Google is slowing down Google Chrome. You should install Firefox to restore your browser's performance.
Fuck google
Stop that multi-billion company using you, your input, to feed its algorithm and get richer.
google worth nothing without its users, would it be a Yt creator, search link clicker, map traveler, etc... Those are the one giving value.
google is a cancer
Google search is slowing down Firefox. You should use duckduckgo to restore Firefox' performance
Funny. I'm sure anyone who's used an ad blocker ever can attest to how much quicker pages load when using one. It's jarring and tortuous anytime I happen to use a browser without an ad blocker.
But it's "slowing down" performance... yeah right, performance of loading ads from untrustworthy ad providers who will load whatever on your computer as long as someone paid them money to do so. How many times have ad platforms been used as a vector for malware again?
Breaking News: Advertising company wants to advertise to you.
More breaking news: Google lies to you in order to invade your privacy.
You'll notice a few years ago they did away with their mission of "Do no evil"
So they can do all this evil shit sans guilty conscience now. No longer against the mission statement
I'd love to have been a fly on the wall in the meeting where they decided to make that change.
- OK, so, it's decided, Casual Fridays will resume starting this week. Next on the agenda... We've got a motion to begin being evil. All in favor?
And shit like this is why I have used Firefox since V2 in 2004ish.
Since it was Phoenix 😎
"Let's lie to those who are still using our browser! What could go wrong?"
Technically it is slowing down Chrome... Only because they fucking changed Chrome to run slower when that addon is present
I haven't heard of intentional showing of the browser, but every element of the page has to be be compared to the list of thousands of ad patterns that ad blockers and their lists maintain in order to function.
This is typically fairly fast but could also be identified as slow in comparison to how long other extensions take to load/process a page. We are talking less than a second to cross-compare all page elements on any modern hardware.
Is Firefox still the GOAT? Or is there another browser that is better now? I know some people in the Foss community are a bit skeptical of Mozilla but is that reasonable when seemingly every other browser is so much worse in terms of privacy?
Support Firefox so that Google doesn't have a monopoly on browser engines. They have too much control over the Internet.
There's a few browsers out there that are based on Firefox (or even Netscape Communicator!) but that don't enjoy the level of popularity of the big four.