And they still feel the need to have a legal team that rivals Disney hunting down and harassing every fan project and emulation team.
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Every emulation team? Did they sue others too?
Oh I see why they shut down the Super Mario Maker 1 servers, money is getting tight at Nintendo.
All mobile games besides Pokemon GO felt very mediocre to me. The quality wasn't bad but not exellent either.
PoGo model update has entered the chat.
I got the Cofagrigus mask before the update and have not taken it off since. My girlfriend hates how her character looks now though.
I wonder how much they make off the infinite amount of garbage "games" on their eshop
Unfortunately, Nintendo mobile practices are nasty.
I suspect Nintendo applied the japanese mobile scheme to global market, but its a mistake on the long run: Such practice for a company considered family-friendly can be bad, as it can trigger regulations.