this post was submitted on 09 Mar 2024
5 points (72.7% liked)

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People keep complaining about 3d sucking... And I don't get it.

I once had a voodoo 2 card with shutter glasses and it was awesome if the games were compatible (huds were always an issue, but stuff like racing games or third person stuff worked well). 3d movies work well if they're well done. I even had an HTC 3d phone with an autostereoscopic display and a camera that could take stereo pictures. I just got a used 3ds off a flea market and am in love, wishing my steam deck had a stereoscopic display. I'm not sold on vr yet, but I really enjoyed it the few times I tried it.

Bad games won't become good in 3d. Neither will bad movies or any other type of media. But the constant complaining feels to me like those people that hated colour movies when they came out. Yeah, colour won't make your terrible script any better, but it's an additional dimension (ha) to work with... Just like 3d. If used well, it can enhance the experience. Mario Kart is nice - but the spatial perception does give you a better idea of where your opponents are on bumpy tracks. Prometheus wasn't a perfect movie, but man, that scene in the medical automaton that slices her up to get the xenomorph out really gave me vibes of claustrophobia, just because I felt a little bit more stuck in that tube with her. And that old picture of my son wasn't particularly good, but damn, even without a 3d display at hand I sometimes open it and simply cross-eye myself into the depth perception just because it's so nice to have that baby head almost touchable. So yeah, I think 3d displays and media rock.

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[–] seaQueue 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

The new 3ds is the most exciting gaming system in the last 15y. Play A Link Between Worlds on the n3ds if you haven't, you'll really enjoy it. Stereoscopic 3d is integrated into the gameplay so well that I can't imagine playing the game without it.

The 3ds is, in general, underrated because the original system release didn't include eye tracking so the stereoscopic feature was hard to use and people turned it off. The n3ds solved that problem and made using the 3d effect effortless.

[–] YourMomsTrashman 1 points 2 months ago

Pretty popular opinion I think, there's a reason 3d cinema sold so well lol

This is one of the reasons I adore VR games so much, the stereo display combined with motion controls feels weirdly more natural than staring at a flat screen and pressing buttons. Your brain is already used to moving your hands and body, and focusing on things with your eyes, etc.