
joined 11 months ago
[–] 00_Evan 20 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

To the surprise of absolutely nobody, I'm closing the comments on this thread.

It's a rainbow colored potion wishing people a happy pride, it is as similarly inoffensive as any of the other holiday items, and will be gone in a few days. Obviously not everyone celebrates such a holiday, and that's fine, but If pride existing in the game offends you but halloween/christmas/chinese new years doesn't, then you should consider why that is.

[–] 00_Evan 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

It's mostly just for fun, I don't expect the numbers to be useful in any real practical sense.

[–] 00_Evan 2 points 2 days ago (3 children)

All the numbers it tracks are over all of your runs. In total it tracks:

  • upgrades on equipment
  • uses on consumables (alchemy only counts as 'using' if the item is designed to be alchemized)
  • kills on enemies
  • triggers on plants and traps

As mentioned last week, Shattered Pixel Dungeon's catalog is being expanded, but it's getting more than just new items. The catalog now also includes all of the game's enemies (plus plants and traps), and lore documents!

In total this means the new catalog has gone from 101 things to just shy of 500! It'll also keep track of stats such as how many times you've defeated an enemy, and comes with 9 new badges.

[–] 00_Evan 1 points 4 days ago

At the moment this UI is not going to include any additional stats about specific items/enemies, you'll get what is shown in the regular info windows essentially. The catalog will record some extra info such as how many times an item has been upgraded or used though.

[–] 00_Evan 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Unfortunately there currently isn't a way to do this without either root access or Google Play services. Previously ADB backup could be used, but Google had killled that tool.

I worry about allowing manual export/import as it would make it really easy for players to cheat by downloading rankings data/badges, but I do also realize that no way to directly transfer data is a pretty big problem atm.

[–] 00_Evan 4 points 1 week ago

Trinkets go into the equipment category, though your second guess is pretty close.


Hey folks, since last week I've finished the new catalog UI, so here's a more fulsome screenshot!

For reference, the existing catalog contains 101 items, and this new one now contains a massive 315 of them! Almost every item (and enchant/glyph) in the game is now viewable here, assuming you've found it first.

It looks like there are still 2 more categories though, I wonder what's in them...

[–] 00_Evan 9 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

Afraid the black item is just the dirk, I'm just showing what an unseen item looks like there. The tricky bit about separating on tier is that it'll be really, really space intensive on landscape, where there are 12 items per row. The sword weapons still serve as the starting point for each tier though, so you can still tell the difference.


With Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.2 out, I'm properly starting work on the next update, which is going to include a bunch of changes to the journal interface.

Here's one of them, a new UI for the game's item catalog, that uses a grid instead of a long list. This makes the catalogs easier to navigate and gives me loads of room to add new things to them too...

[–] 00_Evan 7 points 2 weeks ago

Unfortunately publicly sharing data like this would violate Shattered's privacy policy. I also generally don't want to overshare gameplay stats like this because people's playing habits would be influenced by the numbers themselves. As for a leaderboard, sadly I'd have no way to prevent it from being immediately filled by cheaters.

[–] 00_Evan 2 points 2 weeks ago

The blacksmith quest ended up taking way longer than I thought it would, so I postponed the 3rd variant in favor of working on other content. It will happen but not until after the cleric at least.

[–] 00_Evan 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

It sort of was an intended weakness, but I hadn't really thought too deeply about how much it in invalidates the ability at certain points in the game.

I do try to consider challenges a bit, but the game is not balanced around them. 0-chal is the target for game balance.

I was planning on improving the alchemy UI for desktop/landscape in 2.4 actually, but didn't end up having time. It's likely to happen in 2.5.

[–] 00_Evan 3 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Yeah I'm trying to do a little more playtesting these days and ran into this exact situation. Nobody has mentioned this to me but it felt awful basically having no class bonus against 1/2 of the enemies in the prison. The % buff is more of a response to analytics data though, we'll see if that needs to be scaled back a bit with both benefits combined.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by 00_Evan to c/pixeldungeon

Hey Dungeoneers, sorry for being a little quiet here lately!

I've just released Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.2, which is mostly focused on followup balance tweaks, but also fixes a few bugs. Here's a link to the changelog on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/games/1769170/announcements/detail/4185612701676471088

[–] 00_Evan 10 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

From taking a quick look, it seems like floor 7 on that run is a secrets level type, which can have more hidden doors than usual. There's a large section of the level that you haven't discovered yet.


Hey Dungeoneers, Shattered v2.4.0 has been released!

v2.4.0 features a new category of item: trinkets! They are more about tweaking gameplay variables than giving direct power or utility. There are also a bunch of smaller additions and tweaks, most notably to the Duelist and to Alchemy. Be sure to check the changes screen for full details.


Hey rat punchers, Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0 is going to be releasing to everyone around the middle of this coming week!

The v2.4.0 beta now contains 11 trinkets total, with 3 recent additions: the mimic tooth, wondrous resin, and eye of newt. I think 11 is a good place to start, but there's lots of room to add more in the future as well!


Hey Dungeoneers!

After some disruptions back in February and March, Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0 is finally ready for beta! Read on for more details about what’s coming in this update.


Hey folks, the beta for Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0 should be ready to start this coming week!

The beta will have everything I've shown off so far, including a new item category, changes to alchemy, and changes to the Duelist. There are also some levelgen additions! Entrance and exit rooms in particular are going to become more visually varied.


Hey folks, we're getting fairly close to Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0 being ready for beta!

Here's another thing to look forward to in that update, I'm making some big changes to Duelist weapon abilities! While I am reducing recharge speed, abilities are getting buffed across the board to compensate. This includes more damage, charge cost reductions, and every ability getting a component that scales with upgrades.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by 00_Evan to c/pixeldungeon

Here's an upcoming trinket in Shattered Pixel Dungeon that I expect to be pretty polarizing.

Normally when dealing or blocking damage in Shattered, the average result is the most likely one, and the min or max are pretty unlikely. The thirteen leaf clover inverts this, making extreme results more likely than the average. This makes combat much less consistent, for better or worse!


Here's a fourth trinket coming in the next update to Shattered Pixel Dungeon!

The exotic crystals give (almost) any potion or scroll you find a chance to be exotic. Exotic potions and scrolls are normally created though alchemy. They're generally stronger, but also have different effects, so this can change up consumable gameplay quite a bit.

Don't worry, this doesn't affect strength potions or upgrade scrolls.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by 00_Evan to c/pixeldungeon

Here's another trinket coming in Shattered Pixel Dungeon's next update!

The mossy clump interacts with level generation, making level types that are filled with vegetation or water much more common. At max level you can expect to see these two level types about 4x as often each. This provides lots more opportunities for players to use grassy or watery terrain to their advantage, or even just more seeds and dew to harvest.

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