
joined 2 years ago
[–] foggy 4 points 1 hour ago

You missed the point.

[–] foggy 9 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

And did the tarriffs work?



They did not work, and the United States sank deeper into the great depression.

[–] foggy 21 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) (5 children)

Scams are purposely crafted with levels of sophistication to target specific levels of tech literacy.

Not saying you did, but just for all reading, never assume you're too tech savvy to get scammed. That thought is scammers literal bread and butter. Stay vigilant and curious.

[–] foggy 25 points 2 hours ago (4 children)

Papers, please.

[–] foggy 2 points 12 hours ago

"I have been very respectful, why are you yelling?"


[–] foggy 11 points 17 hours ago

If you have a 401k you are invested in Tesla.

If that bothers you, you can talk to your broker about how to diversify your investments to mitigate losses stemming from their now toxic brand.

I know absolute dick nothing about investing, and this is not advice. I just know I hate the dude enough to talk to a stranger on the phone.

[–] foggy 1 points 17 hours ago

Nah that's just his face.

[–] foggy 1 points 19 hours ago

This whole fucking power struggle boils down to

"no u"

[–] foggy 17 points 20 hours ago (8 children)

Probably my favorite Steven Miller piece to watch. Gives you those feel good vibes. Props to that reporter making him look like a petulant child.

[–] foggy 2 points 20 hours ago
[–] foggy 171 points 23 hours ago

He didn't feel he could disregard it.

He successfully disregarded it.

[–] foggy 14 points 23 hours ago


Sorry what?

Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining, bub.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by foggy to c/upliftingnews

A bakery in Conway NH is suing the town after being told their mural violates advertising signage laws. It seems the sign just has pastries and doesn't otherwise advertise the business, so they're calling it art and arguing it should stay. The town disagrees so they're going to court over it.

The bakery is suing the town for $1, and permission to keep the kids mural up.

This is a small business fighting to keep kids art on display. Suing for $1 is a way to signal that are willing to do this at a financial loss, and that the display isn't a means of enriching themselves but rather their community.

submitted 4 months ago by foggy to c/music

I'm approaching 40. I've been all over the internet my whole life. Mostly a metal head. I love me my prog rock. I love my folk, and a little indie here and there.

I won't give away too much, but if you know where I know this music from, give me a shout. I'm sure some of y'all are out tofu aware out there.

Pete Davis never got the fame he deserves in this genre. Maybe Foss platforms can give a hum le ho ie a signal boost. This is his most popular track with a band from cages ago, but peep his shit. He deserves it.


The bottom of the page there is a countdown that will expire at midnight Eastern standard Time tonight.

This company claims to be in Boston. They've received federal grants. I've done a small amount of digging, but it would be entirely within valves resources to set up such a company. They have a LinkedIn, but it doesn't really seem like anyone really works there? It seems like a viral marketing campaign.

There was a Reddit thread. A while back. Some people noticed classes in the HTML that referenced other half-lifey things. But, some people in that thread shut it down as nothing out of the ordinary.

Then, there have been recent leaks with regard to a new game being developed. Someone found a resume suggesting that a person had done voice-over work for an unreleased project with Valve in 2023.

There was also a leak of some files with .hlx file types, and I guess prior to the half-life alyx release some .hla files leaked.

In the .hlx file leak, I guess there was found references to things like the EV suit.

Here's a YouTube video that touches on all of this.

submitted 6 months ago by foggy to c/videos

Acceptable range of answers:

"I mix mustard with mayo"


"I emulsify a blend of herbs and mustard seeds and chilis in clarified butter to make and herbaceous fatty hot spread"

Bonus: what's it best on?

submitted 8 months ago by foggy to c/thesimpsons
submitted 8 months ago by foggy to c/thesimpsons

Legend has it, Eyedea wrote these lyrics when he was 14 years old. What the actual fuck.


This is an appreciation thread. All 4 games are iconic to me. Way underrated.

To me, midnight club is everything need for speed wanted to be. Need for speed had a few hits and many misses. Midnight club was 100% hits. And they aged incredibly. They're still fun as hell.

If you never played and you dig arcade racing games, go play. It's an open city racing game. Variety of racing types, endless challenges, and really great mechanicsi just wish it was as.pophlar as it deserves to be.

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