
joined 2 years ago
[–] robalees 2 points 1 month ago

Not a problem, I appreciate the input!

[–] robalees 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Thank you for the reply, I'll definitely check some of these out. I am interested in fedipact if possible, but I'm gonna give a go for a while. Same question as the other comment, do you know of any way to export posts/comments from a Lemmy instance? Trying to decide if I delete this account or just leave it as is.

[–] robalees 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Thank you for the reply, checking out and seeing how it goes. Looks like there is no official way to do it, but do you know of any way to export posts/comments from a Lemmy instance? Trying to decide if I delete this account or just leave it as is.

[–] robalees 5 points 1 month ago (7 children)

Based on this list, any instances you recommend? I did because I had no clue what I was doing. Just deleted FB and IG accounts, so I’m ready for change!

[–] robalees 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

When I used to work at the “Fruit Stand” I never had to repair those white back Mini’s thankfully, but I do remember the putty knives being around. The unibody iMac was the worse, had to pizza cutter the whole LCD off the frame to replace anything, then glue it back on!

[–] robalees 4 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Had to buy a special two pronged tool to get her out!

[–] robalees 4 points 1 month ago (5 children)

2012 Mac Mini with a fucked NIC because I man handled it putting in a SSD. Those things are tight inside!

[–] robalees 2 points 1 month ago

Right now I’m using FreshRSS for my RSS feeds (using lire iOS app) and Hoarder to save stuff I want to read later. I can use the Hoarder app and share from any app (including lire or Firefox) to save articles as well as images etc. Can Linkwarden do something similar or would it be desktop only?

[–] robalees 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Definitely don’t disagree with your opinions on HN, I opted to drop the feed after a few days because you can get a sense of what you are describing pretty quickly.

What feeds are you using for tech/development?

Admittedly I’m still learning my way around Linux and trying to wrap my head around JavaScript and Python. So I don’t need anything too aggressive, but I’d like to stay informed. I tried but it was too many posts all at once, maybe I can tweak the feed!

[–] robalees -1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Sprung for Lire because $10 isn’t too bad (better than a subscription). But I need some convincing on why you like it? Still trying to figure out how I want to manage my feeds, using the All Articles isn’t working for me.

submitted 2 months ago by robalees to c/selfhosted

I am trying to move away from social media this year, read more news to stay informed and self-host more services. So I figured RSS is the best path forward, but I’m struggling to find a good configuration for my needs, so I thought I’d start a discussion. Also open to any feed recommendations.

I started with Hoarder, which I’m enjoying, but it feels like a solution best used for saving sites/images for reference and not day to day reading. Installed FreshRSS yesterday and absolutely loving it, the web interface is really nice. But I’ve not found an iOS app I like, I’ve got NetNewsWire installed, but it doesn’t seem to acknowledge the Visibility setting in FeshRSS. Which is my favorite setting, I’d like to have some feeds excluded from the main feed (BBC News or for example). Maybe there is another way to achieve this with FreshRSS and NetNewsWire.

Any FreshRSS tips?

How do you do RSS personally and any iOS app recommendations?

Also any favorite feeds, I’ve currently got Hackaday, Hacker News, Ars Technica and I’d like more coding and 3D suggestions, but I’m open to anything.

[–] robalees 2 points 2 months ago

Not a problem, I appreciate your input!


Hey everyone!

I just ordered a Flint 2 to replace a TP-Link AX3000 (keeping as a backup) primarily for the faster WG VPN, to try an open source OS and try to segment my network for security and to manage devices easier. But I’m feeling a tad overwhelmed trying to do research. I’ve got a background in IT, so I’m not concerned with flashing firmware or SSH. But networking concepts always take a minute to sink in.

Current situation

  • AX3000 is connected to 1G Fios
  • Unmanaged 1G Netgear switch at entertainment center (TV, PS5, Apple TV, Hue Hub)
  • Poorly daisy chained unmanaged Cisco 1G switch at my desk with my server (Proxmox on old Mac Mini), PiHole Pi and Mac Studio
  • 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz with Hue bulbs, iPhones, Steam Deck etc
  • Slow WG VPN on AX3000

The dream

  • OpenWRT (open source OS router) which hopefully the Flint 2 works out
  • 1G managed switch at entertainment center
  • 2.5G (or 10G supposedly because I can’t find prosumer 2.5G options) managed switch at my desk
  • Build a NAS (Node 304) to replace the Mac Mini hardware, make sure it has a 2.5G/10G NIC so my Studio to NAS connection is fast
  • VLAN and Firewall rules to separate IoT, servers, personal devices and ensure everything is secure but also ensure the correct devices can talk to each other (phone turn on lights, HomePod accessible from iPad)
  • WG VPN where I can access all of these VLANs and manage my services (something I can’t seem to figure out on the AX3000)
  • Also fix my wiring to my bedroom so the switches aren’t daisy chained, it’s a tiny rented NYC apartment


  • Any recommendations for articles, videos or forums/communities with tutorials for OpenWRT VLAN/Firewall setup similar to my goals? Anything specific to the Flint 2?
  • Tips or guidance on how to divide my network appropriately and still allow communication between devices?
  • Switch suggestions that you know will work well with the Flint 2? Also thoughts on the 2.5G vs 10G situation, spent ages looking at expensive switches and got window shopping fatigue
  • What am I missing or forgetting about?

Finally, if this is not the appropriate place to post this, please provide suggested communities. I went back to the community that shall not be named because I was struggling to find comparable Lemmy communities. Oh boy was that a depressing experience and I really want to build out what I used to have on Reddit in Lemmy, but I can’t find active alternatives.

Thank you in advance to anyone that read this far 😊

submitted 3 months ago by robalees to c/selfhosted

Right now I’m running a Late 2012 Mac mini (8 x Intel Core i7-3615QM CPU @ 2.30GHz) with a 1TB SSD, a 4TB external USB HDD and 16GB of RAM. It runs Proxmox with a VM running Docker (just Transmission-OpenVPN container right now), a VM for a Debian VS Code tunnel and a LXC container for Plex. I also have a Pi3B running PiHole and I use a Mac Studio for my personal computer (500GB SSD). I’m using Fios for a 1G fiber connection, a TP-Link router (AX3000) and two daisy chained 1G unmanaged switches (unfortunate scenario due to my small apartment), 1 near my entertainment center (Apple TV, PS5 etc) and another near my desk and the Mini/Studio/Pi.

I’d like to build a NAS server which I could also use for these services. Priorities being 4K transcoding capabilities and the drives for a NAS. I would also like to set up a WireGuard VPN so I can use VNC to my Mac and access home services when I’m away, this is done with the TP-Link router right now.

Right now I can’t decide between Intel or AMD for the CPU, buying something new to future proof or buying some older used office hardware and what I should prioritize (server or network)?

Currently I’ve got a mix of personal data in Dropbox and iCloud Drive, I’ll likely consolidate it all to iCloud and eventually my NAS and have the NAS data backed up to Backblaze as well. I’d also like to backup my Studio to multiple Time Machine backups and have them in multiple locations. My media is currently all on the external drive and nothing is super valuable, just TV and movies (removes eye patch).

I’m trying to learn Linux and some web development (mostly three.js) so I’ll setup a new VM, probably NixOS moving forward, specifically for coding and web dev learning.

I’m looking for hardware recommendations for the Proxmox NAS server and also networking equipment? I’d like to move off the TP-Link hardware and use something open source. Also any suggestions for other services to run or considerations I may have missed. For example monitoring, how to manage users/access like SSH, where to buy hardware, home services you can’t live without etc.

I know this is a broad AF post, but figured it could trigger some good discussions!


I’m looking to replace a 2013 Mac Mini running Proxmox. Just curious if anyone has one of these or anyone heard of any negatives about them? Watched a bunch of videos and outside of a lack of 10G Ethernet, it seems to be well received!

submitted 4 months ago by robalees to c/games

Was coming seriously close to buying Black Ops this weekend because I’m missing a quick grindy “run and gun” FPS. Although I occasionally play Warzone (and enjoy it) with my BIL, I hate to give Activision Blizzard my money and try to avoid any of the skins, battle passes etc.

Looking for a good/fun multiplayer FPS, I’m curious what the community is playing.

I’m on PS5 and Steam Deck (Mac OS but no Windows) and I’ve taken a break from Helldivers 2 and been back into NMS. Intrigued by Apex Legends, The Finals looked cool but it doesn’t look like it’ll survive.

Macro pad suggestions (self.mechanicalkeyboards)
submitted 9 months ago by robalees to c/[email protected]

I rock a 60% which I love, but I’m learning blender and coding, lack of numpad has gotten frustrating.

Anyone got any macro pad suggestions either available now or in GB/IC?

Preferably a hot swap! Open to different sizes and formats. Was tempted by the Piketea standing desk mounted macro pad, but they appear to be sold out.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by robalees to c/trees

I’ve been trying to be a little more responsible with plastics and reducing waste. I’ve been using hemp wick with a lighter case called a Hemplight which I’ve enjoyed. I used the BIC ones and then moved to Clipper so I could refill it.

I’m going to sound old, but I don’t remember Clippers having the hexagonal spark wheel. I’ve tried to stay on top of butane and flint, but they are so difficult to light after they’ve been used for a while, got to a point where I got a callous on my index finger trying to get that shit to light. Picked up a button ignition one, with a longer ignition (candle lighter like) and it’s a pain in the ass to use with the hemp wick, finger just slipped and sliced open on the plastic button 😐 trying to determine if the Jet Flame ones will fit the hemplight case.

All of this to say… how does the community light up your flower?

I primarily use a bong, I’d like to use the hemp wick still and it needs to be easy to put out.

Do you see any value in using hemp wick versus direct flame from butane?

Any suggestions and general discussion appreciated!

P.S. not an ad for Clipper or Hemplight, if anything I’m not recommending them. Also I know dry herb vaping is better for me, for some reason my body reacts badly to vaping. I’ve tried multiple vapes, always messes my mouth up unfortunately.

EDIT: ended up picking up a Zippo dual flame butane insert, going to use my old red Zippo case and once the hinge fails I’ll buy a new red matte Zippo and just have multiple inserts 🙄😑😐 I’ve wrapped hemp wick around my Zippo case and gonna try that for a while, anyone got any tips for using hemp wick wrapped Zippos, I’m all ears!

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by robalees to c/[email protected]

Flying to Greece this weekend and it’s my first flight with my OG Steam Deck.

Got Balatro, Vampire Survivors and Chrono Trigger (first play through) loaded up, might also play some RimWorld if I can handle the controls.

I’m tempted by Hades while it’s on sale and I love Dunkey, so Animal Well is also tempting.

What suggestions can y’all make?

Edit: thank you everyone! Went for Hades due to the sale and I love a good rougelike game! Wishlisted a bunch of suggestions and keeping an eye out for a Midnight Suns sale.

Proxmox server monitoring (self.selfhosted)
submitted 10 months ago by robalees to c/selfhosted

Hey everyone

I've got an old Mac Mini running Proxmox, right now all it has is a LXC for Plex and a Debian VM for Docker (OpenVPN/Transmission and Screeps server).

What is everyone's preferred monitoring solution?

I'm mostly interested in getting easy access to syslogs, seeing CPU/RAM/Disk space for the Proxmox host, VM and LXC. I have a Mac app called Daisy Disk that shows me all my data on my disk in a nice UI, something with similar capability would be great.

I randomly installed Netdata, didn't love it. Ran into issues with Cockpit and gave up, but I'd try it again if it's considered the best. But I'd love to hear options, preferably with minimal setup and maintenance (wish is probably wishful thinking). Don't hate Proxmox VE, but I feel like I can do better.

Change your Steam review (self.helldivers2)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by robalees to c/[email protected]

I’m a PS5 player, so I can’t make an impact, but if you did write a negative review (thank you, you made this happen ❤️) please consider taking the time to change it! This was clearly not AH decision and the game deserves an accurate review, it’s easily one of the best games I’ve ever played and definitely the best game as a service!

Edit: woke up to new comments, this post reminded… Lemmy is just the same as Reddit.

Edit2: Christ I need to turn off Lemmy notifications, I’ve left this community and this was a stark reminder for me… don’t engage with a specific game community, just enjoy the fucking game!

Patch performance? (self.helldivers2)
submitted 11 months ago by robalees to c/[email protected]

Stuck at work today, wanted to get a thread going with the community and see how it’s performing.

Personally I’ve been unable to complete a Difficulty 7 operation without a hard crash. Really hope this has resolved it!

New patch crashes (self.helldivers2)
submitted 11 months ago by robalees to c/[email protected]

Sounding like the new patch is pretty buggy. I tried to play a game on level 7 difficulty and got a hard crash. We were trying to do the ore extraction mission on Tibit, the drop ships were insane, totally outnumbered until my game crashed. We’ll see what tomorrow brings, but we might be back to some peak time crashing on the servers. Hopefully a quick patch might happen in the morning.

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