this post was submitted on 13 Sep 2024
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They banned you for a reason. I have yet to meet a cheater that admits it. They all deny it the last study done 57% of gamers are using some type of cheat.
Why would I open this post if I was actually cheating ? The whole point is that I got banned but never cheated. This is a false positive related to playing with proton.
These types of losers argue that anyone who was banned for any reason is a cheater, merely because they have a ban, and yes it's a logical fallacy to argue that, it's called circular logic. It's a common tactic among trolls, and bad-faith actors.
Cheaters make appeal request all the time. I admin for some game servers and never seen a vpn cause a false positive. As a matter of fact most cheaters use vpns to try and play on servers that dont allow vac bans by purchased/stolen/newsteam accounts. Only you and god know the truth but Im going off experience.
Look at where you are at "linux_gaming" proton is not a vpn, but a wine wrapper. I get warnings all the time from Apex's anticheat "failing" havent been banned, but wouldnt suprise me it would cause a false positive.
Proton is a VPN, but yes, that's not what was referenced here
@Neon @piccolo lol easy to confuse such things cus both can get u banned if the company owning the game is ran by lames xD
Proton VPN is way more popular than Proton wine wrapper just saying!
That might be relevant if OP was talking about using Proton VPN, but they're talking about Proton, the compatibility layer shipped with Steam for Linux.
There are a ton of documented cases where bans falsely identify Linux users as cheaters, and later many (most?) of those bans get overturned. It seems to come in waves (likely an anti-cheat update), and it's annoying every time.
My solution is to just not play games with anti-cheat, because there's no way I'm going back to Windows, and there's also no way I'm going to play the ban/appeal game. My time is worth more than that.
That guy's a classic case of a troll who doesn't want to accept that they are wrong about their initial assumption and just keeps moving the goal posts hoping they win the argument eventually. They also really want to believe that OP is a bad person and will use anything they can to try and justify it, including logical fallacies and misrepresentation.
Look buddy, I know that using circular logic to try and presume and decide that someone is a cheater may fly on Steamcommunity, 4chan, and kiwifarms but it doesn't fly here on Lemmy, so while such an argument might get people to nod their heads on those places, it's not going to work out here.
The people here are technically savvy, and also privy to many of the deceptive and manipulative tactics used by people like you to foster ill will against other players who in reality didn't do anything wrong.
You sound like most of the trolls I see on places like 4chan and kiwi who assume or make up awful shit about people to justify their behavior towards them. What's more important is that you don't have any proof OP is a bad-faith actor. You're fostering ill-will of someone based on an assumption. Oh wait you're going to say that you blieve that the "proof" is that other people do it so therefore OP did it? Yeah that's called circular logic, you are making an assumption about the OP and then coming to the conclusion based on that assumption. We've seen trolls do this all the time, it's a common tactic and it does indeed sometimes work on those who don't recognize the fallacy, or those who are afraid of standing up, two things that are absolutely not the case here in this community, people do recognize the fallacy, and people here aren't afraid to stand up against people who are fostering ill-will towards others without merit.
You dont even know this guy… yet you are so sure he is not cheating… lmfao
Proof = he was banned its the OP picture! You have 0 proof he did not cheat and you dont know him but here you are so sure he “dindu nuffin” wrong and Im a bad guy.
Proof he was banned isn't proof he is a cheater, that's the circular logic but I'm sure you know that already. I am definitely sure of one thing though, you are a troll, a bad-faith actor, or both, trying to foster ill-will towards an individual you do not know based on faulty logic, when in reality you couldn't prove the claims you make against him, even if your life depended on it.
You also are mischaracterizing and making bad-faith assumptions because people aren't willing to take your lies and logical fallacies as "the truth". The fact of the matter is, you cannot prove that OP cheated, all you can do is assume he did and use the fact he was banned as justification for it being true, drawing conclusion from the assumption without any evidence. That isn't a real argument, that is you trying to phrase your own assumption based on nothing at all as if it were an indisputable fact. Which it clearly is not.
Where is your proof he is not cheating??? You call this circular conversation because you cant prove that he is not cheating anymore than I can. The only thing we know for sure is that his account is banned.
I been playing video games all my life and I have never been banned. Believe what ever you want to believe just don't try and feed me shit about a topic Im very fluent in.
Yet you sit here trying to argue that OP IS a cheater and you cannot prove it, you sit here trying to foster ill will towards OP. No one needs to prove OP isn't a cheater, OP doesn't need to try and prove this to you either, much less to you. You however need to cough up the proof that he is though, otherwise it is an unmerited accusation on your own assumptions, in other-words a baseless claim. No one owes anyone proof that their baseless accusations aren't true, especially to random dudes online such as yourself.
Thanks captain obvious, no one is contesting or trying to argue otherwise. If you feel they are you either misread/misunderstood something or are deliberately misrepresenting as part of a bad faith argument to attack arguments we never made, typically called a strawman argument.
Translation: You've been unchallenged for many years in your claims that random players who were banned must in fact be cheaters and you're upset that someone is finally challenging and calling out your faulty arguments with facts and logic, and pointing out exactly why they are faulty arguments, typically made in bad faith by trolls. Something that is not only uncomfortable for you but also weakens future arguments you may make since people know the trick and aren't going to be as likely to submit without challenging you.
I can prove it…open your eyes and see picture OP posted ill even read it for you. “Permanently banned” the definition of permanently is for ever. You are not challenging shit!
Ok, so in Good faith I have proof that he was banned and again permanently banned. Do you know what happens the first time you cheat and get caught?? You dont get a permanent ban the 1st offense.
But keep defending a total stranger!
You are a troll for sure, this is classic strawmanning. It's already been thoroughly explained that no one is challenging the nature of OP being banned yet you keep making us out to be because it's the only thing you can actually refute or prove with any certainty. It's strawmanning because nor did I or anyone else here argue it.
I think it's clear you don't play EA games or play on Linux or you'd know that this isn't correct. It's an assumption, and like many assumptions it can be correct, but it can also be wrong, and reality isn't kind to this one, boy oh boy:
EA is (falsely) mass-banning Steam Deck and Linux users without evidence - my personal experience, documentation, and request
Apex banning linux again?
Re: Linux players getting banned
ANOTHER BAN WAVE for Apex Legends Linux users - is EA falling apart?
Apex Legends Players On Steam Deck Are Getting Banned For No Reason
Many people have been permanently banned by EA as a first offense, a lot of this could easily be found with a simple web search.
Hmm so what you're saying is that I should instead listen to you, a person who is also a total stranger, one who has a history of trolling and bad faith arguments? As opposed to the OP who has a comprehensive and rational explanation of the situation which you have provided no convincing counter arguments to, only circular arguments and strawman.
Why would a game ban its player base on a different OS. All the money is green! Its a bad excuse for getting banned. But if it makes you feel better.
Indeed it makes no sense, but EA is famous for doing things that make no sense, harm their reputation and playerbase. For someone who claims to be knowledgeable you should indeed already know this about EA. Yet you somehow consider them trustworthy, and wonder why people think you are a troll.
Wait! 1st we were blaming proton then linux now EA! man you are all over the place. I guess it's more likely that one of these things fucked up and got him banned right? instead of this dude actually cheating and posting it @linuxgaming. If I learned anything about cheaters is that they are not very smart or any good at a video games.
People weren't blaming proton or linux for him being banned, it's well known that it's because of EA and the anti-cheat they use being unreliable and them being unwilling to address the issues with false bans to linux users. Your bad faith misrepresentation just further erodes your credibility here, like no one here can read this and not think of you as a troll. This isn't Steamcommunity where bad faith accusations trying to foster ill-will towards someone are seen as good or acceptable, people here see them for what they are.
Oh yeah, and no you aren't being oppressed or mistreated by being called out for your baseless claims or the fact that you are using tactics employed by trolls and bad faith actors. That's not a valid basis for being abused or harassed, that is you being held accountable for actions and behavior which is seen as undesirable. The difference between what you are doing and what I and others here are doing is that the bad things you claim OP did are in fact, not provable. Whereas the bad faith arguments you've engaged in are indeed provable as you've done them before our eyes.
Let's list some of them out so there's zero ambiguity. Circular logic:
Circular logic and ad-hominem: You sound exactly like the people I ban…lol dindu nuffin!
Strawman and ad-hominem:
yet again Strawman:
For someone who claims he has so much knowledge and experience, you sure need to twist misrepresent people's arguments a lot to try to win them. Shows you don't have any ground to stand on. In reality OP being a cheater is your opinion which isn't backed up by facts or logic. The only thing that is backed up by any sort of facts is OP's account being banned, which doesn't prove that he is a cheater either, that would also be circular logic to try and justify your, very unagreeable opinion, as a fact when it is only your opinion.
You sound like parrot!
Op cheated I called him out somehow you got butthurt and had to open your mouth and I clapped it shut. So hard that I have you taking like a parrot going in circles. You have not added anything new to your spew. Writing a lot is not helping, multi blaming everything else came back to bite you in the butt. Next time you try and defend a cheater remember conversation. I will be living rent free for a while!
You blamed linux and EA wtf are you taking about the community did???
You seem to have a very strong delusion that you are in control or somehow winning claiming that you have "shut me up" when the only thing you have done is continue to make unsubstantiated claims about the OP based on your own opinion alone, and all but admitting that they are completely unsubstantiated while you try and strawman my arguments, claiming that I am blaming linux or proton, or trying to claim that I am debating whether the OP is actually banned, yet another strawman.
As much as you dislike it, I will continue to point out the fallacies in your arguments as you continue to make them, even if you insult me. I'm not afraid of you, I see through your lies and your deceptive tactics, as do many other people here, I've debated hundreds of trolls like you in the past and you are no different than any of them. The content of our discussion may be different but the tactics are the same.
Whether you accept it or not EA is a terrible company who is well known for being hostile towards their customers, and has already had many similar incidents happen before already. This is an opinion very commonly shared both by people in this community and Lemmy as a whole (which generally leans towards anti-corporatism). An opinion which is still an opinion but is backed up by the history of this company and their practices, which have been hostile towards their users but also their staff and developers too.
No one is reading this shit lol
I guess it seems I'm the one living rent free in your head lmao
Yeah cause it was me that just wrote a book…..
It was you who decided to continue replying after a whole day and you had nothing left to say, because you can't address any of the points I've made with real logic, or try to devalue it by trying to claim people aren't reading it, because you don't have a better argument. Your whole first page is full of replies to this thread, you've thought about nothing else besides this for the past few days, yet you don't think you live rent free in my head 🤣
Wow you're still here? I actually forgot about you, but I guess you're still thinking of me, projection much?
I'm glad we had this conversation because it's rare that people like yourself have your faulty logic and shitty opinions challenged. But if you want to stop hearing from me, there's an easy way to do so, though I don't think you will because just how you said it, I'm living rent free in your head, and you just can't stop thinking of me.
If you don't have anything nice to say best not to say it at all...
How exactly does one prove a negative? Juggling fallacies isn't a good look, my friend.
You defend cheaters blind you aint my friend. The only fallacy here is the OP was banned for no reason. Didu nuffin!
Lmao you can't be real. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.
This person is for sure a troll, or a corporate shill. Either way not someone who has any credibility at all.
News flash you alone doesn't mean everyone. I mean the ego you gotta have to think that way….
The fact that you're getting railed here with your top comment sitting comfortably at a score of -26 says that people here aren't agreeing with you. That they aren't believing or listening to your takes as much as you'd wish they were. News flash, Lemmy doesn't handle people simping or siding with known malicious corporations very well. It may fly on Reddit and especially Steam community but it doesn't here.
So, you think 26 cheaters downvoting me is everyone? I still think its that EGO...
A. Proton B. Linux C. EA D. All of the above
Simple multiple choice.. you can also choose more than one if you like. Now stop bullshitting and stand behind what you spew!
I still think you are a bad faith troll who uses logical fallacies (circular logic, strawman, ad-hominem) to justify your arguments and baselessly accuses anyone who disagrees with you of being a cheater. That opinions like these do not do well on Lemmy due to the environment here. But you can believe whatever you want to believe. What do you think is more likely, that every single person who ever disagrees with you is a cheater, or that you made bad arguments and have bad takes which people disagree with you on?
It was a simple a b c and you failed. You blamed all these things and now you back tracking????
You already got your answer in the other comment, I don't need to go along with your stupid games. You seem to have some delusion that you are in charge here or that people have to play by your rules. I'm not going to stop calling you out on your bullshit just because you try to make answering you a silly game and expect us to play by your rules.
Love the back tracking… next time think before you talk.
Ohh its real like the OP ban!
Yeah ofc cheaters don't admit it. That doesn't mean anyone accused of cheating is a cheater.
That "study" you are quoting is a survey from irdeto, owner of denuvo. And while skimming it I can't even find the claim that 57% are using cheats.
A study from irdeto? That seems like something totally reputable and not at all biased or with fudged information at all /s Yeah obviously not, this company is well known for lots of sleazy practices, as are a majority of DRM companies, it's how they sell their products. The upshot is it means it's very hard if not impossible to trust them when they create ""studies"".
Ever heard of EFT? Cause thats cheater central with probably close to 70% of gamers using cheats.
He didn't get accused he was banned ffs! There is a big difference. Most games catch about 30% of the cheaters but those are the one caught, there are a ton of cheaters in EFT who use ESP but call out to their team mates who are not using ESP to make the kill. Instead of just getting gud!