He's a lumberjack, and that's ok.
Helldivers 2
Welcome to the Helldivers 2 Community on the Fediverse.
Galactic War Status
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He very obviously doesn't sleep all night though
He works all night and he works all day
He cuts down trees, he doesn't eat lunch,
He doesn't go to the lavatory!
On Wednesdays he goes shopping,
And gets his oil changed for free!
But he's also a bot, which isn't ok
And why are they made out of the tortured bodies of our colonists?
Its important to recycle.
It's not up to us to judge the cultural differences of other species.
Only DEMOCRACY can do that.
My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when the galaxy was in balance between the Bug Tribes, Cyborg Nation, Super Earth Federation, and Illuminate Nomads. But that all changed when Super Earth attacked.