
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 20 minutes ago

Yeah, I don't see why they shouldn't be treated exactly like cigarettes.

From October that'll pretty much be the case, except only purchasable at a pharmacy. I can't see why they shouldn't be sold at servos, etc., but I don't think it's a massive problem in terms of personal freedoms. It'll give pharmacies a cash boost, and maybe even cause expansion of their opening hours in some cases, which could be helpful.

In any case, I think that the deal the Greens got is probably the best one Labor were ever going to give.

  • In short: Tasmanian art gallery Mona has hung artworks by Pablo Picasso in a female toilet cubicle in response to a failed court bid to exclude men from a women-only art installation.
  • In April, a court ruling found Mona discriminated when it refused a New South Wales man entry to its Ladies Lounge.
  • What's next? Mona curator Kirsha Kaechele is appealing the discrimination ruling in the Supreme Court.
  • In short: Australia will restrict the sale of vapes to pharmacies from next week, as the Greens agree to pass a proposed ban.
  • The government has agreed however to water down restrictions that would have required adults to obtain a prescription.
  • What's next? The laws will be debated and put to a vote in parliament later this week.


A STRANGE boom and rattle has been reported across Lake Macquarie from as far as Edgeworth to Gwandalan.

Four 'felt' reports have been lodged with Geoscience Australia, despite no earthquakes currently showing for the area.

A NSW Fire and Rescue spokesman told the Newcastle Herald firefighters had not received any reports of a possible earthquake and that none of their alarms had been triggered.

Locals have taken to social media, reporting windows rattling at Charlestown, Toronto and Cameron Park as well as other suburbs.

More to come.


A SENIOR seismologist with Geoscience Australia has been unable to identify a seismic event in the Lake Macquarie area after residents reported a strange rattle and boom.

The seismologist has confirmed the event was not an earthquake, despite several 'felt' reports being lodged with the organisation on Thursday.

Almost 20 felt reports have been submitted from Thornton down to Gwandalan after residents experienced a 'boom' or rumbling sound followed by rattling windows and walls around midday.

The Newcastle Herald contacted Subsidence Advisory NSW which confirmed there have been no mine subsidence events in the area.


[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Here's a good article of 'panda diplomacy' for anyone interested:

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This is definitely a step in the right direction.

It seems likely, though, that they'll end up with something like the 'Super PACs' (Political Action Committees) they use as a workaround in the US.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Nice to be noticed! Thanks for moderating ♥️

🐍🐍🐍 (
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Shortly after, Mr Dreyfus spoke on the ABC's Afternoon Briefing where he directed his anger about the issue towards the Greens leader.

"I think that the Greens political party and particularly the leader of the Greens political party have got something to answer for here in the way that they have been encouraging criminal damage of MPs electorate offices, encouraging really riotous behaviour, sometimes violent behaviour, that has been occurring outside electorate offices," Mr Dreyfus said on the program.

Yeah, that does seem pretty defamatory. Maybe the meaning of 'encourage' could be weaseled about by the defence if it does go to court, but "they have been encouraging criminal damage" doesn't seem very ambiguous. If he'd said 'they have been encouraging protests resulting in criminal damage' he might have more of a leg to stand on.


COVID-19, flu cases escalate in NSW

COVID-19 cases have rapidly increased in NSW.

NSW Health's respiratory surveillance report has recorded a 22 per cent increase in COVID-19 cases and a 30 per cent increase in influenza.

There are currently 5220 COVID-19 cases in NSW for the week ending June 1, up from 4262 for the week ending May 25. In contrast, there were 2813 reported cases for the week ending May 11. The worst affected areas in NSW are western Sydney with 805 cases and south western Sydney with 691 cases.

Areas emerging as hot spots include south eastern Sydney (500 cases), Hunter New England (481 cases), Nepean Blue Mountains (298 cases), Sydney (300 cases) Central Coast (257 cases) and the Illawarra Shoalhaven (275 cases).

COVID-19 cases by local government area (week ending June 1, 2024)

The new COVID-19 strain includes the 'FLiRT' sublineages, including KP.2 and KP.3, which stem from JN.1, which dominated infections early this year.

Infectious diseases physician Professor Peter Collignon said you would expect to see a spike of COVID-19 cases in winter.

"I would expect the wave to last around six weeks," he said. "My expectation is that it won't go for the whole of winter."

Prof. Collignon said as influenza and RSV spike during the colder months so would COVID-19.

He urged people to take basic measures such as staying home if unwell, wearing a mask if you need to go out, getting some fresh air and staying up to date with recommended vaccinations.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

If you want scientists to be able to do science, they need support from admin staff doing admin.

About 65% felt the job cuts would impact CSIRO’s ability to put out good research and support Australian industries.

“Less support staff means more work for an already stretched research workforce,” one anonymised respondent wrote.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

He can't claim ignorance 😠

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

The high quality zingers we've come to expect from Shorten don't come cheap!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Tingle wasn't talking about that in her original remarks. The bit about The Australian's considerable coverage on supposed anti-semitism was just meant to illustrate the Murdoch papers' rank hypocrisy in their beat-up around her remarks.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Half the independents got in on a campaign that they would basically be Liberals except giving a shit about climate change, so we shouldn't really be surprised. Allegra Spender was out there the other day calling the uni encampments anti-semitic 🙄

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

People have already given direct answers, and the indirect answer of 'set up regular automated backups' (which everyone should set up right now if they haven't already), but for the sake of throwing another option out there, people could take a look at 'trash-cli':

(P.S. I know OP might not have actually deleted the files with 'rm', but this addresses a broadly similar issue.)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

I think it's worth emphasising here: Don't put it off!

There are millions who can tell you from experience that good intentions count for nothing when it comes to backups.

I'd recommend going and setting up Timeshift right now:

It's easy to set up, it takes literally 10 minutes, and if you decide later you want to use something else, you can just uninstall Timeshift and delete its backups. But in the meantime you'll be protected with backups.

It's literally the first thing I install on a new system and it's saved me multiple times from having to do a complete reinstall.

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