this post was submitted on 24 Jan 2024
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Dr. Jackson is the second-deadliest scientist in all of science fiction.
Technically not a scientist. Archeologist/Linguist.
Sam would be the deadly scientist. Daniel is more like Indiana Jones.
Indiana jones... nice comparison
He doesn't have quite the right that Indiana has, but he's a good shot with his Baretta for sure
McKay is no 1 right? Blowing up a solar system, the whole Tod thing.
It was only three fifths actually, it's not an exact science
Blowing up a solar system was destructive, yes, but only the one research assistant died in that one iirc. So I'm not sure if that event gives McKay the deadliest scientist crown.
He did re-enable the attack directive of the replicators which led to countless human and wraith deaths.
There's also that time when McKay started ripping a hole in an alternate universe's spacetime that would have destroyed an entire universe.
Beckett's contributions to the Hofman drug might make him deadlier than Carter.
Who do you think the deadliest is?
Gordon Freeman
Khan Noonian Singh
You know he's bad ass because he enjoys rich Corinthian leather.
Thomas Midgley, arguably the deadliest organism to ever have lived.
He, alas, isn’t fictional
But who is the deadliest? - I’m going old school with Richard Seaton
That's WAY old school lol
His 45s packed some punch 😁