I know the Shagohad when I see it
Cranes, trains, planes and excavators and stuff like that
A place for all things cranes, trains, and excavators, and stuff like that.
Recommended title format: XKCD or something else. Optional additional factual info in text field or comments.
Some more facts:
- Development started in 1984, it was first used in 1991, the Kuwait deployment was its first job
- The new base is from a VT-55, a modified version of the T-55 tank
- Max allowed speed is 5 km/h
- It can carry 3000 liters of jet fuel. That's enough for 30 minutes of extinguishing
- The nozzles can add 16000 liters of water per minute
I was going to correct you where you say "3000 litres of jet fuel as I was thinking water would be better for spraying! Then I remembered about the jet engines .. 😅
Actually water is used only for cooling the surroundings. The fire is extinguished by the air current, the same principle as you blow a candle, but at a different scale, it would work without water, but the heat could reignite the gas.
Water is piped from local reservoirs. This was a problem in Kuwait, where oil wells are in the desert. The advantage of this design was it uses much less water than other fire engines.
Thing legit looks like a Transformer.
I saw this thing work in the documentary about the Kuwaiti oil fires the first time I ever went to an IMAX theatre. For some reason that has stuck in my mind for nearly 30 years.
Typo in the title. It's a T34.
Thanks, fixed
Typo in your correction. It's a T1000.
Talk to the hand
This looks like it belongs in the command and conquer series... https://cnc.fandom.com/wiki/Flame_tank_(Tiberian_Dawn)
Found Wall-E's chunky brother
I know where they can find replacement parts
I could use one of these for candles at a birthday party.