
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

Well hindsight is always 20/20, and some of the topics you could tell Biden felt passionate about exacerbating his trouble articulating his thoughts. Overall I don't think a "debate" is the correct format for trying to contrast himself with Trump. You can't argue with the kid that is just going to stick out his tongue or make fart noises anytime you try and talk, and that is what Joe was trying to do with Trump.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 hour ago (3 children)

Luckily the EPA now has no power to do anything about it either, all but guaranteeing it gets worse before it ever gets better.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

Sorry, I can't find it now. I know I read or heard it around the time of the debate, but have no idea where at this point so I've noted such above. And up until I saw a post here on Lemmy about how much of a train wreck it was early on I wasn't even going to watch the debate at all, because I already know I'm pro-democracy and that is really what this election is all about.

Thank you for fact checking me though, I don't want to be the source of inaccurate information.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 hours ago

Biden is just old, and the cold did him no favors. He was also I think completely unprepared for the firehose of just straight up disprovable lies coming at him while also trying to actually convey his talking points. Even if well I don't think it's a great medium for an 81 yr old man. Listen to him elsewhere though and it's clear he still has his marbles, unlike Trump who is on a fast decline and unable to even explain an idea. The man isn't as young as he was clearly, and probably should have just retired long ago. But having known family and others with dementia, I don't think Biden has dementia at all, he's just old and debates like an 81 yr old.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) (10 children)

Are these Black and Hispanic voters going to the guy that talked about immigrants "taking Black jobs?" or eventually "taking Hispanic jobs too"? How can any minority vote for a man that is clearly a racist through and through. His father was a racist, arrested marching with the KKK, and they both got fined for not renting to people of color. He has a history of using minority and immigrant labor so he can threaten and cheat them out of pay. The list goes on and on. Biden may not be a saint (far from it), but he at least believes in democracy.

Also that debate was the perfect storm for Biden.

    1. He was clearly getting over a cold and sounded like he needed to clear his throat the whole time.
    1. Because of #1 it made overcoming his speech issues like his stutter all the more difficult, requiring more mental processing than normal.
    1. The debate format of no guardrails and having 2 minutes to both try and state your talking points, and also trying to counter the absolute bullshit word salad of lies Trump was spewing his way was a lot to process for anyone, let alone an 81yr old.
    1. ~~CNN gave in to the Right and dropped the fact checking that afternoon, but Biden really had no choice but to show up. Imagine what conspiracy theories would have come out of Biden pulling out last minute because his campaign knew it was going to be a shit show. You can't reason with people acting in bad faith, and once the fact checking was removed this "debate" was a lose/lose situation for Biden.~~ I read or heard this someplace around the time of the debate, but I'm unable to find it now.

I don't disagree that Biden's showing was disheartening, but I also think the fact that he was actually trying to convey a message, while having a firehouse of shit spewed at him from his right should factor into that as well. It was a "debate" with someone acting in bad faith and Joe trying to follow the rules, with basically no moderation at all. It wasn't a debate, but more like trying to have a rational talk with a kid that just keeps sticking out his tongue and making fart noises.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

Right, only the modern interpretation of an original text that very few people in the world has even seen, let alone able to read. And then all the MANY offshoots of Christianity because each had something people didn't like, a "leader" made a new "version" for them. Forced indoctrination like this is very similar to starting a cult, as almost all of those start with someone that needs to interpret the text or "God's" word.

I think it would be an interesting exercise for everyone pushing this to have to compare and contrast with say David Koresh, or Joseph Smith, and explain how their version of God's word isn't a cult.

[–] [email protected] 54 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Reading the Memorandum, it doesn't specify what Bible is to be used. Perhaps malicious compliance uses a "alternative" version?

Also found this from the Satanic Temple (who hopefully is on top of this) -

If a public school permits the distribution of religious materials to the student body, they have opened a limited public forum and are obligated to allow religious materials from other faiths. This principle applies to other forms of school-sponsored religious expression as well.

Also funny how these hypocrites go on and on about indoctrination, and then want to indoctrinate every kid in the state by law.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago (2 children)

If you go back further though, translation of the text to a language the "people" could understand was illegal. Anyone caught with such texts was imprisoned or worse. Those in charge and using religion to control the masses (it's true intention IMHO) didn't want everyone to be able to read it, they wanted people depending on the "chosen" to teach and judge them (what today we may call a cult).

[–] [email protected] 28 points 1 day ago

He also followed that up with a line about immigrants coming after Hispanic jobs. I don't know how any "debate" can be taken seriously when a candidate can say shit like that and the immediate follow up question isn't, "Mr. Trump, what is a Black or Hispanic job?".

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago

I think it's a bit of a dog whistle as well.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 2 days ago (3 children)

"Their taking Black jobs, and their taking Hispanic jobs ..."

"What exactly is a Black or Hispanic job Mr. Trump?" should have been the follow up on that one.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago (1 children)

These are companies not people (even though we treat them that way when convenient), and they broke a regulation that is part of their expected operating procedures. Why are we dragging this into court and seating a jury because a company didn't do the thing they were supposed to do. They should have no presumption of innocence, the inspection is the proof one way or the other. This just lets them further delay any consequences, and will be another thing calculated into their cost analysis of "are we going to follow the rules" or is it more cost effective (at least short term because that's what shareholders care about) to just NOT ever follow the rules, delay any fines, rinse and repeat?


Upgraded the instance to 0.19.5 and all seems well. As usual, let me know if you see otherwise.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Upgrading the site to Lemmy 0.19.4 so expect roughly an hour of downtime. I'll update this post right before I take the site down, and again once the site is back up.

Edit #1: OK, site will be going down now 11:31am EST. Edit #2: Site is back up - upgrade complete @ 10:46 pm EST.

A lot of things broke I didn't expect, so please let me know if you find something not work as you believe it should be and I'll see what I can do about fix it (hopefully quicker). Again, sorry about the downtime!


The server has now been updated to Lemmy 0.19.3 release. Let me know if you see anything that seems broken, and enjoy!


I have updated the site to Lemmy 0.19.2 so let me know if you notice anything ... wonky. =)

The Holidays (badatbeing.social)

I just wanted to wish anyone like myself, that struggles with the sheer amount of stimulation and hustle bustle of this time of year, the best of luck. You got this! I know it's not easy, but we will make it out the other side and hopefully not be to mentally drained (fingers crossed).


This is just a heads up that I'm readying the server for the new 0.19.1 update so there will be a little downtime for the site once it begins. I'm hopeful that I can do it without buggering the whole thing up and needing to do any restores. =)

See you on the other side!

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

As the title states, the instance is now running Lemmy 0.19.0 release. Overall I think it's running good, and some good quality of life features added.

You can read more about it here.


I just update the instance to the newest lemmy-ui:0.19.0-beta.1 and lemmy:0.19.0-rc.1 builds, and as far as I can tell nothing blew up. =)

Oh and the site should work with logins now as well that was broken by an in between build that changed the database but not the front end to talk to it.


My constant quest for the new shiny caused me to bork the site for a short time until I could grok what I did wrong and fix it.

Sorry if anyone was inconvenienced!!

I understand. (badatbeing.social)

This is just a post to validate anyone who doesn't feel seen. If you think you might be autistic or have ADHD (or both), your feelings are valid, and I understand.

Music (badatbeing.social)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Maybe it's just me, but hopefully not, but the thing I love about music is when it's able to express and/or make me feel emotions I personally would never be able to articulate.

I listen to alot of "Jam Bands", and I think the greatest draw for me is when you get a band passionate about making music for ppl to enjoy and they can just go all out for 20+ minutes ... It's like your just someplace else and I feel it. It's almost like a comfortable weight (I like pressure/weight on me). If the lyrics are amazing even better!

I also enjoy music that has some amazingly expressive lyrics, but with music that's "raw" (full of emotion).

I just got done watching this [NSFW] video of The Carasmatic Voice watching Rage Against The Machine for the first time. The emotional weight of the song is pretty high for me, and then watching her reactions and break down is just wow. She gives a description and can explain why I feel the way the music makes me feel that way and it's just ... amazing and I love it. Like I feel the rollercoaster and anger and her ability to process and describe it adds like another satisfying layer on top of the music for me.

Sorry for the wall of text! Noted the video is NSFW because Rage is more often than not going to be something corporate overlords are NOT going to be excited to hear employees listening to at work.

Sometimes ... (badatbeing.social)

I hate the days (like today) that I spend all my free time doing something I find interesting instead of doing all the stuff I know needs to be done, just because my brain finds it more interesting.

(the interesting thing was this site btw)

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