They say things like this because their base wants to kill people they dislike. Most people don't want to kill people they dislike, they want them to win three Guinness World Records for longest lasting, least operable, and largest hemorrhoids.
Do you think there's a 13 year old girl in Gaza who is writing a diary that will be widely read by children across the world 40-50 years from now?
Elon Musk is 3 beers away from cornering his most attractive niece at Thanksgiving and lecturing her for 38 minutes about how Lincoln started the "War of Northern Aggression."
I might be wrong here, but tariffs can be very effective tools, but as a slow burn. The way they're being wielded here is asinine.
If you want to affect behavior, tariffs are a long game. They're passed by Congress so they aren't tied to the whims of one man. If you don't want US chicken or EU trucks, make a law and let decades of implementation change behavior.
If you just want them to hurt, you do them the way we are now. The unpredictability hurts businesses and individuals, inside and outside the US. It makes prices and markets volatile and sows distrust. It hurts the vast majority of people, but benefits people who have the stability and assets to buy low and sell high. Each tariff implementation and retraction is just a mini market manipulation giving people with advance knowledge of what is affected to profit.
Friendly reminder that company towns and company scrips are the industrial revolution's take on micro transactions.
I feel like someone will be screaming at me in three years because I'll be unhappy that Liz Cheney is the Democratic nominee. It'll be the lesser of two evils, maybe.
I think it is the city in the US with the highest percentage of Arab Americans. But also maybe there's a bit of oil there.
Hey, hey, marketing yourself as Fascism Lite: Low Sodium as opposed to Fascism Original Recipe has to work at some point, right?
You seem to be mentioning right wing grifters a lot in this thread. What exactly do they do that upsets you so badly?
Every foreign dignitary who visits the White House should wear a tan suit just for fun.
He is a gentleman after all.
I always weigh my pasta. A really large serving of pasta is ~4oz.