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[–] pachrist 2 points 1 day ago (14 children)

I am a little confused by this because I think they're kind of technically right?

Democrat corporate interest will absolutely keep them from going after big tech. Maybe they think and ponder about some antitrust stuff, to save face, but it comes to nothing. Any significant change we've had recently has come from legislation in the EU.

Republicans are absolutely more likely to go after big tech than Democrats. But it's not because they're altruistic or down to help the scrappy little guy. They're petty. They hold grudges. They're still mad tech companies clamped down on them over Covid. But, they haven't been bribed yet, but once they are, this goes away.

That's why all these contributions are coming into the inauguration fund. There's more to come.

But that only works on the Republicans who haven't drunk the Koolaid, and there are more and more Republican politicians who drink as much Koolaid as they possibly can. They're not the classic grifters taking advantage of their constituents, they're diehard believers, and that's way scarier. They're the most likely to retaliate against big tech.

I guess the "Trump supports the little guy," take is bad, but the "Republicans are more likely to hurt big tech," is not. Never underestimate pettiness.

[–] pachrist 16 points 2 days ago

She's also the one who has fought any attempt to curb it, tooth and nail, for the past couple years.

[–] pachrist 3 points 3 days ago

Russia is like a bank robber with a bazooka to your head. Yeah, their home life is shit, but they're still holding you hostage, and they have a lot less to lose than you do.

[–] pachrist 24 points 3 days ago

The worst thing they've ever done is remove functionality from the desktop app and have it exclusively in their mobile app.

I love the idea of Sonos. Being able to have whole house audio without having to run a shit load of cabling would be a dream come true, except they do it so badly it is often a nightmare.

[–] pachrist 3 points 3 days ago

Nah, nobody wants to coach for Jerry Jones. He's kneecapped that team so hard. Maybe Jerry will coach?

[–] pachrist 21 points 4 days ago (1 children)

They went the same place the people who raved that any critics of Biden/Harris were cloaked Trump supporters or Russian bots.

Theyre still here, just posting about things that aren't politics.

[–] pachrist 10 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Man, this new focus tree is weird. Didn't realize you could just skip Anschluss with ~~Austria~~ Canada and go straight to annexing ~~Sudetenland~~ Greenland.

[–] pachrist 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It's also incredibly worthwhile. There's not much that's better than freshly baked bread.

[–] pachrist 0 points 1 week ago

On the bright side, if there's a boomer who only posts bad memes about how much he hates his wife, you can say he has a mental illness.

You could before, because it's true, but you still can too.

[–] pachrist 1 points 1 week ago

When you stop and think about it, the USA annexing Greenland makes a ton of sense. Putin will ask for Alaska back, Trump will give it to him, and then Greenland will be Alaska 2.0.

[–] pachrist 7 points 1 week ago

Vicks Vaporub makes a fire and ice lube. It's not good.

[–] pachrist 11 points 1 week ago

If there was one poisoned chainsaw in a bowl of chainsaws, you wouldn't take a gamble and eat one.

Just some food for thought. Follow me on LinkedIn.

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