this post was submitted on 01 Apr 2024
2 points (57.1% liked)

Unpopular Opinion

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founded 1 year ago

Whether it's a sense of superiority or just to be funny or asinine or out of a genuine need to spread the truth, people online generally try to be contrarian as often as possible because it gives them some sort of personal gratification or a sense that they're correcting something wrong in the universe.

top 3 comments
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[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago

I’d love to disagree but it feels like falling into a trap.

I would say that arguing is entertaining and intellectually stimulating. It should not happen at the cost of being a dick though.

[–] ABCDE 2 points 2 months ago

Yes, but not necessarily in a bad way. I enjoy finding small issues which others may not typically notice; half the time they are taken as intended (see:, in a collegial way. I don't intend to be contrarian per se, which I think is at odds with your mention of correcting something "wrong" as you can be contrarian just to annoy rather than because there's an issue.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

As a contrarian, yes.

It's nice to be able to think things some people refuse to think. And I do sometimes feel superior in being able to do that.

As a contrarian, also no.

My personal brand of contrarianism is trying to understand people. I feel like I get much further in understanding others from my perspective by opposing theirs. But I'm also willing to meet them half way if they participate.