this post was submitted on 22 Jul 2023
114 points (97.5% liked)

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[–] [email protected] 10 points 11 months ago

I bought a smokeless firepit, which works by surrounding the fire with a compartment of air which gets superheated and shot back out into the smoke, igniting it and getting rid of almost all the smoke a fire normally puts out.

The day I set it up, I had it sitting on the grass and started wondering if the outer wall was hot enough to set my yard on fire. There happened to be a lot of dead leaves around, so I decided to touch one against the outer wall of the firepit and see if it caught on fire.

When I actually went to go do this, my brain skipped over the "pick up a leaf first" step, and I just touched the firepit with all five fingertips of my dominant hand.

I somehow ended up with mostly second-degree burns and only a couple smaller third-degree burns, but 0/10, do not recommend. Fire is hot, and touching it results in a lot of pain.