near enemies, since they can attack it and generally will one shot it. Place it several times away so that it can get it's shots off first.
Upgrade your wand and investigate how the wand mechanics work. Warding is a great wand but takes time to learn well.