
joined 2 years ago
[–] MissJinx 13 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I wish I had boycot money.

[–] MissJinx 1 points 4 days ago

That's true. Having only 1 is not good enough for me. Sometimes I need to be drying 1 while the other prints

[–] MissJinx 10 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Just want to add a comment for the beginners, I used to think this was silly and that I didn't need that much quality. Well my prints started failing horribly until I bought a filament dryer. That DOES make a LOT of difference. Also I bought a 1 spool dryer. I would go for the 2 spools now.

[–] MissJinx 2 points 4 days ago
[–] MissJinx 1 points 4 days ago

Oh no! he has the pscyco brain damage

[–] MissJinx 1 points 4 days ago

Both my dogs are muts lol they are so mixed I can't even guess. They are both lovely

[–] MissJinx 1 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Here for the one person explaining how this dog is going to die because ot was mixed

[–] MissJinx 14 points 6 days ago (4 children)

As a cybersecurity professional I will not be installing a eletronic lock in my house for the same reason no army will store their lunch codes in a conected computer. If you want security keep it offline and physical.

[–] MissJinx 3 points 6 days ago

You are a sidekick but you are not lovable

[–] MissJinx 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (3 children)

1933 2: Electric Boogaloo

Who would win a fist fight Hitler or Musk?

[–] MissJinx 12 points 6 days ago (4 children)

Stop using toilet paper to wipe your ass. Only water.

[–] MissJinx 8 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Well yes and no. Startups will die because many do anyways but AI technology is not failing. As an IT professional I can tell you that companies are investing in AI power more and more and, as a regular employee, I can not explain how much time I save using chatGpt alone. BUT... as in google translate, if you know nothing about the subject and is relying only on chatgpt you may have a bad time.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by MissJinx to c/[email protected]

So since I started taking my meds many years ago my dreams became more vivid and I can remember them better and in more detail. Usually this is great but I watched Terrifier 3 last night and had one the most messed up scenes of a dream stuck in my head. Wtf brain?! Seriously, it involved a child and now I'm messed up because of my own fucking brain, not even a real thing.

Any of you had a similar experience?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by MissJinx to c/3dprinting

Edit: Thanks to everyone for the help! Just an update.

Thanks to @nate3d and @IMALlama comments below I calibrated the e-steps that were very under and it improved a lot.

I left the filament on the dryer for 8 hours and tested again with a 20mm /s speed and 220 C print temp and it was better (picture below)

Just to answer you all saying it's a clog or a hot end problem, it's not, the whole hot end, includong nozzle, heat block and everything else, even the PTFE tube are all brand new and I checked before.

This is still the best I could achieve and It took 3 hours to print this benchy lol

‐-------- Hi everyone, I'm once again asking for your help lol Since I’ve tried to print with wood I totally wrecked my printer so I changed the hot end and am trying to set it all up again. Since my printer already came built and working I don’t have much experience with things like this so if you could help me I would be very thankful

What do I need to twerk to make it print better again?

I’m using Cura slicer and trying to print a benchy with the settings below:

Nozzle: 0.4

Layer: 0.2

Printing temp: 220 (it wont print with lower temp)

Speed: 60

Retraction distance: 7

Retraction speed: 70

Edit: PLA

Wood Temp Tower (lemmy.world)
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by MissJinx to c/3dprinting

This is the temp tower of my wood print experiment Cand even se much difference. It goes from 260 to 190. Below 225 gets really flimsy and above 240 melts. But even 230, the "best" one is really bad, and I'm not talking about retraction. Even the layers that melt are inconsistent.

Also it's not humidity since the filament was in a filament dryer for.16hours.

edit: The nozzle is 0.8

can someone think of anything else?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by MissJinx to c/til

Didn't even knew there was a shrek book, much less that he had laser-eyes. wtf the book looks better than the movie

"Original Shrek smells so bad that trees lean away from him as he goes by, and he’s so ugly that he can cook food just by glaring at it, with an eye-laser effect that looks exactly like a colored-pencil version of Superman’s heat vision. Shrek also breathes fire and blows smoke out of his ears for fun."

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by MissJinx to c/cat

She has 3 different huge cat trees, a cat donut, 2 comfy beds and can sleep anywhere she wants, from couches to our own beds....and I found her sleeping in the dirtiest place in the whole property on top of a cardboard box.

submitted 11 months ago by MissJinx to c/dadjokes

The legs broke as always but now I just glue the pieces in and it's fine!

30 UV led circuit (self.askelectronics)

Hello! I bought 30 simple UV leds (those with a big and a small leg, not a single strip). I'm trying to build a UV station to dry my resin but idk how to proceed. I tryed watching some videos but there is a lot of math to build that and I can't do it. I have 30 led lights, 5 resistors of 100 and 5 of 300. I wanted to use AA batteries. Do I need 8 of them?? Its not going to be turned on for long, just some 30 seconds at a time.

Can someone help me?

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