[-] [email protected] 1 points 17 minutes ago

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Since Trump lost his reelection bid, they have claimed additional successes, with Republican-run red states enacting legislation that restricts transgender care and limits the books that can be taught in school or borrowed from the library.

But far from declaring victory, those who advocate for a more pronounced role for hard-line conservative Christian doctrine in American public life are actively planning to enact a fresh wave of changes in a second Trump term.

Biden, a practicing Catholic who regularly attends Mass, has vowed to protect religious freedom and pointed to some of Trump’s policies — especially a travel ban on people from several majority-Muslim countries — as violations of that value.

“In Trump’s America, women will live in fear of having their pregnancies monitored or facing punishment if they have an abortion; teachers are told what books they can teach in the classroom and grown adults who they can love and marry,” said Biden campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa.

“The next conservative President must make the institutions of American civil society hard targets for woke culture warriors,” reads the mandate, which says promotion of “transgender ideology” is akin to pornography and should be treated as a crime.

“He didn’t make any secret [when he was president] about the fact that he believed Christianity to be probably the premier religion in America,” said Darrell Scott, an Ohio pastor and former member of Trump’s informal White House evangelical advisory group.

The original article contains 1,944 words, the summary contains 237 words. Saved 88%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

[-] [email protected] 6 points 48 minutes ago

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Former U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday blasted the scale of U.S. support for Ukraine and said that if he is reelected in November he would immediately "have that settled."

At a campaign rally in Detroit, Trump criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, calling him “the greatest salesman of all time” for Kyiv’s push to secure U.S. support in its effort to defend Ukraine against Russian aggression more than three years after Moscow's all-out invasion.

“I will have that settled prior to taking the White House as president-elect,” said Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee in the U.S. election.

Ukraine’s Western allies have been working to secure long-term assistance for Kyiv amid fears that Trump’s potential reelection could curtail U.S. support.

And NATO countries last week moved forward with a plan for the alliance to take over from the U.S. in coordinating military aid to Ukraine, a shift widely perceived as an effort to "Trump-proof" the Ukraine Defense Contact Group.

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday announced a $1.5 billion aid package for Ukraine, focused primarily on the energy sector and humanitarian assistance.

The original article contains 250 words, the summary contains 180 words. Saved 28%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 hour ago

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Fran Drescher and David Cross mingled with Ilona Maher, a rugby star, and V from @underthedesknews, at a mixer meant to generate warm feelings and badly needed pro-Biden content.

And they’ve been promised extraordinary access to party officials at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August, where for the first time ever they’ll be given a special room of their own, outfitted with quiet spaces for making videos.

“It would be negligence on our part not to meet voters where they are,” said Jenifer Fernandez Ancona, co-founder and vice president of Way to Win, a group that connects Democratic donors with political strategists and has begun investing heavily in influencer outreach.

And allies’ attempts to talk up accomplishments like capping the cost of insulin or eliminating some student debt have been drowned out by liberals focused more on the administration’s drilling and pipeline decisions or increasingly hard-line stance on immigration.

“They’re inviting a few people to the White House, they’re doing dinners,” said Grace Murray Vazquez, vice president for strategy at the social media marketing agency Fohr, which said it did work with the Biden campaign in 2020 but has not been contacted to do so this year.

But the mood, at least for some, soured after about a dozen attendees received surprise emails inviting them to the White House, setting off weeks of contentious accusations online that they and other pro-Biden creators were “feds” paid to shill for Mr. Biden.

The original article contains 1,681 words, the summary contains 242 words. Saved 86%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

[-] [email protected] 5 points 2 hours ago

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Núcleo, a Brazil-based news organization, said it has obtained government documents showing that attorneys representing Meta questioned the credibility researchers from NetLab, which is part of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

As noted by Núcleo, NetLab's report showed that Facebook, despite being notified about the issues, had failed to remove more than 1,800 scam ads that fraudulently used the name of a government program that was supposed to assist those in debt.

A spokesperson for NetLab, who asked not to be identified by name due to online harassment directed at the organization's members, told The Register that the research group was aware of the Núcleo report.

It was recently reported that the Stanford Internet Observatory, which has been exploring social media manipulation for the past five years, is being scaled back by the university following pressure from Republicans in the US House of Representatives.

The claim, allegedly made by Meta's attorneys, is that the ad biz was "not given the opportunity to appoint a technical assistant and present questions" in the preparation of the NetLabs report.

Asked to comment, a Meta spokesperson told The Register, "We value input from civil society organizations and academic institutions for the context they provide as we constantly work toward improving our services.

The original article contains 827 words, the summary contains 211 words. Saved 74%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

[-] [email protected] 4 points 2 hours ago

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Wisconsin Republicans are withholding $125m designated for cleanup of widespread PFAS contamination in drinking water and have said they will only release the funds in exchange for immunity for polluters.

The move is part of a broader effort by Republicans in the state to steal power from the Democratic governor, Tony Evers, the funding’s supporters say, alleging such “political games” are putting residents’ health at risk.

“People really feel like they’re being held hostage,” said Lee Donahue, mayor of Campbell, which is part of the La Crosse metropolitan area and has drinking water contaminated with astronomical levels of PFAS.

The Environmental Protection Agency this year established limits for several of the most common PFAS, including levels at four parts per trillion (ppt) for the most dangerous.

In Campbell, where more than 500 wells have tested positive for PFAS at levels up to thousands of times above federal limits, many suspect high rates of cancer and other serious ailments that have plagued the town’s residents stem from the dangerous chemicals.

The city and county have so far spent nearly $1m trying to determine the feasibility of tapping into a neighboring aquifer and continue to monitor it to ensure the PFAS plume contaminating their drinking water source does not migrate.

The original article contains 706 words, the summary contains 208 words. Saved 71%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

This is the best summary I could come up with:

As of about 7:15 a.m. local time Sunday, Fort Good Hope Chief Collin Pierrot told CBC News that no structures in Fort Good Hope were damaged in the fire overnight.

Pierrot said he thinks about 300 people of the community of just over 500 have left, with about 180 of those going to Norman Wells and and others evacuating by boat to a fish camp.

Pierrot said he thinks the fire may have burned to the end of the community's airstrip, but conditions are still too smoky to be sure.

Fort Good Hope resident Rose McNeely and 15 members of her extended family left the community by boat last night.

"With the continuing winds and long periods of sunlight in the area, it is expected that that fire will remain active through the night."

Westwick said winds began shifting to the northeast, which is likely to push the fire toward Fort Good Hope.

The original article contains 492 words, the summary contains 149 words. Saved 70%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Bizarre planning laws are requiring developers to build "absurd" half-width streets in Western Sydney, with local councils and the state government blaming each other for allowing it.

But the laws allowing developers to build public roads around new housing projects have failed to account for situations where neighbouring landowners do not want to sell.

In one street in the suburb of Tallawong, hundreds of people living in four six-storey apartment complexes have been squeezing two-way traffic down a one-lane road for more than three years.

Warren Kirby, the Member for Riverstone, said poorly constructed government planning controls were allowing developers to build unsatisfactory communities in Sydney's west.

Vineet Gambhir, who moved into his apartment off Ayla Street eight months ago, said trying to navigate oncoming traffic in peak hour had not been a good experience.

Adam Leto, chief executive of the Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue, has called for better planning laws as the region rapidly expands.

The original article contains 745 words, the summary contains 156 words. Saved 79%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Arturo Casadevall is a professor of molecular microbiology and immunology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

As modern medicine paradoxically creates more people who are vulnerable to new fungal infections, there’s increasing evidence that certain fungi have the potential to unleash new diseases that will harm many more humans in unprecedented ways.

And then a few years later, in 2010, 2011, 2012, it emerges independently on three continents [South America, Africa and the Indian subcontinent].

Many fungal diseases are not as common [as others], and if you’re a pharmaceutical company and you’re thinking about where to put your money, you often [make the decision] based on market size.

[It] is almost like science fiction, but we are working with Nasa collaborators on the idea that melanin from fungi can be used for shielding for spacecraft.

You’ve spoken out about the rise of counterfeit research being driven by “fraudulent data and sloppy science”.

The original article contains 1,093 words, the summary contains 155 words. Saved 86%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 hours ago

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Kathy Hochul abruptly halted a congestion pricing tolling program that promised to take thousands of cars a day off the streets of Midtown and Lower Manhattan while generating billions for critical repairs and improvements to the subways, buses and two commuter railroads.

“I’m trying to hold out a little bit of faith,” said Jarred Johnson, the executive director for TransitMatters, an advocacy group in Boston, where the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority’s budget deficit is expected to surpass $800 million over the next five years.

But in recent months, as New York forged ahead with congestion pricing, there were glimmers that it was once again back in the mix for many cities as traffic rebounded along with concerns over the health and environmental impacts of polluting vehicle emissions.

The bipartisan board of the San Diego Association of Governments last year rejected a proposal to put in place a “road user charge,” after fierce criticism driven primarily by Republicans who said drivers couldn’t afford to pay the fees.

The push for congestion pricing in New York and elsewhere has underscored the precarious finances of many transit systems, which are scrambling to find new revenue sources after steep ridership losses during the pandemic, said Donald F. Kettl, a former dean of the University of Maryland School of Public Policy and a columnist for Governing.

Paul P. Skoutelas, president and chief executive of the American Public Transportation Association, said that transit systems in this country had been historically underfunded by government, which has long prioritized roads and infrastructure for cars.

The original article contains 1,379 words, the summary contains 256 words. Saved 81%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

[-] [email protected] 0 points 4 hours ago

This is the best summary I could come up with:

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — An oil spill caused by a dredger boat hitting a stationary cargo tanker has blackened part of Singapore’s southern coastline, including the popular resort island of Sentosa, and sparked concerns it may threaten marine wildlife as a clean-up operation was underway Sunday.

But due to the tidal current, it said the treated oil had landed along shorelines including at Sentosa and other southern islands, a nature reserve and a public beach park.

Sentosa, which attracts millions of visitors annually, houses one of Singapore’s two casinos, golf courses and Southeast Asia’s only Universal Studios theme park.

Authorities have deployed 18 crafts for the clean-up efforts and laid close to 1,500 meters of container booms, temporary floating barriers to trap the oil spill.

Local conservation group Marine Stewards reportedly said there were photos of dead fish, otters and kingfishers covered in oil slick.

Group founder Sue Ye told Singapore Straits Times that oil spills smother and suffocate fish, birds and marine animals that have to go to the surface for air, such as turtles and dolphins.

The original article contains 368 words, the summary contains 179 words. Saved 51%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

[-] [email protected] 3 points 4 hours ago

This is the best summary I could come up with:

LOS ANGELES – President Biden on Saturday night said he expects the winner of this year’s presidential election will likely have the chance to fill two vacancies on the Supreme Court – a decision he warned would be “one of the scariest parts” if his Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, is successful in his bid for a second term.

The event featured Hollywood stars like George Clooney and Julia Roberts, as well as former President Barack Obama.

Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel moderated a conversation with Biden and Obama, and the two presidents talked about the impact that Trump had on issues like abortion rights by naming conservative justices to the Supreme Court.

Trump named three justices during his term – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanagh and Amy Coney Barrett – cementing the conservative majority on the bench.

Biden, who flew to Los Angeles on the heels of attending the G7 summit in Italy, did not expand upon how the two vacancies on the court would come about.

“The next president -- they’re going to be able to appoint a couple of justices,” Biden said in Philadelphia at the launch of an effort to court Black voters.

The original article contains 431 words, the summary contains 196 words. Saved 55%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

[-] [email protected] 2 points 4 hours ago

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Nevertheless, UK ministers have rejected calls to suspend arms exports to Israel, prompting a legal challenge, in which Oxfam was on Thursday granted permission to formally intervene.

In an interview with the Guardian, Halima Begum, who took over as Oxfam GB chief executive in April and recently returned from a work trip to Israel and the occupied West Bank, said the UK’s stance does not make sense.

Despite being unable to enter Gaza because of the assault on Rafah, Begum said she was left “shell shocked” after hearing first-hand accounts of the humanitarian crisis from Palestinian colleagues evacuated from the territory.

The former ActionAid CEO said that she visited Islam’s third holiest site, the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, during her trip, and prayed there for the people in Gaza and the Israeli hostages, 120 of whom are still being held in the Palestinian territory, although at least 40 of those are believed to be dead.

Ronald Reagan suspended shipments of cluster munitions in July 1982 and he was reportedly so shocked by images of dismembered Palestinian children in a bombardment on 12 August that he warned Israeli PM Menachem Begin “our entire future relations are at stake if this continues”.

The judicial review against arms sales to Israel is being brought by the Palestinian human rights organisation Al-Haq and the UK-based Global Legal Action Network (Glan).

The original article contains 726 words, the summary contains 226 words. Saved 69%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

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