
joined 1 year ago
[–] Carrolade 4 points 4 hours ago

What did you think "make America great again" meant? That "again" is a keyword.

[–] Carrolade 7 points 1 day ago

It's become necessary. If the important preventative work we do is devalued, then the only solution is to allow the most severe problems to reappear so a new generation can directly experience life without those mitigation measures. Since they won't listen to anyone without directly experiencing something themselves, then direct experience simply becomes necessary.

[–] Carrolade 11 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I wish "stop eating the primordial soup" was short enough to be a reasonable username...

[–] Carrolade 6 points 3 days ago (1 children)

My fav is just that the sun is, all by itself, 99% of the total mass of our solar system. Most of the rest of that 1% is Jupiter.

[–] Carrolade 12 points 3 days ago

It's the "I know you are, but what am I?" defense. A real elementary school classic.

[–] Carrolade 15 points 4 days ago (2 children)

If true, does that mean he's going to stand up against any attempts Trump makes to trample on personal liberties? As I recall, when he spoke at the Libertarian Convention, their reaction indicated they remembered what they (and he) really stand for.

[–] Carrolade 1 points 4 days ago

You very well might be able to, actually, though I'm not going to guarantee it. Regardless though, if the line is commonly parroted by a certain group, then the claims are not particularly wild, are they?

And yes, there are lots of very useful tips that can identify most propaganda based off of common traits. This is not foolproof though. Still very good to know, though.

[–] Carrolade 1 points 5 days ago (4 children)

Nothing about the term tankie does or should deny their right to live. Advocating for the deaths of people who disagree with you is profoundly against everything liberalism (the freedom-based guiding principle of what we'd call "the west") stands for.

To the contrary, as a pretty standard liberal American I fully support their rights to advocate for whatever they wish. Since there is no realistic way to accurately and objectively determine what is or is not propaganda, I support their right to create that as well.

Regarding the utility of recognizing where propaganda comes from, it can occasionally be useful to know, as it tends to follow certain patterns based on the goals of whoever created it.

[–] Carrolade 2 points 5 days ago (6 children)

Actually the goal of terms like that is efficiency. We could say "supporter of aggressively implemented authoritarian communism" if we wanted, but tankie is shorter.

Helps if you have the background to understand the specifics of what different "isms" support and thus what they disagree on that leads them into genuinely fighting each other. A fascist, a lib and a tankie really do have very core disagreements that cannot be realistically compromised on. At the most basic, a fascist wants a unified society with a strict hierarchy, the tankie wants a unified society with no hierarchy, the lib doesn't want any kind of unified society. If any one of these people gets their way, the other two do not, which leads to conflict.

Left/right are more economic arguments with some wiggle room due to being more or less a spectrum, but also tend to feature significant real world disagreements.

Anyways, I do agree that it's important to have conversations about these underlying details, but when you're talking amongst other people who know the background already, some shorthand terms are going to start appearing. Since these are overarching governance philosophies that any person can adopt or discard at will, they're also a little different from more inherent divisions, like ethnicity for instance. Being a tankie, lib or fascist is a choice, where being Arabic or gay or something is not.

[–] Carrolade 8 points 6 days ago

Somebody needs to put this guy in charge of all the branding elements.

[–] Carrolade 2 points 1 week ago

lol I would absolutely check out this community. Idea is brilliant, honestly.

[–] Carrolade 34 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I think he's going to go down in history as one of the most successful civilian wartime leaders, ever. I truly cannot even begin to imagine how much he has had to learn on the job, and it has certainly taken years off his lifespan. Pictures of him now vs pictures of him pre-war could almost be a father and his son. But his sheer effectiveness at rallying his people and the world has been nothing short of legendary.

"I need ammo, not a ride" is fully equivalent to "We will fight on the beaches". So far I consider him in that same tier as the titans of history. This, I think, is what historical figures look like when you're living alongside them, certainly mired in propaganda and debate, but with a certain shine that is hard to deny.

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