
joined 1 year ago
[–] Ruxias 22 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Have you tried eating dog food to help the shareholders yet?

[–] Ruxias 21 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I imagine the discussions in the board room went something along the lines of "holy shit we're screwed... Who can we call to cash out something while we still can?"

[–] Ruxias 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

US sells/provides/uses so many armaments around the world that it's laughable to think Russia doesn't already have their hands on at least a vast chunk of our "tech". Surely trying to reverse-engineer what they can, as I'm sure any country does to foreign equipment.

Usually it's the manufacture process of tech that is the "secret sauce".

[–] Ruxias 55 points 5 months ago

Funny. I'm sure anyone who's used an ad blocker ever can attest to how much quicker pages load when using one. It's jarring and tortuous anytime I happen to use a browser without an ad blocker.

But it's "slowing down" performance... yeah right, performance of loading ads from untrustworthy ad providers who will load whatever on your computer as long as someone paid them money to do so. How many times have ad platforms been used as a vector for malware again?

[–] Ruxias 21 points 11 months ago (30 children)

Communism is covert fascism? Why then did fascists round up and kill communists? The two are wholeheartedly opposed to each other.

[–] Ruxias 5 points 11 months ago

No one is watching Borat and thinking "see, this is why we need to deny basic rights and decency to a whole group of people." One is for gags, the other is explicitly made as ammunition to oppress people - mind you a group that has historically already been the target of much hatred.

[–] Ruxias 22 points 11 months ago (1 children)


[–] Ruxias 1 points 11 months ago

Aww baby needs attention so he found a place to troll in... Everybody look at this guy, see how edgy he is?!

[–] Ruxias -2 points 11 months ago

Sorry I'm not an expert in MLK, but I know enough to see through the bullshit.

[–] Ruxias 14 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (1 children)

Perhaps the whitewashed, watered down MLK would beg to differ. He's been reduced to like three quotes for people to slap on their Facebook profiles; for companies to paste on their messaging in February; to be trotted out once a year like Weekend at Bernie's so people can feel the warm fuzzies inside and ignore actual, real-world racism and violence that is happening right now.

It's like anytime someone mentions anything above a megaphone and a cardboard sign there's always one of you that comes out of the woodwork and is like "MLK... Checkmate 😎". As another commenter said, MLK was not the civil rights movement of his time. The reason he is the poster child for that movement in that era is specifically because his personal convictions about non-violent protest are safe for the system as it is.

Slavery can still exist, albeit in a different form. (Not chattel slavery) Racism can still exist, albeit in different forms. People who are victims of these systems are dismissed out-of-pocket because that's the goal: the system never wanted to change, and by making MLK the summation of "the civil rights movement" in the eye of the public, they infused passivity into the discourse. They tell you to make your signs, and get your megaphones, and write your blog posts because that's what is safe for the system to continue on as it has always been.

[–] Ruxias 1 points 11 months ago (2 children)

That might be the stated intent, but it seems plain that once the leaders are in positions of power and authority, they abuse their power. This is why, as fallible as is democracy, it is superior.

Do you think that socialism/communism is not a democratic system?


On 6/30/23, UPS and the Teamsters have resumed contract negotiations.

From the press release: "We break our backs working for this company. UPS needs to recognize our sacrifices not just with empty words, calling us ‘essential workers,’ but by putting the pay, benefits, and protections we deserve into a contract,” said Cesar Castro, a part-time UPS Teamster with Local 396 in Los Angeles and a member of the Teamsters National Negotiating Committee. “Every UPS Teamster expects this by July 5 or we will be ready to strike.”

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