If I knew how much Blippi I'd have listened to by now, I'd have adopted a 10 year old instead.
Tattletale Times
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wait until she learns his net worth omg
i don't even hate on him anymore, just respect the hustle. lol
Which blippi though? LA blippi or travel/theater blippi? :D
that's the worst part. he's multiplying!
OG Blippi.
yeah they branched out with his hire-ons and the girl one too.
needless to say cha...
.. ching.
for sure, for that much money I'd wear that stupid hat and bow tie in a second!
You can. There's no bottom to the need for kids videos. The problem isn't the outfit, it's coming up with catchy content.
Remember when he shit diarrhea on his friends dick? I remember.
I feel like more people need to know you're not just memeing. Idk how a dude who did that on video on the Internet gets not only allowed to make children's content, but becomes one of the biggest children's entertainers in the world. My kid watched a few of these n my that boy ain't right sense was tingling the whole time to where I decided to do some research on him n found out about the aforementioned video, and his attempts to hide it from the world. Fuck Blippy.
Yeah I've already endured enough (3 episodes) while visiting my nephew. My son is never gonna watch a single minute of that show.
I've watched so much Blippi after taking care of my nephews. It made me appreciate the Wiggles afterwards.
Dude doesn't care about your kids or their well being. Just an optimistic YouTube content creator that accidentally struck gold.
His content is not designed for your children to learn anything. It's created in a way that it's highly addicting with constant shots of dopamine.
Make your kids watch Mr. Roger's. There are no constant repetitive songs or cutaways or flashy lights. Just good old fashion learning.