For owls that are superb.
US Wild Animal Rescue Database: Animal Help Now
International Wildlife Rescues:
Australia Rescue Help: WIRES
Germany-Austria-Switzerland-Italy Wild Bird Rescue:
If you find an injured owl:
Note your exact location so the owl can be released back where it came from. Contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitation specialist to get correct advice and immediate assistance.
Minimize stress for the owl. If you can catch it, toss a towel or sweater over it and get it in a cardboard box or pet carrier. It should have room to be comfortable but not so much it can panic and injure itself. If you can’t catch it, keep people and animals away until help can come.
Do not give food or water! If you feed them the wrong thing or give them water improperly, you can accidentally kill them. It can also cause problems if they require anesthesia once help arrives, complicating procedures and costing valuable time.
If it is a baby owl, and it looks safe and uninjured, leave it be. Time on the ground is part of their growing up. They can fly to some extent and climb trees. If animals or people are nearby, put it up on a branch so it’s safe. If it’s injured, follow the above advice.
For more detailed help, see the OwlPages Rescue page.
What a cute family picture.
This is the first one to ever exist ever!?! Wow...
The first Reported case.
It's impossible for you to know otherwise.
Yes, I unfortunately only have access to but a portion of recorded history... 😓
It could have also been reported over the last few hundred years and the writings have been lost, so then we'd both be somewhat incompletely accurate. But let me do what I can to address this potential oversight!
I did find what looks to be a summary of the research from the researchers themselves, sooooo:
While frequently reported in birds, albinism is only rarely observed in cryptically colored avian species such as owls. These images represent—to the best of our knowledge—the first reported case of incomplete albinism in the Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo).
And before anyone asks:
In ecology, crypsis is the ability of an animal or a plant to avoid observation or detection by other animals. It may be a predation strategy or an antipredator adaptation. Methods include camouflage, nocturnality, subterranean lifestyle and mimicry. Crypsis can involve visual, olfactory (with pheromones) or auditory concealment. When it is visual, the term cryptic coloration, effectively a synonym for animal camouflage, is sometimes used, but many different methods of camouflage are employed by animals or plants.
To clarify… the first one that has been documented.
“Pics or it doesn’t count” is a motto to live by.
This owl is so white it wears khakis to the golf course.
Pay attention to where she goes. This owl will lead you to a wizard.
For the last time… I’m not a wizard. I’m just a grump old man in a bathrobe. Mkay, kid.
The owl is the wizard,
And the wizard just likes fucking with the old man.