
joined 2 years ago
[–] LavaPlanet 11 points 1 week ago

And everyone believed the propaganda about tiktok "needing" the hostile take over.

[–] LavaPlanet 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Bigger stuff does need to happen. Nobody in power is even really opposing the bad stuff happening.

But this movement will still have power. It doesn't have to be a fatal hit, to be effective. The power doesn't come from striking, it comes from engaging the masses and giving them direction, people are scared, they're not going to go from 0 to 100, it needs to start small. People want to do something and doing something will give them hope, which is desperately needed right now. One day may not feel like much, but the companies would feel it, and be scared, especially if a lot of people participated. They would feel the absence, and know how huge the numbers are, against them. It's a shot over the wall. It's a display of power, it's a warning shot.

It also has the power to get people on board for longer term methods, people start thinking about what they're buying and what they can go without, on an individual basis, re-examining what they're buy and from who. It might cost $5 more from the small seller, but the small seller makes it themselves and doesn't support fascism.

We have all the power really, we just need to unite in one flock of movement. You're right, we could all go in for the death shot, stop buying from one company entirely, one by one, collapsing them, but how do you organise that when algorithms are controllable and all the social media are owned by these people who are, essentially, the enemy. (except tiktok, that was popular / populated enough and not owned by the same people, hence the hostile take over, they were organising over there, and Bam, instantly organised a hostile take over. Look up tallgirl6234, on tiktok, she organised a massive 3 month long boycotting set up, starting with Kelloggs and including all the other evil overlords)

Big movements, can and do start small. People need to hear about it, and more will join, that alone has ultimate power. The most important thing is numbers. Plus those billions in profits, come from the billions of people. Getting billions of people together, and then doing some capitalism damage, starts somewhere. Join every movement. One or more might be the steamroller that takes it all down.

[–] LavaPlanet 3 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah, there's a line being held by fed employees, they aren't moving. Bit cringe of me to refer to reddit, but there's a thread over there, for fed employees and they're talking about how to fight, they're being offered (pressured into) redundancy packages that they aren't allowed to see, until they agree to take them, but they're holding out and not taking them.

[–] LavaPlanet 17 points 1 month ago (8 children)

Don't forget about the bugs! Bees and wasps, funnelled right at your face. Pure, car crash convenience.

[–] LavaPlanet 3 points 2 months ago

Meh, they've got enough money for therapy.

[–] LavaPlanet 16 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The fact he's trying to hide it, speaks volumes. He knows its wrong.

[–] LavaPlanet 28 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I think they just don't know. People are oversaturated and oversaturated and overloaded, and suffering for scraps, nobody has time, mental space or money to be choosy. Researching companies, suspiciously doesn't show results. Finding that information isn't easy, by design. It might be released, on the same day something else happens. But mostly people aren't watching the news to the depth required to soak that stuff in, and don't have the extra energy to soak anything in. Everything sent into our hands and eyes as news is controlled by a few with vested inrests. It would be lovely if there was a place that collected atrocities and kept them fresh. Who stopped buying nestle after all the horrible things they've done. I can bet you have supported a company with your dollar, that's responsible for huge atrocities, it's almost impossible to avoid. Look at the stuff happening in the Congo atm, all the top brands, committing atrocities for new phones to be built. How much have we heard about all of that? There's so much. Where do you start. Funny story, I watched resident evil with my kid, just recently, and it was terrifying for whole new reasons. A top company who owns everything, goes into weapon manufacturing and creating advanced bio weapons, accidentally releases it, then doubles down continuously, shutting thousands in to die, and firing into crouds to cover up what it did. And that doesn't seem far fetched, any more. All for the ever expansion of money, something that has a finite amount set. Literally the only way to achieve ever expansion is to commit atrocities, there's a point where you take too much and the only option is atrocities to make more. And that's capitalism, baby!!

[–] LavaPlanet 19 points 9 months ago (9 children)

Omfg. What a trash article. Great examples of the spin the politicians are trying on, of tiktok. because people can use it to unite against an unjust system and that made them scared and therefore launch a negative campaign and force a take over of the whole app. I mean, come on!! Such a bad article.

There's more misinformation on fb. Marky Z, when asked why he let's all a that just spread around, said, he thinks people can just tell stuff is lies by looking at it. He knows that isn't true.

[–] LavaPlanet 2 points 11 months ago

Like how you turn off your TV, and it will still respond to the remote the next time you press the power button and turn it on. It's literally exactly the same thing. It has a power button, it's Bluetooth controlled (so is my telly and the telly remote) but when in power off, same as you would power off a playstation or computer (but that's a hard press button, not a remote) the headphones or speakers you Bluetooth connect, connect to it. I would assume it's the Bluetooth connectivity, is receptive to everything, but it's just sus because it's Google and it essentially always therefore has its ears open, because everything that connects to it has a microphone. Even its own remote.

[–] LavaPlanet 50 points 11 months ago (10 children)

Are remakes ever for a new generation? Aren't they just for the original people who liked it, and they hope a new gen will like the new content,, but they never do?

[–] LavaPlanet 5 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Maybe you can explain to me why my chromecast connects to my speakers and headphones when it's entirely powered off? Because I don't have as positive a view of it as you do. Maybe it's not as nefarious as I'm thinking it is?

[–] LavaPlanet 14 points 11 months ago

Yeah! She didn't get very far with it. They kept running her around in circles. If we're talking about the same one.... I mean that's probably gotta happen a lot, really.


I am loving this so much, there aren't words. But I'll try. I'm such a fan, my heart is trying to burst out of my chest at the thought of this book. When I found, HE VOICES HIS AUDIOBOOK! That had to be the way to read this book, the first time. He does not disappoint, he pulls you into his world with the same talent he has, to do the same, in his works on screen. And what a life! To give you a feel for the tone, I feel his influences in the way he presents his story, I can feel spike Milligan in there, and probably more influences, I'm less familiar with, it also genuinely feels like he's a relative of Douglas Adams, with the way he describes the world and events that have formed his life. There's no grandstanding, he's humble and stoic and walks through the story with you, not at you. You're right there, rebelling against all the things in his life that tried to constrain him and break his spirit, but couldn't even slightly dull his shine. I laugh! It's funny! Even though some of the stuff he has lived through is genuinely heartbreaking, he tells it with the whimsy of someone who couldn't be broken, even though they tried so very hard, and he took all that they threw at him and used it to fuel his life, he turned all of that into a commodity for himself and found a way of enjoying his life, from the darkness. He, not only is a brilliant and genius comedian (imo) he's an inspiration in how to walk through this world, and take all the lemons and make a lime vodka. If you need something to lift you out of the darkness, right now, I would highly suggest picking up this book, in any form.

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