Thanks for reporting this, though the best way to report buts is to email me. I'll look into getting this fixed.
It's a visual quirk, as the cloud is part of Tengu's animation directly, rather than a particle effect.
I do want to reduce the cost of the mossy clump and I think that's likely to happen in a patch. It's surprisingly still not weak even after the recent nerf though, but probably another one won't be needed. Currently the weakest trinket is still the mimic tooth, but people love it for the gameplay it creates. Sundial and Trap mech are middle of the road and blodo vial is surprisingly really strong, it just needs to be played around.
When allies, wands, or some artifacts are used on an illuminated enemy, the debuff is consumed and the enemy is dealt bonus damage equal to the priest's level.
If the equipment is cursed but unknown, there's a 15% or 25% chance that your attempt to equip it will be cancelled and you'll be notified that the item was cursed.
It should already be out everywhere, including the App Store!
The feet are indeed meant to be obscured in the grass.
Glad to hear it! A straight up healer class doesn't really work in Shattered, so I'm very glad that I've managed to make something with a similar feel work via the Cleric.
Not directly, as the other heroes don't have a tome item, but you can metamorphic their talents to get alternative effects.
I'm not able to reproduce this with other items, but for spells this makes sense. When you swap equipped item like this the game will also automatically swap quickslots, and the tome needs to be in a quickslot for autotargeting to work, that goes for thrown weapons too.
Also, in future if you want to report a bug the best way is to DM or email me.
That is intended, Mimics are still enemies, not items, and the tooth doesn't make it impossible to tell the difference, just much harder at a glance. They also still have health bars if you examine them directly while in vision.
it does exist in vanilla but is far more accessible in Shattered. Sometimes when issues are lower priority it can take me quite a while to get around to them.