
joined 1 month ago
[โ€“] Riversedgeknight1 4 points 6 hours ago

Yeah, but it's pretty fun to use, especially at something like +12

[โ€“] Riversedgeknight1 1 points 1 day ago

Thats crazy bro ๐Ÿ’€

[โ€“] Riversedgeknight1 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Perfect exploration is effectively impossible on 9 challenges, into darkness and on diet really curb how much you can search

[โ€“] Riversedgeknight1 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

You probably just want to get heal pots from f11 shop, put your 4 sou into that sword and armor to get them both to +3, so you can wear them both with 16 str. To survive until you get both pos from f11-14, put 2 or 3 sou into your evasion ring to boost your ehp. With t5 weapon and armor and chains, the caves boss should be a breeze, and you can snowball the run to ascension


One great thing about spd is that the dev uses stats from players runs to make balancing changes. But I thought it would be cool if these stats could be made public so that people can see them. Another addition that would be nice is a global leaderboard, which shows that top scores that people have achieved, with the ability to see their gear, inventory, skills, score breakdown, etc. I am suggesting both of these things with the intent to make it easier for players to be able to look at the combos and strats other players use. Could these potentially be implemented in the future? Or are there already similar resources that I'm missing?

[โ€“] Riversedgeknight1 1 points 2 weeks ago

Having armor penetration as a starting weapon is almost completely useless. You get a slight damage bonus against crabs. Maybe it could do a small amount of the damage dealt to the target at AOE on adjacent tiles? Or maybe just the 3 tiles behind the enemy.

[โ€“] Riversedgeknight1 2 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

W change making the scythe/sickle ability deal DMG to enemies immune to bleed, it made floors 6-8 annoying if you had a sickle from f 1-5 since the skeletons just ignored your abilities

[โ€“] Riversedgeknight1 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Unlocking them after a normal run was just a suggestion, anti challenges could be implemented without that restriction, of course. The whole idea was that players who struggle with the game don't have to rely on seed seekers. Even with anti challenges implemented, seed seekers could still do their thing. This isn't trying to replace seed seekers, just help with an underlying issue.

[โ€“] Riversedgeknight1 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

With bandits, which also pathfind away from you, they have a slightly reduced movement speed so that you can catch up every 6 turns or so. I feel something similar should be implemented with the trickster. It would preserve the challenge of the boss and its core mechanics, but make it beatable without requiring specific items to counter.

[โ€“] Riversedgeknight1 3 points 3 weeks ago

Or maybe PD just needs a bottom banner of subway surfers gameplay ๐Ÿ’€

[โ€“] Riversedgeknight1 1 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Except for the silence ๐Ÿ’€

[โ€“] Riversedgeknight1 3 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

So the charges are cool, but, like, I feel that trump deserves a refund from that hooker.

Anti-Challenges? (self.pixeldungeon)
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Riversedgeknight1 to c/pixeldungeon

I see a lot of posts on this wiki about seeds that give overpowered items. These greatly reduce the difficulty of the game, but due to the popularity of these posts this seems to appeal to a great deal of the player base. Therefore, I propose the addition of what are effectivly Anti-Challenges, that reduce the difficulty of the game. Things like sadder bosses, night vision, large portions, or thick armor could function as counterparts to their respective challenges, with the cost of your score being reduced by a multiplier, similarly to how challenges increase your score. Perhaps this could only be unlocked after finishing a run with default settings, to preserve the learning curve and difficulty that PD has to offer. What do you guys think?

Recent Patch (self.pixeldungeon)

Personally, I love the changes made in the recent patch, I had been playing a lot with 6 challenges and had into darkness as one, so when I saw an enemy with huntress mind vision not auto targeting them was annoying. The buffs to ebony mimics drops is nice too, since there is a substantial increase in difficulty. What would be nice is if the sundial gave a small benefit, like maybe a small boost in luck, to compensate for the additional difficulty.


Sadly I have no receipts, but I have noticed instances of enemies that are asleep spawning on the same tile that traps are on. Is this intentional? Additionally, I was in a fire trap room in the sewers and a rat ran at me, I one shot it with ranger bow, and when it dropped coins on death it triggered a fire trap it was on. I don't believe it spawned there, so I don't think it triggered the trap when it ran over it. Has this happened to anyone else?

Pie Usefullness? (self.pixeldungeon)

On average, does crafting the pie increase the total amount of satiety you have, or do you trade overall satiety for the faster health Regen?

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