This is something I was just talking to a British friend of mine about, and how they actually do fucking do this.
I am 41. My education did not shy away from a lot of shit. We did the trail of tears in 3rd grade and they really got into it. I am thankful my education was like that. Today they are already banning the trail of tears in certain schools. The thing is, with my education...I heard FUCKING NOTHING about the shit Columbus did. I was raised looking at him as some kind of fucking super amazing wholesome folk hero. They erased his history for my education and, at the time, it FUCKING. WORKED. I was in my early 20's on some forum, I can't even remember what, and some dude started listing shit Columbus had done and I was like '...yo....what?'
Obviously, in this day and age, its going to be much more difficult to erase history with the resources the kids have that I did not but...this was done to me. History was erased for me and I had to find out on my own.