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[-] FuglyDuck 4 points 19 minutes ago

it would never have happened in the first place. if roles were reversed, there would have been adequate forces in place to prevent it from escalating.

Remember, Trump made sure to have a relatively light law enforcement presence in the capital. There were no unscalable barricades present. there was no call for the Nat Guard- despite assurances they were ready to go, and that was trump's call.

the entire insurrection was planned by people who wanted to put trump back in the white house by any means necessary. I don't know that it was entirely planned by trump- he's a moron- but it was certainly done with his cooperation.

[-] FuglyDuck 2 points 35 minutes ago

"Confusion and Concern Cloud rescue Efforts."

... oh dear.

[-] FuglyDuck 1 points 1 hour ago

it's gaslighting. it's one of the ways that narcisistic assholes use to manipulate you into doing and being what they want.

Don't fall for it in romance, and don't fall for it in religion either.

[-] FuglyDuck 1 points 1 hour ago

so. Alabama is a bunch of very fine people then? and Kentucky.

[-] FuglyDuck 1 points 1 hour ago

So, Vance, you’re saying that college tuition should be totally subsidized by tax dollars? Right?

I'm going to say it's already heavily subsidized by tax dollars. (aka student loans that are supposed to be forgiven at one point or another.)

easy access to student loans has only caused tuition to skyrocket. subsidizing tuition more directly is just going to do the same. What really needs to happen is to provide viable public education for 2 year and 4 year degrees.

And Vance can get the fuck out of the curriculum.

[-] FuglyDuck 4 points 2 hours ago

Bruh the only politician who has been flattened in the past 24 hours was Ebrahim Raisi.

too soon. also... was he flattened? or is he more of a smear?

[-] FuglyDuck 6 points 2 hours ago

about as likely as internal power struggles, or some other actor who wants to maybe stir up shit in the middle east. (wouldn't put it past the russians, to be honest. they'd benefit from israel going to war and people forgetting about Ukraine.)

not as likely as mechanical failure or shitty weather.

[-] FuglyDuck 2 points 2 hours ago

So… it’s fine if it’s my cousin?

[-] FuglyDuck 13 points 3 hours ago

It’s reasonable to imagine.

It’s also reasonable to imagine internal power struggles, or mechanical failure.

Don’t buy anything. We’ll probably never really know.

[-] FuglyDuck 7 points 3 hours ago

Cars become a lot safer when they close entire stretches of highways for you, the driver is a professionally trained driver, and never gets distracted or drunk while driving; and you’re driving something heavily up-armored.

Helicopters are very complicated machines for whom total engine failure inevitably leads to a crash- a crash that generally people can’t walk away from.

Yes it’s possible to safely land a helicopter without power- and most everywhere doing so is part of pilot training for thermal licenses. Those training landings are a) known, b) in ideal locations where it’s safe to land, c) generally in an aircraft that hasn’t lost control.

Even then, they fuck it up they’re dead.

[-] FuglyDuck 8 points 4 hours ago

better call a plumber, then.

Hooo? (
submitted 1 week ago by FuglyDuck to c/superbowl

cross-posted from:


submitted 2 weeks ago by FuglyDuck to c/starwarsmemes
submitted 1 month ago by FuglyDuck to c/nostupidquestions

Saw this going to a friend’s house- they bagged the fire hydrants….one thought was snow; but this is the first year apparently. And snow has been a mild issue this year compared to most.

It's spring, dammit (
submitted 2 months ago by FuglyDuck to c/mildlyinfuriating

Snow on Thursday.

Loaf. (self.superbowl)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by FuglyDuck to c/superbowl

Mamma loafing around with the minions. (~~one is behind her, to the front, the other is behind and to her tail.~~)(edit: those are snacks,)

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by FuglyDuck to c/cooking

Gotta ask, what kinda candy was she making? Soft crack. Hard crack. Pot….

Even has the donuts on there for, you know, dealing with the munchies.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by FuglyDuck to c/superbowl

so drop 'em if you got 'em

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by FuglyDuck to c/cooking

Double, double Toil and Trouble; Fire burn and Cauldron boil.
and the finished soup:

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by FuglyDuck to c/cooking

Okay, so I was making chicken soup from stock I had made using a (lightly,) browned carcus and neck. just before dumping the the dumplings into it, the stock's color was a nice light brown. I added about 1/4 cup of lemon juice, turned my back for 30 seconds after a stir and it turned it an almost milky-off white. Eventually it deepened to this:

It's delicious, and tastes as expected, I'm just curious as to what happened in the broth's chemistry?

Seasoned with salt (duh), a sprig of thyme, some ginger and garlic, (just a hint of ginger,) black pepper, lemon zest (which was added with the torn chicken,) and white wine deglazed the pot from browning the dark meat.

The stock was from garlic, onion, celery, carrot and maybe ginger scraps cooked with the chicken carcass..

submitted 7 months ago by FuglyDuck to c/3dprinting

Due to reasons... I've "adopted" a CR10s that a friend had bought. It was used, and was already well on it's way to being a janky Printer of Theseus. My hope is to get it up and running and put through it's paces before the holidays so I can give it back as a gift.

With the linear rail upgrades, I picked up the hardware and it's on it's way; which got me looking at how to do the upgrade, which I have mostly figured out; the question I'm having is, most upgrades seem to place the rails on 2020 extrusions sitting on top of the base frame- same as how the original y axis 2040's were designed.

Which raises the question- why not lower it so the 2020 rails are even with the frame, with the mgn12 rail sitting on top? Like so:

The short answer I came to is this would necessitate replacing the brackets for the y stepper motor and it's idler; but it should be possible. the easiest solution would be something like:

which raises the question: are printed parts rigid enough to hold against the tension on the belts? The motors can't handle too much tension anyhow, and the printer already has the screw-cap tensioners for x and y printed that seem to have been holding up well.

has anybody replaced the OG metal bracket on the back? does it stress and need replacing often, or is it fairly reliable (and above all, consistent,)

submitted 7 months ago by FuglyDuck to c/[email protected]

I mean, like incompetent. For the record those organs I just stole? literally on the desk in front of him. Time to hike on over and sell it. To the Trade Authority.... all 20 feet away...

(this was in the UC security in the Well, new atlantis)

Car wash: touchless or soft touch? (self.nostupidquestions)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by FuglyDuck to c/nostupidquestions

Which do you use and why? Which one gets it cleaner. If it matters we have “real” winters here, meaning snow cruft and salt that absolutely must be removed.

Edit to clarify: I’m talking about a choice in automated car washes- not hand washing cars. Seems people are getting confused. Touchless is a few passes with a pressure washer. Soft touch adds spinning car-wash brush things.

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