this post was submitted on 12 Jun 2024
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TenForward: Where Every Vulcan Knows Your Name

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/c/TenFoward: Your home-away-from-home for all things Star Trek!

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alt-textSocial Media Post:
Star Trek fans have held the national stereotype of being way too rabid about things for decades but they’re probably the nicest fan base in all of science fiction and the one least likely to have a large faction of them absolutely lose it over a torpedo being fired by a woman or dumb shit like that

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[–] CarbonatedPastaSauce 36 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

That's actually a common misconception. Not to downplay the significance of what Shatner and Nichols pulled off to get around the various censors (ruining alternate takes and such), but many TV shows did it before Star Trek.

[–] [email protected] 32 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Shatner is on that list multiple times. That man had an agenda.

[–] Kushan 11 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

He likes his coffee how he likes his women.

[–] shortypants 10 points 2 weeks ago
[–] pleasejustdie 5 points 2 weeks ago

easily within reach?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Ground up in a bag in the freezer?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago
[–] VindictiveJudge 16 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I think it was the first one that was both broadcast nationally in a primetime slot and where the actors were easily identifiable as having different ethnicities on a tiny TV screen. Would explain the misconception.

[–] CarbonatedPastaSauce 15 points 2 weeks ago

I think it certainly was the most noticeable of anything shown on American TV at that point. But the British had us beat by years.

[–] pleasejustdie 6 points 2 weeks ago

I stand corrected! Thanks for the info, I've believed that since 7th grade when I first learned of it from one of my teachers who was a massive Trekkie.

[–] lolrightythen 6 points 2 weeks ago

Late 30s here- it blows my mind that we don't have to look very far into that past for the Shatner/Nichols smooch to be remarkable.

It's uplifting to me. This present world can be ugly, but it's comforting to think that the kiss is almost mundane when compared to the present.

A win is a win!