
55 readers
1 users here now

Discussion about the instance itself

founded 1 year ago
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


2024.06.26 - upgraded lemmy to 0.19.5
2024.06.09 - upgraded lemmy to 0.19.4, postgres to 16, pict-rs to 0.5.15
2024.01.23 - upgraded lemmy to 0.19.3
2024.01.11 - upgraded lemmy to 0.19.2
2023.12.21 - upgraded lemmy to 0.19.1
2023.12.17 - upgraded lemmy to 0.19.0
2023.10.12 - upgrade VPS to 160GB, other specs unchanged
2023.08.9 - upgraded lemmy and lemmy-ui to 0.18.4
2023.07.29 - upgraded lemmy and lemmy-ui to 0.18.3
2023.07.11 - upgraded lemmy and lemmy-ui to 0.18.2
2023.07.10 - upgraded lemmy-ui to 0.18.2-rc.1 to mitigate XSS vulnerability
2023.07.10 - VPS upgraded to 8GB RAM (required to upgrade storage, needed anyway.. only $2pm)
2023.07.08 - upgraded lemmy and lemmy-ui 0.18.1 🎉
2023.07.06 - upgraded lemmy to 0.18.1-rc.10 and lemmy-ui 0.18.1-rc.11
2023.07.04 - upgraded lemmy-ui to 0.18.1-rc.10
2023.07.04 - upgraded lemmy and lemmy-ui to 0.18.1-rc.9
2023.07.03 - upgraded Lemmy to 0.18.1-rc.4 and lemmy-ui 0.18-rc.7
2023.06.28 - VPS upgraded from 2 to 4 vCPU, other specs the same.
2023.06.24 - upgraded Lemmy to 0.18.0
2023.06.23 - upgraded Lemmy to 0.18.0-rc.6
2023.06.13 - upgraded Lemmy to 0.17.4. Increased federation workers and reduced logging storage at the same time.
2023.06.10 - VPS storage upgraded from 40GB to 80GB, other specs the same.
2023.06.09 - VPS upgraded to 4GB RAM, 2 vCPU, other specs the same.
2023.06.08 - created, running Lemmy 0.17.3. OVH VPS was 2GB RAM, 1 vCPU, 40GB NVME

Nerd Stuff

The server is currently an OVH VPS in Sydney:
8GB RAM, 4 vCPU, 160GB NVME storage

Images are stored in an object store bucket on Wasabi, also in Sydney.

I post updates ~~every week or so~~ randomly with current server resource graphs:
Nerd update 20/4/24
Nerd update 2/9/23
Nerd update 13/8/23
Nerd update 5/8/23
Nerd update 29/7/23
Nerd update 22/7/23
Nerd update 15/7/23
Nerd update 7/7/23
Nerd update 30/6/23

If you have any questions, please post.


There's no communities I think need better moderation, or any that have no active mods (that I know of), but if there is one day, can somebody make a request to have ownership or moderation powers transferred over to them?


Hey all, following the work over the weekend we're now running Lemmy 0.19.4. please post any comments, questions, feedback or issues in this thread.

One of the major features added has been the ability to proxy third party images, which I've enabled. I'll be keeping a closer eye on our server utilisation to see how this goes...

Maintenance (
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This weekend I'll be working to upgrade AZ to lemmy 0.19.4, which requires changes to some other back end supporting systems.

Expect occasional errors/slowdowns, broken images etc.

Once complete, I'll be making further changes to enable/tweak some of the new features.

UPDATE: one of the back end component upgrades requires dumping and reimporting the entire lemmy database. This will require ~1 hour of total downtime for the site. I expect this to kick off tonight ~9pm Perth time.

UPDATE2: DB dump/re-import going to happen ~6pm Perth time, ie about 10 minutes from this edit.

UPDATGE3: we're back after the postgres upgrade. Next will be a brief outage for the lemmy upgrade itself... after I've had dinner 🙂

UPDATE34: We're on lemmy 0.19.4 now. I'll be looking at new features/settings and playing around with them.


I know there's been a few posts about this before, but it's been a month since the last one and it's still ongoing. It doesn't seem that any of the LW admins responded to Zag's post on their help community, and the last response from lodion/Nath I'm aware of was from 4 months ago when there were outright federation failures as opposed to just lengthy delays.

@[email protected] posted a comment on the post from last month about the delays stating that it's an issue on our end as our server isn't keeping up. I'm not sure whether this is the case or not, and I'm not sure how to interpret the Grafana dashboard they linked to, but as it's a new reply on an old post, I wanted to note it.

Current federation delays seem to be around 7 days. It doesn't seem to be affecting posts themselves on communities, but does affect all replies to them (even from users on other instances), and all upvotes on the posts. [Edit: on further investigation, this isn't the case. The current delays are at least 13 days, and this does actually affect posts too]

I don't want to sound too pushy, since the LW admins and Lodion/Nath are all volunteers, but I was hoping we might be able to get an update on what the cause is, and if it's an issue in Lemmy itself, if anybody's opened an issue on GitHub and the developers are aware.

(NB: I don't interact that much with LW, so all of my testing has been on the Boost for Lemmy community.)


Hey all, can anyone tell me the date we're gona land on for the first anniverssary?

I guess it'll be when the instance was spun up? Or i don't know, maybe when it was a twinkle in Lodion's eye?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Its been a little while since I posted stuff :)





Cloudflare caching:

Not much has changed in quite a while. I still have a cron-job running to restart Lemmy every day due to memory leaks, hopefully this improves with future updates. Outside of that, CPU, memory and network usage are fine.
Object storage usage is growing steadily, but we're a long way from paying more than the monthly minimum Wasabi fee.


I know when things first kicked off we would get server updates semi-regularly such as finances and server load. I can’t say I’ve seen one for a while, just wondering how things are going?


Posted a query in the LW support channel to see if anyone there has any idea.


Just thought I'd give people a heads-up. I've just noticed some upvotes and posts haven't federated from to .

Hopefully it's just delays again, and they'll work their way through the queue reasonably soon.


Comments, votes don't appear to be federating for one of the last posts I made over at [email protected].

Tech community (
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Can we get a tech com please? I don't mind modding. I know the bigger insts have very large tech coms but I figure a place for locals to post about tech without the whole fv watching could also come in handy. Probably best to call it technology but I don't mind tech either. Whatever yall want to roll with.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm still seeing cases where comments don't seem to be federating correctly. For example:

Other instance

I'm not sure what the cause is, but the last few days it seems more of my comments are failing to federate than are succeeding.


Hopefully this will be the end of our federation woes


We’ve already defederated one tanky instance, and frankly I think I’ve rarely had a positive interaction with Hexbear users. Their defence of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, or of China’s genocide against the Uighur people, is hard enough to stomach. But what prompted me to post this is their commentary in this thread where even without any of the propaganda-based reasons to justify their beliefs, they seem to delight in being rude arseholes to people.

Personally, I don’t think they provide us any real value, no we’d be better off without them, just as we are better off without lemmygrad and exploding-heads.

Minor inbox bug (
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Not sure if this is a .19 bug or has always existed, but on the inbox page, if I have no unreads, click "all" then click back to unreads it shows DMs despite all DMs being read and the DM filter not even being selected

no unreads

click all

now in unreads DMs show up

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The upgrade to lemmy 0.19 has introduced some issues that are being investigated.. but we currently have no fixes for:

  • thumbnails break after a time. Caused by memory exhaustion killing object storage processes.
  • messages to/from lemmy instance not yet running 0.19 are not federating. I believe it requires bugfixes by the devs.

~~I've re-enabled 2 hourly lemmy restarts. Hopefully this will help with both issues, though it will result in a disruption to the site around every couple of hours.

When the hourly restarts are disabled I'll unpin this post. As any other issues are identified I'll post them here too. ~~

Update: I've disabled the 2 hourly restart after upgrading to 0.19.2... lets see how this goes...

Update2: no issues seen since the upgrade, looks to have resolved both the memory leak and the federation issues. Hooray :)


Usually I post to and they are currently on 0.18.5. None of my posts/comments (2 posts, 1 comment) are federating.

Just letting you know if anyone here is posting to non-updated instances, it's possible they aren't going through. Yet completely possible they are. Who knows with this federation business.

I'm going to go to the ~~Winchester~~ Engadine Maccas, ~~grab a schooner~~ shit my pants and wait for this to all blow over.

Lemmy 0.19 Upgrade (
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

~~I'll be restarting AZ today for an update to lemmy 0.19.~~

Upgrade complete.

This is a major upgrade, so I expect there to be some issues. Strap in, enjoy the ride.


  • further restarts
  • bugs
  • slowdowns
  • logouts
  • 2FA being disabled
  • possibly issues with images, upgrading pictrs to 0.4 at the same time

Are there plans to switch to lemmy 0.19? we are still on 0.18.4, and the new version seems to have alot of useful features. Are there any problems stopping us from updating?


Meta threads will open federation to the fediverse soon, and while this is mainly to mastodon it will still affect lemmy. They are acting like they won't be evil, but let's be real this is Facebook when have they ever done that.

This article which has been trending lately explains some of the issues.

This comment here is a simple analogy if you can't be bothered reading the article.

@[email protected]


This isn't a question specifically about, per se, but I'm a bit confused about how subscriber numbers work on Lemmy. I often see a community that says it only has 40 or whatever subscribers, but then posts get hundreds of upvotes. So is the member number shown on communities just counting subscribers from our instance?

Slow lately (self.meta)
submitted 7 months ago by veroxii to c/[email protected]

I noticed recently there's some slowness in the mornings. Things taking a while to load. Comments failing due to timeout etc.

When I switch to another instance everything works again so pretty sure it's not my internet.

Is there anything we can do or help with? Are there DOS or bot shenanigans going on?

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