Ughh.... Well, at least he didn't kill them himself, I suppose.
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That is exactly what I thought. Especially when he had a 3yo.
I don't agree with the arrest. He didn't harm anyone. He clearly needs to be in a institution not Jail
he was put it a mental institution tho
I'm sure the families of the dead are very happy and unharmed by this. By the way he is in a mental health facility, not jail
Let's do it with your mom and put slutty clothes on her. Maybe cop a little feelsy. No biggie right? We good?
Oh baby you gonna have a bad day because I don't give a shit and neither does my mom. After she is gone it's just meat. Also I guess you are dislexic because I didn't say it was ok, just that he has a severe mental problem and need help in a institution
I'm sorry, "knew of the mummies but mistook them for large dolls"???
Watch the video by Russian police, he added them masks, they look like real size dolls:
Yeah thanks but no thanks. Even if they're wearing masks that feels creepy and invasive.
I’m taking it that his parents were elderly, and could not ever dream of their son doing such a thing.
But their son having 29 human sized dolls was just fine and not weird at all
Right? And even if they're dolls. Your middle aged son having 29, human sized dolls in the house IS STILL FUCKED UP AND WEIRD. and it's a sign that your son has severe issues.
I'm kinda not buying his parent's story that they thought they were dolls
The sense of smell (usually) diminishes during "old age" so his parents might not have even smelled whatever the hell that house smelled like.