Food Fighters
Goo Fighters
Does it autodelete or does it flag for review?
How could something positive like inclusion equality and diversity be used for evil? /s
How do you know? What car would somebody buy if they cared about those things? There are no choices. There is not enough competition to have enough choices.
Ok mr reviewer
Why don't you tell us less about WV's strategy a more about how the car is.
Does it spy on you? What kind of EULA will I need to agree to? Does it have car play/android auto? Does it have a 4G antenna to connect to VW servers even if I don't enable the feature? Does it have an app? In what ways is VW going to try to get subscription money from me? How much does servicing cost? How much will a set of brake pads cost? Does VW support 3rd party repair shops? Does VW try to lockdown parts and forbid 3rd party repairs? Can it be remotely disabled? By me, by VW, by law enforcement? What happens when the battery needs replacing? What is the visibility like? If it horrible does it have obstable detection?
It's not companies role to solve our problems. It's government 's. We need an open standard that gives **Us ** the power to add, remove or transfer we want and can with physical ones
Oh the white house can use the word transgender if they use it to bash democrats. But not to describe a transgender person.
Brother losing all competitive advantage they had via reputation. Doing a very big 180 and reversing the changes and commiting to no do t his BS is the only way to undo this
First halve that because you are only talking about exiting. Foreigns can enter and exit. Ukrainians can enter. People who cannot be conscripted can exit (women, too old, too disabled, guardians, single fathers, athletes, students etc). Ukraine is at war. I would say that 100% of people who should be able to pass can pass. The claim that Ukraine "DOES NOT have open borders" is false or grossly misleading.
Foo freighters
no that's two latters