A couple of years ago I found a black and white photo from the late 1800s and wanted to figure out what station it was from. Google was useless and only showed unrelated stations, but surprisingly, Bing found a page with the exact photo on it. It was on one of those shitty scraper pages that just lists thousands and thousands of random photos, but nonetheless I figured out what station it was
This is a place to share greentexts and witness the confounding life of Anon. If you're new to the Greentext community, think of it as a sort of zoo with Anon as the main attraction.
Be warned:
- Anon is often crazy.
- Anon is often depressed.
- Anon frequently shares thoughts that are immature, offensive, or incomprehensible.
If you find yourself getting angry (or god forbid, agreeing) with something Anon has said, you might be doing it wrong.
Jesus Christ I guess I’m not misremembering.
Bing’s reverse image search is essentially dead in 2024 unless you’re uploading the Mona Lisa. It’s really, really terrible and even worse than Google.
My favorites right now are Tineye, Yandex, and Google, in that order.
Strange, for me Tineye has not a single time been able to identify ANY of the images I ever tried. Yandex has worked best for me
Same, tineye only ever worked for me if I uploaded a picture that was by Reuters or something and therefore on lots of reputable sites. In any other cases it found nothing.
My last experience with bings reverse image search was in 2022 or so, so no vouches for its quality these days. I've had mixed results with tineye, but there was another one which I don't even remember the name of that generated reverse search links for all the search engines, I think it even listed that Chinese one and a few others I've never heard of rather than being its own thing. I had decent luck with that, I found Bing still worked the best but I haven't tried it since
Google lens definitely wins for object search though. Not the point of the post, I know, but it's kind of funny how their reverse image search is dogshit but their object recognition is flawless
Please please come back when you remember the name of what you’re talking about.
I would search for it myself, but you know, it’s not 2003 to 2022 anymore.
This sounds like what reverseimagesearch dot org does, but that only has 4 engines linked.
Just that name Tineye. Now I need to find images I have a reason to search.
It does seem like the ideology of those inside google went from "tech" , to "I know better than you do". Not sure it's fixable really..
That's the problem with most tech these days. They assume they know the best way to do something or know better than you. Its infuriating
Spotify is a prime example of this. There are so many "features" I hate and that no one has asked for, yet shuffle doesn't even work.
Everytime I start spotify in ny office after listening on my commute, it tries to start playing on my phone since that was playing in my car.
Or when I was still there, Reddit search. Absolutely useless and so fucking smarmy with that stupid doge.
What do you mean by "shuffle doesn't even work"? Please qualify that statement.
they may be referring to how spotify's shuffle isn't a true "shuffle" in that it is biased to things you have listened to more, recently, etc
Very interesting article. Prabhakar Raghavan's basically Ted Faro.
That was great, thank you for linking! I expected to just skim it and ended up reading the whole article and the follow-up
Unrealistic. I usually have to scroll way down in the results to find a link to wikipedia nowadays.
So true. If I want to know how old a celebrity is, first result is something about their latest work that doesn't mention age, and then the next 3-4 are usually some ranking articles, "top 10 ceberities you didn't know were 50," and then Wikipedia comes in with the answer.
Best erotica books 2024 listings occupy the first 5 positions.
There is a firefox addon for it called search by image not sure how good it is tho as i have never used it .
Yandex, my friends
I don't even care if the results are good. I'm not about to use any part of RUnet.
Honest question: why not? Facebook/Google/Microsoft are up to some disgusting shit, are their Russian counterparts significantly different?
Privacy, for one thing. I don't use Google, Bing, Windows, or any Meta software*, and Yandex aren't much different.
Security, though, is another thing. I live in a NATO country, and I would imagine the Russian government are monitoring Yandex (and other RUnet services). Frankly, I think contributing any data to such a government would be against my interests.
There's also a lot of censorship on RUnet. Yeah, Google has that too, but Mojeek and Brave Search do not.
TL;DR: Google is data-hungry and supplies data to the NSA; Yandex is data-hungry and supplies data to the Kremlin; Mojeek and Brave Search are good; DDG and Startpage are the best for the average user.
Yandex reverse image search often works considerably better than Google's.
And their translator too. I use it all the time for Latin. Google Translate was made mostly for Romance and Germanic languages, so it sucks at assigning the right case to Latin, and the word order is often a mess. Yandex was however made with Russian in mind, that is ~~syntactically~~ EDIT: grammatically* closer to Latin in those two aspects.
*case division is morphology in this case.
I can't use Yandex as it just makes me complete endless capchas
Maybe you are a robot
Does that mean it should have its time wasted? Anti-robot bigotry is at an all time high and I, for one, think it's time for change.
It’s a little less awful when you’re not on a VPN, but even if it had twice as many captchas, it’s reverse image search is so much better than Google’s and Bing’s how that it’d still be worth it.
Also consider Tineye.
What’s yandex?
Russian search engine