
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

Lemme is not a file (image) storage engine. What makes it so lightweight and fast on smaller hardware is its generally only dealing with text. Introducing large file support will just add bloat to the service with having to store the images. Not to mention this increases things like bandwidth billing from everyone viewing the image. That’s why you should use external image hosting services that are designed to do that.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 hours ago (2 children)

If this goes through you won’t see any more subsidized planes without a locked in contract, or installment plans you’ll still be on the hook for. Not a bad thing, just don’t think there’s much merit in this unless you really have to jump. The original phone company will still get their money.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 hours ago

I don’t read manga so don’t have to worry about that.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 hours ago

Assuming this is between two consenting parties (I.e the person knows where their tampon is going), what makes them a creep?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 5 hours ago

To me, if my children or wife had been taken hostage. There would be no limit…

So then, when about all those people killed in the process. What about the mothers and children dying? The ones that are not directly involved in this fight either. Do their spouses get the chance for the same level of revenge once they’re killed?

Do you not see that inequality and what it does?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 hours ago

This guys pulling a Mayor Vaughn now “keep the beaches open!”

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

My holders were mounted vertically, so there is no over and under, only left or right. I’m so confused as to which way to put it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

FM4 (Motorsport, not Horizon) didn’t have radio stations.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Thank you for qualifying that. I hate when people immediately go “.255 isn’t a valid address!” It, and .0 very much are if you’re using a /23 or larger.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

Yes yes it does… shart … fucker… 420, oh! shark! Misread it.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Just checking you’re not in a state that passed one of those draconian porn verification laws? Redgifs is following suit with whichever states PornHub is blocking. Try launching the lemmy page in your browser directly and see what you get too.

[–] [email protected] 41 points 1 day ago (2 children)

So which one of them is the whistleblower?


Quite often you see people saying “tourists need to go home” or “we need less tourists” and there are some valid issues with how people can be, but overall, having tourists is a good thing. It shows that the middle class actually has means of traveling. It also tends to stimulate a local economy with additional revenue and can offset taxes for locals through hotel and other tourism fees. Those that do travel also tend to develop a broader world view then being in their own little sphere.

A reduction in tourism means that only the rich will end up traveling, and everyone else will be stuck only in the place they’re born, relegated mainly to pictures and videos “of a far off land” and will foster deeper divides of “well that’s just them over there” instead of getting to experience it firsthand.


Let’s say I hit submit on a post or reply, and then immediately notice a typo and edit it. Or I accidentally mis-swipe and downvote and then change it to an upvote.

In both cases, do both actions immediately get posted to the feed, or does the Lemmy instance wait a minute and combine (or overwrite) the actions so that only a single action gets published?


How long do you plan on wearing a mask for? Will it be for the rest of your life? What will change your view?

This isn’t meant to be inflammatory. There’s someone at work who wears one everyday and I’m too afraid to ask them.


How often do you shave? How long does it take you? How do you do it?

Just curious as it feels like a chore for me. I usually do a with the grain shave with a safety razor and no product since I don’t have a lot of time and that gives the least irritation, but it’s not a close shave. I see guys that get stupid close shaves and I often wonder how much time they spend on it.


Driving around town I’ve noticed quite a few places in San Antonio are offering free weed and are now selling it. Did I miss something being passed? I thought only Delta-8 (and variants) were available and that THC was still banned. Was there a loophole discovered or will the city no longer prosecute?


What happened to Monica Rial? She voiced Tomoe for all of the first season and the first six episodes of this season but episode 7 was someone completely different. Did she get sick or did something else happen? (Save past commentary I’m just curious in the current context)


I know that sound doesn’t travel in a vacuum, you can hear it muddled in water, and different temperatures of air transmit better. But which is the “best”. Let’s say you had a speaker and a microphone in an enclosed case filled with whatever you wanted, which would be the best medium to ensure the best sound transmission?


I’m sure this gets brought up every so often, but does anyone know the status of the merger? It went from “everything from Funimation is moving over!” to “we’re working on it”. It’s been quite a while now and there are still quite a few series I can only find on Funi. Generally they’re older series. I’m wondering if they’re having licensing issues moving things over. The really weird part is I see they’re still adding new content to Funi, a platform that was supposedly going away. I’m keeping my subscription until they’ve fully moved things over.


I’ve been trying different searches but everything I find just says “sunlight”. Since sunlight consists of multiple parts such as UV, Infrared and the normal visible spectrum, I’m curious which part is actually responsible for photosynthesis to occur? On that note, depending on what part of the light, would it still grow with an LED, black light, etc.?


Hey all, is there any advantage to getting Voyager via the App Store? I originally did that when setting up my phone but keep noticing it’s a version or two behind all the time. Is there any real advantages that getting it via the store offers in terms of functionality or performance?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/voyagerapp

On iPhone, I know with an image, I just click the 3 dots, and select “save image”, however I can’t seem to do that for a mp4. I tried tapping (pauses the video) and long pressing (doesn’t do anything). Do you know how to save a video from Voyager?

Edit: gifs are fine, it’s mp4s

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