That's true. Having only 1 is not good enough for me. Sometimes I need to be drying 1 while the other prints
Just want to add a comment for the beginners, I used to think this was silly and that I didn't need that much quality. Well my prints started failing horribly until I bought a filament dryer. That DOES make a LOT of difference. Also I bought a 1 spool dryer. I would go for the 2 spools now.
Oh no! he has the pscyco brain damage
Both my dogs are muts lol they are so mixed I can't even guess. They are both lovely
Here for the one person explaining how this dog is going to die because ot was mixed
As a cybersecurity professional I will not be installing a eletronic lock in my house for the same reason no army will store their lunch codes in a conected computer. If you want security keep it offline and physical.
You are a sidekick but you are not lovable
1933 2: Electric Boogaloo
Who would win a fist fight Hitler or Musk?
Stop using toilet paper to wipe your ass. Only water.
Well yes and no. Startups will die because many do anyways but AI technology is not failing. As an IT professional I can tell you that companies are investing in AI power more and more and, as a regular employee, I can not explain how much time I save using chatGpt alone. BUT... as in google translate, if you know nothing about the subject and is relying only on chatgpt you may have a bad time.
I wish I had boycot money.