That does indeed look like a succulent Chinese meal.
joined 2 years ago
I gotta say, I much prefer your titles to the originals.
You're right, the structure is still there. Their digestive system just got rerouted to another opening.
I watched it last night. I'm still trying to get my head around positive pressure vacuum.
Kinda looks like this Elden Ring boss.
I can confirm it's not. I always get this warning whenever I do a fresh install of Windows 10 and try to install Chrome.
Abby Normal?
You can't have deoxyribonucleic acid without dihydrogen monoxide. 100% of people who have ever come in contact with it have died!
If they're so smart, why haven't they invented fire yet hmm?
Husbando, yeah. I agree with you though, it's not as fun to say.
Can I pick both?
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From the ones ive seen mentioned, I second Electroboom, Crime Pays But Botany Doesn't, Practical Engineering, ZeFrank, and Kurzgesagt.
If you like biology and evolution, I would recommend Lindsay Nikole.
If you like deep dives into various types of engineering, I would recommend Real Engineering. He does a lot of aviation and aerospace stuff.