this post was submitted on 07 Jun 2024
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[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

The 3 was refreshed earlier in the year and the Y has it's refresh incoming. They also update the cars all the time just not always stylistically. There's not an "all new for 20xx" launch or the like that you get from others. The X and S now compared to say the 2016 are markedly different.

Also Nissan had the leef about 10 years ago so they're not a new entrant and only have currently two products and I wouldn't say they're indistinguishable. Also I wouldn't say that about the Seal, it's clearly an EV and BYD is unashamed about that.

The existing OEMs need to get their act together. If you thought Tesla was hurting them, wait until BYD, NIO and Geely turn up in numbers.

[–] Wogi 2 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I can't count on my fingers the number of automobile manufacturers that have sprung out of thin air in the last few years offering some variation of EV. Two of those you mentioned I had an easier time finding information about their stock than I did finding a picture of their car on the road. Not a good sign for a company that purportedly sells cars. It's a great sign for a company that just sells stock though.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Search for them in Chinese or China content if you can, those cars and brands are on the roads here in China in high numbers.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

To add to the other commenter that's already replied. Those three names, whether you know them or not, are very big in China and th Asian Pacific. They're making entrance into the middle east and eastern Europe along with lucrative markets like Norway. Make no mistake, they are expanding out from china rapidly. BYD is the best example I have to hand, 12 show rooms in the UK in 2023 with an aim for approx 70 by the end off 2024.

Look at the Wikipedia pages on those three brands for more info, they're not small companies alone new ones, just relatively new to EVs. But given the date of Ford and Stellantis and the other OEMs, I don't think existing for a while os a good yardstick to go by. Hell, look at the absolute shit show of Toyota in this arena l.