
joined 2 years ago
[–] 00_Evan 1 points 18 hours ago

it does exist in vanilla but is far more accessible in Shattered. Sometimes when issues are lower priority it can take me quite a while to get around to them.


Hey Dungeoneers, here's that second patch I was mentioning. Just some more smaller fixes and translation updates.

Here's the full list of changes in v3.0.2:

A Note for Steam Deck users

A bug was fixed in this patch which affected display scaling on Steam Deck. Due to a quirk in how the Steam Deck reported display dimensions, the game incorrectly thought Steam Deck's screen was about 4", instead of 7".

As a result of this fix, you might notice that the interface appears differently as it now defaults to the 'full' UI mode instead of 'mobile'. If you prefer the previous interface mode, you can swap to it in the settings by using the mobile interface mode and 5x interface scale.

Misc. Changes

  • Music muting while game is in background on desktop now also applies to blacksmith's hammering sfx
  • Improved number rounding logic when damage hero takes is affected by several modifiers at once
  • Updated translations and translator credits


Fixed the following bugs:

Caused by v3.0:

  • Errors with Android golden supporter UI and full interface mode
  • Cleric's Recall Glyph spell not working with some runestones while time was frozen

Existed Prior to v3.0:

  • Game incorrectly thinking it is on a phone screen when played on Steam Deck
  • Water of Awareness buff persisting between floors if the hero is very fast
  • Various errors when saving/loading custom controller bindings
  • Visual errors when Tengu's sprite animations are frozen (e.g. via paralysis)
  • Characters still appearing as visible if knocked out of hero FOV in specific cases
  • Talisman of Foresight's scry ability not detecting hiding mimics
  • Quick-using an item from a bag not using that item's autotarget properties (for real this time)
[–] 00_Evan 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Thanks for reporting this, though the best way to report buts is to email me. I'll look into getting this fixed.

[–] 00_Evan 3 points 1 week ago

It's a visual quirk, as the cloud is part of Tengu's animation directly, rather than a particle effect.


Hey Dungeoneers, after two weeks I've just released the first patch for Shattered Pixel Dungeon v3.0!

v3.0 ended up not needing any urgent changes so I've taken my time with it. I'm planning one more smaller patch a bit later, and then it'll be on to v3.1!

Here's the full list of changes in v3.0.1:

Balance Changes

So far the Cleric is doing surprisingly well balance-wise! There are definitely some things to adjust, but nothing that's serious enough to need doing in a patch. I'm just making one change to put a limit on ring of energy shenanigans for the Paladin:

  • Holy Weapon and Ward can now be extended to a max of 100 turns at a time.

After v3.0's nerf to the Mossy Clump, I'm going to experiment with scaling back its absurd upgrade cost. Hopefully it's at a power level now where it doesn't need to cost massively more than other trinkets:

  • Mossy Clump upgrade energy cost reduced to 10/15/20 from 20/25/30. This is now the same as other 'higher cost' trinkets.

Misc. Changes

Firstly, two trinket changes that are meant as QoL, but are effectively mild buffs:

  • Salt Cube's regen reduction now automatically disables itself during boss fights, the trinket doesn't need to be dropped.
  • Waterskin drinking now more intelligently handles the extra healing from vial of blood, no longer consuming excess dew.

And some other things:

  • Updated Translations
  • Cursed wand pitfall effect no longer drops items if triggered via wondrous resin
  • Feint armor ability no longer autotargets
  • Removed support for runs in progress from prior to v2.3.2
  • Removed internal code for old blacksmith quest from prior to v2.2


Fixed the following bugs: Caused by v3.0:

  • Enemies getting many actions after recovering from transmogrification
  • Save/load errors with sniper's mark buff
  • Incorrect shielding amount shown when using Warrior's remains item
  • Various uncommon crash bugs

Existed Prior to v3.0:

  • Exploit involving unidentified crossbow and curse infusion
  • Exploit involving placing wards on a necromancer's summoning position
  • Shocking enchantment missing valid targets in some cases
  • Rare cases where bees would refuse to attack near enemies vs. far ones
  • quick-using an item from a bag not using that item's autotarget properties
  • Alchemy guide items being greyed out in main menu
  • Various rare crash bugs
  • Various minor visual & textual errors
[–] 00_Evan 1 points 2 weeks ago

I do want to reduce the cost of the mossy clump and I think that's likely to happen in a patch. It's surprisingly still not weak even after the recent nerf though, but probably another one won't be needed. Currently the weakest trinket is still the mimic tooth, but people love it for the gameplay it creates. Sundial and Trap mech are middle of the road and blodo vial is surprisingly really strong, it just needs to be played around.

[–] 00_Evan 2 points 2 weeks ago

When allies, wands, or some artifacts are used on an illuminated enemy, the debuff is consumed and the enemy is dealt bonus damage equal to the priest's level.

[–] 00_Evan 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

If the equipment is cursed but unknown, there's a 15% or 25% chance that your attempt to equip it will be cancelled and you'll be notified that the item was cursed.

[–] 00_Evan 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

It should already be out everywhere, including the App Store!

[–] 00_Evan 5 points 3 weeks ago

The feet are indeed meant to be obscured in the grass.

[–] 00_Evan 2 points 3 weeks ago

Glad to hear it! A straight up healer class doesn't really work in Shattered, so I'm very glad that I've managed to make something with a similar feel work via the Cleric.

[–] 00_Evan 4 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Not directly, as the other heroes don't have a tome item, but you can metamorphic their talents to get alternative effects.


Shattered Pixel Dungeon v3.0 has been released!

v3.0 includes Shattered's second new playable character! The Cleric is a divine spellcaster who learns and upgrades spells via the talent system! They have 2 subclasses, 3 armor abilities, and over 30 spells!

Read the Full Post Here

[–] 00_Evan 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I'm not able to reproduce this with other items, but for spells this makes sense. When you swap equipped item like this the game will also automatically swap quickslots, and the tome needs to be in a quickslot for autotargeting to work, that goes for thrown weapons too.

Also, in future if you want to report a bug the best way is to DM or email me.

[–] 00_Evan 3 points 3 weeks ago

That is intended, Mimics are still enemies, not items, and the tooth doesn't make it impossible to tell the difference, just much harder at a glance. They also still have health bars if you examine them directly while in vision.


Hey everyone, happy Valentines day!

Back in December I estimated that v3.0 would be gearing up to release in late January or early February, so it's time for a little update! While I have missed that estimate, v3.0 is very close to being ready. I now estimate that it'll be releasing around the end of the month, maybe the very start of March.

Read the Full Post Here


Just yesterday I released another beta round for Shattered Pixel Dungeon that added the Cleric's 2nd lategame armor ability!

Trinity is a supremely flexible ability that lets you access the effects of equipment you've found previously in your run. It is currently a little buggy though, I expect to be fixing that shortly.

I hope to get the 3rd ability online this coming week, and then v3.0 will finally be content-complete!

(Image Description: An interface screenshot showing Trinity being used with three different effects imbued into it. There are three large buttons with icons and text that let the player choose which of the three effects to apply. )


Hey folks,

The beta for v3.0 contines, and the Cleric is inching closer to release. I've also made some improvements to in-game visuals recently too! Here's a look at Shattered Pixel Dungeon's new title graphic that I just added to the beta a couple days ago!

Just like the splash arts, this title is made by Aleksandar Komitov, and is an attempt to improve the title quality while keeping true to the original design. There's still a 3 line version for portrait users too.

(Image Description: Shattered Pixel Dungeon's new title graphic in an animated GIF. The text has glowing etches in it, and two green pixellated flame effects on either side.)

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by 00_Evan to c/pixeldungeon

Hey Folks, I've just released another beta which adds the Cleric's Paladin subclass!

With this things have lurched quite a distance toward release. I'm hoping to get the Cleric content-complete in about another two weeks.

Here's a little GIF of one of their spells: Wall of Light

(Image Description: A short GIF of the Cleric casting the wall of light spell toward three enemies. The enemies are knocked away and momentarily stunned, and a large diagonal white wall appears between them and the Cleric.)


Hey folks, apologies for the delay on new Cleric content so far, but the Paladin subclass is almost ready to release to beta.

The Paladin gains a variety of new and upgraded spells that emphasize melee combat and synergy with weapons and armor. In addition to the four new spells below, they also get empowered versions of holy weapon and holy ward!

(Image Description: An interface screenshot showing a brief description of each of the Paladins four spells: "Smite: The Paladin infuses a melee strike with righteous destructive power." "Lay on Hands: The Paladin channels holy energy through their hands, healing or protecting whatever they touch." "Aura of Protection: The Paladin begins radiating protective energy for 20 turns." "Wall of Light: The Paladin creates a wall of solid light directly in front of themselves that's 1 tile thick, 7 tiles wide, and lasts for 20 turns.")


Hey Rat Punchers, happy new year once again!

After a bit of a holiday break, I'm back to work on Shattered Pixel Dungeon, which includes laying out some plans for the coming year! This post starts with a year in review, and then lists the major changes and additions that I have planned for Shattered Pixel Dungeon in 2025 and beyond.

Read The Full Post Here!


Hey Dungeoneers, v3.0.0 and the Cleric are finally ready for beta!

In this blog post I’m going to share more details about the Cleric! Just as with the Duelist, I’m releasing the Cleric’s beta a little early. There’s still one subclass and two armor abilities to implement before the Cleric is content-complete and ready for release.

Read The Full Post Here!


Hey Dungeoneers, if all goes well there will be an early beta for for Shattered Pixel Dungeon v3.0.0 tomorrow, just in time for the holidays!

The beta includes the new Cleric hero, with a fully implemented base class, 1/2 subclasses, and 1/3 lategame armor abilities. I'll be taking a bit of a break over the holidays, so expect the hero to be filled in and released through January and February.

Here's a look at the Cleric's full splash art! Expect a blog post tomorrow too.

(Image Description: Full detail splash art for the Cleric hero.)


A bless spell is a fantasy Cleric stable, so of course Shattered Pixel Dungeon's upcoming Cleric hero needs one.

This tier 2 talent/spell grants bonus accuracy, evasion, and shielding when the Cleric casts it on themselves. It's much more potent on allies though, granting a longer bless buff and healing instead of shielding! You can even use it to overheal frail allies like mirror images!

Look out for more posts soon, fingers crossed I'll be ready to release a beta on Wednesday or Thursday this coming week!

(Image Description: A short GIF demonstrating the bless spell. Two characters are fighting each other and it's unclear which will win. The Cleric uses the bless spell to turn the odds so that one of them wins easily.)

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