
joined 2 years ago
[–] aidan -1 points 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago)

Idk, it almost just depresses me to look at it. Something about it feels like 2000s benign

[–] aidan 4 points 10 hours ago

I didn't know heat until I went to Kuwait in summer

[–] aidan 8 points 10 hours ago

Time to do steganography to talk to my friends I guess

[–] aidan 1 points 10 hours ago

Sadly it seems like most of Europe and potentially other "western" countries will follow

[–] aidan 7 points 11 hours ago
[–] aidan 2 points 12 hours ago

IIRC there was actually a study and pedos with access to synthetic CSAM were less likely to victimize real children.

[–] aidan 1 points 2 months ago

Yeah I absolutely agree, my issue is with libraries that do trivial or not particularly useful things.

submitted 4 months ago by aidan to c/technology
submitted 4 months ago by aidan to c/news

The title really undersells it, it seems like under a Biden Executive Order, free/open-source software will have to ban all Russian contributions. Its unclear if American developers would be allowed to contribute to Russian software like Nginx

submitted 5 months ago by aidan to c/videos

The real shower thought was about movement across the highest speed we know of at the minimum distance we know of, so I divided Planck length by the speed of light.

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