Yes! They buffed fire. Now everything including myself can die quicker.
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Especially myself.
Just when I learned to stop drop and roll, it becomes irrelevant.
Finally some weapon buffs! Dominator sounds like a legit primary now.
I have been using it regularly and thought it was prettty solid already, looking forward to the damage increase!
There really wasn't any payoff for the sluggish aim and having to lead shots, so the extra damage definitely helps. That said it still won't replace the scorcher for me. Maybe it'll be better against the illuminates, whenever they release.
Definitely unweildy at short range, but the ability to one shot minor enemies at range makes quick work of things like rockets and do a lit of damage to gaps in armor while teammates distract.
Situational, sure. But really great in those sutuations and even better after the update.
Oooh breaker incendiary, might take another look at that.
Worth it in bug missions.
Yeah it was already really good in big missions. But now a buff to the gun itself plus a 50% buff to all fire damage?! Shit's gonna be 🔥🔥🔥
This is great news, I’ve been busy with my wife’s birthday and I then got sick, so I’ve been playing Bolatro because this game can be stressful AF! But I’m very excited to dive back in this week. Really hope the mech is a bit more sturdy now, when I played Friday, it blew up almost immediately just using the gun and not the rockets. Also the stupid reset issue is finally gone!
Yeah, but the JAR Dominator got a huge buff. That gun was already good, now it may be godly.
Time to unlearn all my arc thrower muscle memory
Yes, but think of the repetitive strain injury they've saved you! 😅
As long as they leave my Punisher alone, I'm fine
It’s not like stagger did anything. I've watched countless devastators ice skate towards me while I unload on them.
I wonder if the armor pen on the Diligence CS will make up for the glacial ADS movement.
Breaker feels like it fires nerf rounds now.
But the plasma rifle.. that shit slaps
But the breaker didn't get nerfed?
Yes it did, a few patches ago.
Okay but that was a few patches ago, not this one, and if I remember right it had it's recoil increased and capacity decreased, damage was untouched.
Maybe they buffed bugs? Our group usually walks through extreme difficulty but I struggled taking out lone brood commanders today. Hunters taking 3 shots at medium range.
🤷 Maybe my helmet was on wonky
You are correct, it's had its magazines hold 3 less rounds and it's recoil was increased.
NOOO!!!! 😭😭😭 Not the SLUGGER!!! Stagger was a bit crazy, I'll admit.
I used it yesterday and it still feels fine tbh.
Yeah, it's not bad, but I lament the loss of it's stun lock against Berserkers and such. T-T
Bile Titan can't be stunned - that's rough
I can confirm the reports of the AMR scope being fixed are true. Why they never acknowledge this as a bug nor reported it as fixed is beyond our puny human brains. But that and the 30% damage buff makes AMR users happy pandas.
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