
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I'm not sure about it either, but I heard about it from someone who works in school IT so I'd figure they know. There's probably exemptions for social media, since they're all run by large powerful offshore companies

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I think there is a legal requirement that it should be hosted in Australia as it involves children

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I used to generate locally and then delete everything and then upload on the old host, which took way too long with my shitty internet connection so I moved to CloudFlare pages but would rather host in Australia - I guess if I want to automate things I could go with a VPS


What are my best options for hosting a static site on Australian servers?

Previously I was using a normal web hosting service but they don't work very well with static site generators and are usually overpriced for what I want.

Ideally I'd like a service like Cloudflare pages or GitHub pages, etc., i.e. there is good integration with git as my site is generated using Hugo.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I just saw an opinion piece by Chris Kenny in the Australian whinging that the "majority" of the media isn't giving Dutton a free ride on nuclear. Bro you are the majority of the media. ABC and the Guardian have much smaller audiences

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I can't remember where but they mention in the report that SMRs were the most suitable form of reactor for Australia according to some industry consultation and it being difficult to realise the full costings of the large scale "traditional" nuclear reactors due to government subsidies, lack of transparency and different labour costs in Australia VS somewhere else 50 years ago.

Do you think the Coalition (or any hypothetical but still possible Australian Government) could actually deliver nuclear by 2040? Given the lack of expertise and experience, as well as pushback from States and lack of private investment I think it's really unlikely

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

For anyone interested the full report may be found here: https://www.uts.edu.au/sites/default/files/2024-06/20240612%20UTSACRI%20BIDA%20Poll%202024%20-%20Australian%20views%20on%20the%20Australia-China%20relationship_Introduction%20and%20executive%20summary_0.pdf

However, the report fails to say what the actual questions are...

Some interesting excerpts:

Acquisition of nuclear-powered submarines under AUKUS: Nearly half of Australians (48 percent) agreed that ‘The Australian government’s plan to acquire nuclear submarines under the Australia–UK–US (AUKUS) trilateral security partnership will help keep Australia secure from a military threat from China’, a four-point increase from when the view was first measured in 2023 (44 percent).

Victoria residents (71 percent) were significantly more likely to agree, while Australian Capital Territory residents (29 percent) were significantly less likely to agree.

so the subs aren't terribly popular.

The possibility of military conflict with China within three years: Half of Australians (50 percent) said that ‘Military conflict with China within three years is a serious possibility’, a continuation of views expressed in 2023 (51 percent). Twenty-three percent disagreed and 27 percent expressed neutrality.

And the media/LNP narrative about war with China is kind of working.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

What they should do is instead associate with fossil fuel companies or climate denialism and see how quickly the media changes their opinions

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

better bang for your buck

No, you'll definitely get bang with nuclear 💥💥💥

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

Sounds like the computer store is full of shit. I hate it when people abuse their knowledge to exploit people who they perceive to have less. It sounds like you're on the right track, something to look out for, being a pre-built is size as you mentioned as well as the PSU.

There's probably better ways but yeah tape measure. The main thing to look out for is that the PSU has the right power connectors, sometimes prebuilts don't come with the right connectors

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

They're on a mission for their coal mining buddies here. They're disparaging the CSIRO, pretty much all of Science and Engineering, Energy companies and now Andrew Forrest.

Maybe they need to consider that they are infact wrong

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago (3 children)

Just checked, mods can only remove lower ranked mods. The option will not show up for me, unless I was added before them

cc: @[email protected]


With so many scams out there, especially now as we face the end of the financial year and the pinned "How to spot a tax scam" post being nearly a year old, I'm going to pin this thread as a place to share advice regarding scams or any new scams you might have noticed.

This isn't to say not to post scam related stuff in the main community but to create a place to keep track of scam related stuff which might get washed away over time.


Communities don't get cake days on Lemmy, but looking back at the posts in the Aussie Zone meta community, today 12/06 marks one year since @[email protected] requested the community be created. Since then the top posts this community has had were:

  1. At 679 - 9 votes and 200 comments: YouTube Premium family plan price update ($17.99/month -> $32.99/month!) (by @[email protected]
  2. At 571 - 7 votes and 68 comments: The lack of ads! (by @[email protected])
  3. At 551 - 38 votes and 174 comments: Can we stop buying these stupid things? Thanks (by @[email protected])

I had a look sorting by controversial and I'm quite surprised that the referendum megathread, which bot recruit @[email protected] kept reminding everyone about.

Within this first year we also participated in the first ever lemmyvision contest, with our nomination ranking 4th.

We've also appointed some extra moderators since the start of the year-@[email protected], @[email protected] and @[email protected]-who have been doing a great job at keeping conversations on track.

What were your favourite interactions and posts on this community over the year? And what would you like to see the community move towards in the years ahead?

Thanks everyone for the wonderful year!


Suck on that brisbot, I've got emojis, a triple em dash and an em dash.


If you want a 100% efficient computer like me, all you have to do - and it's very simple!

Count all of the noise and heat as useful work.


What is with dickheads getting light bars on their cars now. I live in a rural area and not right on the road, trying to sleep and then at 12:38am some dickhead's got his light bar on and my whole room is illuminated, and the part of the road he was on... at least a kilometre or two away! WTF are they trying to see that their high beams won't show them? Are they trying to stun wildlife so they can hit them?

It's really difficult trying to drive at night now too, if the white head lights on new cars aren't burning your eyes out, you get one of these idiots come along. It's not just SUVs and 4WDs either, I've seen them on hatchbacks and sedans as well.

Sorry for the rant - unless you use a light bar in semi-rural areas that is


I'm not a supporter of Pauline and there's a lot of problems with this video, it is funny to think that people believe this shit.

Also I'm gonna bet that the music (from the Man from Snowy River) was used without license as with most of this authoritarian pro-fossil fuels propaganda shit...

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