this post was submitted on 23 Jun 2024
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[–] davidagain 35 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Nastiness. The clear connection, at its heart, it's nastiness. Lack of compassion. Zero empathy.

[–] someguy3 15 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Unfortunately it's a little more organized than general nastiness.

[–] davidagain 6 points 4 days ago

You're right, yes.

[–] captainlezbian 22 points 4 days ago

It’s almost like both the Nazis and the queers have been saying that

[–] Drivebyhaiku 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I would argue that the connection is a lot older than Nazis. The era around 1250 responded to a nasty wave of the Black death by Christian leaders collaborating to simultaneously fight the population decline by criminalizing abortion friendly midwifery and ostracize and subjugate gender and sexual minorities because they feared the collapse of society due to a population bust. As such what was taught by the church up to that point began to get new connotations. Jewish populations were persecuted and killed as scapegoats for the cause of the plague. Folk medicine women and non-conforming men were killed and condemned for witchcraft. While women stepped up to fill the roles of men during the plague once the population was rebounding their power of place in society was to be broken as the Church leaned on it's misogynistic practices and preached of the dangers to society and the family...

Nazisim is just a more modern echo of well established means to break the power of non compliant of groups who can be scapegoated or subjugated into subservience to Christians who feel threatened, a group that centers nominally celebate and wealthy men whose only contact with women is in a subordinate role.

[–] Anti_Iridium 18 points 4 days ago

May 6th, 1933, Date of the first Nazi book burnings. The location, Berlin Institute of Sex Research.

[–] TheBigBrother 22 points 5 days ago (1 children)

If you are not Aryan you can be sterilized WO any problem.

[–] Lost_My_Mind 9 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Given the context, I'm assuming this is least I HOPE it's sarcasm!!!

[–] TheBigBrother 6 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

My point is, for nazis you can perfectly be sterilized, except if you are Aryan then you can't, so the premise isn't 100% truth..

[–] [email protected] 21 points 5 days ago (15 children)

Werent the Nazis pro abortion for everyone else?

[–] givesomefucks 38 points 5 days ago (8 children)

And LGBTQ were also victims of their genocide.

Like, the largest demographic of victims were Jewish, but there was a bunch of other groups getting the same treatment.

The difference is LGBTQ was hated by both sides. After Alan Turing contributed more to stopping the nazis than probably any other single person, England chemically castrated him due to his sexual preference which likely contributed to his suicide.

Fascists always prioritize the easiest targets first

[–] [email protected] 9 points 5 days ago (10 children)

The jews were also maligned by both sides.

[–] paf0 2 points 4 days ago (2 children)

One side fought for them. Or, at the very least, freed them when they won.

[–] givesomefucks 11 points 4 days ago (9 children)


The war wasn't fought to stop genocide of any group, it was because Germany and their allies kept invading and attacking other countries.

This is what I'm complaining about.

People learn a feel good version of why WW2 happened in school and run with it. But it's not really that accurate, it's just what we tell kids in school.

[–] paf0 6 points 4 days ago

So, as I said, at the very least they were freed?

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[–] tootoughtoremember 6 points 4 days ago

Probably easier to stick with "at the very least, freed them".

Pearl Harbor was the rallying cry that brought America together (mostly) to fight the Axis powers. Prior to that, isolationist (and Anti-Semitic) groups such as the America First Committee were growing in popularity. To say America was fighting for the Jews in WW2 may be technically correct based on who was responsible for the Holocaust, but it was more the byproduct of who America's enemies were at the time, rather than being a primary motivator. Coming in as the savior to a population being persecuted is rarely the real reason wars are fought.

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[–] foggy 13 points 5 days ago

Pretty sure they were pro sterilization of basically anyone not Aryan.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 days ago

Abortions for some, a white ethnostate for others!

[–] Eldritch 2 points 4 days ago

Only as a final solution.

[–] Lost_My_Mind 1 points 5 days ago

They were pro abortion to 148th trimester adults! Well......if they were jewish (or a handfull of other things)

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[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago

Is a tree connected to its leaves?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

See? They Owned the Libs!!!

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