
joined 1 year ago
Statuesque Saw Whet (
submitted 1 hour ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photo by Mark Workman

Power Nap (
submitted 1 hour ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photos by Lucia Hackett

Barred owlets will take power naps by keeping their talons tightly gripped on a branch and lie down on their stomachs. This cutie was so busy this morning moving around in the branches until he wasn't! Then he plopped down on the branch and let his wings hang and relax. He stayed like that for about 15 minutes just casually looking around. Then he had to figure out how to get up.

[–] anon6789 3 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

Passat Headlamp Assembly

Check out 4:30 in this video and see if that looks like what you have. Seems DLR is a self contained assembly that is replaced as a whole unit.

[–] anon6789 3 points 23 hours ago

I want to see it in a shot glass!

[–] anon6789 3 points 23 hours ago

There seem to be known spots since owls are territorial. So you can either follow the sounds or just hang out and try to see it fly in. Those are what I typically see in the comments.

[–] anon6789 3 points 23 hours ago

It's like when you find a kid in hide and seek.

[–] anon6789 8 points 1 day ago

The disdain for us lower forms of life starts early! 😅

[–] anon6789 16 points 1 day ago (1 children)
[–] anon6789 13 points 1 day ago (3 children)
submitted 1 day ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photos from the Wildlife Center of Virginia

Who would have thought that when screech-owl hatchlings open their eyes they turn from cute little fuzzballs into the most grumpy, judgemental-looking owls on the planet?

Snug (
submitted 1 day ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photo by Carolyn Nessman

Great Horned Owl in a tight spot!

[–] anon6789 1 points 1 day ago

I think some of these things are just repacked over runs of other products, so once the supply is out, that's the end of them. It does get frustrating when you try something, and when you go back for more, they're already gone.

I feel some of it is just because I can't get any more though. I really stocked up on the Herring from German week, and now I've only at like 2 cans of it. 😅

Those nuggets had the absolute perfect texture, tasted great, and I found them more filling as well. Would love for them to have some type of seitan nugget sometime as well. I'm sure they could get a good one.

[–] anon6789 7 points 1 day ago (4 children)

We have so much empty space in much of the country, I dont know why we can't just build a few cities for them. I'm not sure the cost of these detention centers vs a functioning town, but if we gave them real housing, infrastructure, and gave them a place to work and earn income during their asylum or immigration process, it sounds much less cruel and more productive, and would treat them like human beings and get a start on building a life here.

[–] anon6789 24 points 2 days ago (7 children)

Thanks for sharing these. There has really been a bunch of good to come out of this administration. Much of it isn't flashy stuff that gets talked about, but there is a lot that really should be important to a lot of people.

I think Biden has exceeded most expectations many of us had for him. There are always going to be things presidents do that we won't agree with. Obama was also pretty crappy with immigrants, drone strikes, and a number of other things, but it seems we're able to look back at his terms as a net positive. If Biden didn't have to clean up after Trump and Covid, I think he could have been a very memorable president.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very pissed about Gaza and the border, but Gaza is a result of almost 100 years of bad policy of many parties, and the number of regular people still bitching about false immigration stories is pressuring all representatives to be harsh on that. We can only expect a president to do so much if a large swath of Congress and the people themselves are against something.

Tiny Tawny (
submitted 2 days ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photo by Margitta Hild

A tawny owl just before it flew off into the night.

submitted 2 days ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photo from the Cincinnati Zoo

They titled this "Bad Feather Day" but I liked my title better.

Saw Whet Sun Set (
submitted 2 days ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photo by Kevin Thurk

Housing Upgrades (
submitted 2 days ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

From Freedom First Wildlife Rehab

Check out the glare from Minnie Mae, the Eastern Screech owl! Minnie was damaging her wing entering a traditional screech owl house so we had to change up the entrance to protect her. Daily checks and modifications are always needed to protect owls in captivity.

Staring Saw Whet (
submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photo by Mike Lentz

Here is another Northern Saw Whet Owl in a different natural nest cavity.

This was probably the most rewarding spring in my nature photography journey! Working with a few other friends to accomplish many things that required a little knowledge, skill or just plain hard work.

This mother stayed on her nest of four babies for approximately 18 days - just like what the books say... can confirm that is accurate first hand! Then dad came in and fed them daily until they fledged!

Sneak ~~Peak~~ Peek (
submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Photo by Harold Wilion


Sorry, you folks with the cellphones (pretty much everyone) might have to enlarge the image just to see the owl, but thought the photo said more than if cropped tight.

A Special Visitor (
submitted 5 days ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

White Faced Scops stops in to visit The resident at the Owl Rescue Centre

Found this little fella perched on a shelf in our clinic this morning. He isn't a patient, just a visitor checking in on a family member.

Our windows are made of shadenet with roll down canvas blinds and the one has an opening in where he flew in.

It happens almost weekly with all our different species.

White Faced Scops was winner of the first Owl of the Year, but will it be able to hold onto the crown again this year?

Off to the Beach! (
submitted 5 days ago by anon6789 to c/superbowl

Here's a cool pic of a Snowy cruising along the shoreline.

I'm headed off to the beach myself for the rest of the month, so I didn't know what time posts will be going up, but I've got a bunch stockpiled already and I'll surely keep finding new stuff every day.

I don't like the hot so much, so I'll be making plenty of time to sit indoors and scroll for owls and respond to your questions and comments.

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