Ken M strikes again
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Damn I forgot about Ken
and we’ll return the favor with our fleet of well-maintained Boeing aircraft
Those doors are pretty heavy… you drop one on a modern ~~aluminum~~ aluminium warship form 30000 feet up and you’ll do some damage.
~~30000 feet~~ 9100 metres
~~9100 meters~~ 910 American football fields
10 meter per field, is this football for toddlers?
I’m American, I can’t math. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I totally forgot about KenM! Anyone know if there's a magazine/community that posts his stuff regularly?
God I just realized I miss the Ken M subreddit. An absolute legend of a troll. The profile pic and horseysurprise.
GOOD point.
The Brits are still salty over those teas thrown over at Boston Harbour.
So is the tea.
from UK perpective they didn't give a fuck about america, there was a lot's of more important things happening there than some country rebelion
Yes, we beat the Germans in 1966 and people still won’t shut up about that…
Is that you, Ken?
Bullshit. The war went on for 8 years, not even counting the French and Indian war before it or the war of 1812. King George was very committed in defeating and later reconquring America. He sent hundreds of ships just to retake New York in the Revolution, the largest fleet move in history up to that time IIRC. Yes there were other conflicts, many caused by France at the time but that statement is flat out false.
Bah. We would merely invoke Article 5, making any attack on us an attack on the UK itself.
Happy Tory independence day! (hopefully)
Wait. Ken M is British? Edit: Floridian
We are all British on this blessed day.
Ken M I love you but the UK celebrates the Banking and Financial Dealings Act. Multiple times a year.
still rule the high seas
The US has the biggest naval fleet in the world
I love the American "patriot" with the Warhammer 40k emperial flag as profile picture.
Remember this date (and every 4th of July since 1776) on next election. Almost no election ever changed existing systems. Revolting did.