I hope he does a video on it !
I was there. Hope I'll be able to attend the 10k-th post as well!
It will probably come one day, but I'm not sure that's a priority. WOuld be neat though
This could be awesome in bringing lots of users. In the fediverse we trust them (unlike threads)
I mostly use Jellyfin on Firefox, except on My Steam Deck where the JMP worked better in gaming mode.
Also, for Music I use Finamp everywhere, Desktop and Mobile!
Gg ! Enjoy and make the most of this beast! 😄
Way too smart to give a damn about dying though 🎉
Well tbh the Discord client is way more responsive and fast than any matrix client i've ever used.
Sure there are all the annoying crap, but you can use other client though, never got me banned or anything, but again, i'm not a huge discord user, so mileage may vary
I feel you, however, discord is THE place to chat if you want Feedback, people are already there... Well you know how it work eh!
I love Matrix and Element, I have a lot of stuff there (even my Server is sending notification to element instead of discord), but dammit sometime it's just aweful to use...
They are way too smart to wanna be in charge
This is in heavy development, federation has not been enabled yet and the server source code is not available for now, bit it is just a matter off time, for now there is only one main instance